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The returned dbplyr::tbl_dbi() includes scheduled and non-scheduled flight departing in the right-opened interval [wef, til).

Defaults values will assure that General aviation, State, military and sensitive flight will excluded. They can be retrieved via the other function call arguments in case of need.


  conn = NULL,
  icao_flt_types = c("S", "N"),
  ids = NULL,
  include_sensitive = FALSE,
  include_military = FALSE,
  include_head = FALSE



Database connection or instantiate the default one.


With EFfect date (included) at Zulu time in a format recognized by lubridate::as_datetime()


unTILl date (excluded) at Zulu time in a format recognized by lubridate::as_datetime()


the types of flights as described below in ICAO_FLT_TYPE, default c('S', 'N'), NULL includes all notwithstanding other argument options. When including military via include_military you should either pass NULL or make sure 'M' is included


list of IDs (aka SAM ID) to return, default NULL for all flights


include sensitive flights, default FALSE


include military flights, default FALSE


include Head of State flights, default FALSE


A dbplyr::tbl_dbi() with the following columns (grouped here by flight details, aerodrome details, aircraft info, aircraft operator info and operational details):

Flight details

  • FLT_UID: flight unique id.

  • ID: the so called SAM ID, used internally by PRISME

  • AIRCRAFT_ID: the callsign of the relevant flight, e.g. BAW6VB.

  • LOBT: Last received Off-Block Time.

  • IOBT: Initial Off-Block Time.

  • FLT_RULES (see FPL Item 8): which sets of regulations the flight is operated under. Possible values are:

    • I for IFR

    • V for VFR

    • Y first IFR thereafter VFR

    • Z first VFR thereafter IFR

  • ICAO_FLT_TYPE (see FPL Item 8): flight type. Possible values:

    • S for scheduled air service

    • N for non-scheduled air service

    • G for general aviation

    • M for military (note: filtered out)

    • X for other than the preceding categories

  • RULE_NAME: market segment type as defined on the Market Segment Rules, it can be:

    • “Mainline”

    • “Regional”

    • “Low-Cost”

    • “Business Aviation”

    • “All-Cargo”

    • “Charter” (Non-Scheduled)

    • “Military”

    • “Other”

    • "Not classified"

  • SENSITIVE: 'Y' if sensitive

  • SPECIAL_EXEMPT: reasons for special handling by ATS. One of:

    • "AEAP" ATFM exemption approved

    • "EMER" emergency

    • "FIRE" fire fighting

    • "HEAD" flights with Head of State status

    • "MEDE" medical evacuation

    • "NEXE" not exempted

    • "SERE" search & rescue

Aerodrome details

  • ADEP: ICAO code of the Aerodrome of DEParture

  • NAME_ADEP: the (AIU) name of the ADEP airport

  • COUNTRY_CODE_ADEP: the ISO 2-alpha country code for ADEP

  • COUNTRY_NAME_ADEP: the country name for ADEP

  • ADES: ICAO code of the Aerodrome of DEStination (different from ADES_FILED in case of diversion)

  • NAME_ADES: the (AIU) name of the ADES airport

  • COUNTRY_CODE_ADES: the ISO 2-alpha country code for ADES

  • COUNTRY_NAME_ADES: the country name for ADES

  • ADES_FILED: ICAO code of the Aerodrome of DEStination filed in the Flight Plan. Note: it can be different from ADES in case of diversion

  • NAME_ADES_FILED: the (AIU) name of the ADES_FILED airport

  • COUNTRY_CODE_ADES_FILED: the ISO 2-alpha country code for ADES_FILED

  • COUNTRY_NAME_ADES_FILED: the country name for ADES_FILED

Aircraft info

  • REGISTRATION: the aircraft registration (with spaces, dashes, ... stripped), e.g. GEUUU.

  • AIRCRAFT_ADDRESS: the ICAO 24-bit address of the airframe for ADS-B/Mode S broadcasting.

  • AIRCRAFT_TYPE_ICAO_ID: the ICAO code for the aircraft type, for example A30B for an Airbus A-300B2-200.

  • WK_TBL_CAT (see FPL Item 9): wake turbulence category, can be

    • L LIGHT, i.e. maximum certificated takeoff mass of 7000 kg (15_500 lbs) or less.

    • M MEDIUM, i.e maximum certificated takeoff mass less than 136_000 kg (300_000 lbs), but more than 7_000 kg (15_500 lbs)

    • H HEAVY, i.e. maximum certificated takeoff mass of 136_000 kg (300_000 lbs) or more (except those specified as J)

    • J SUPER, presently the only the AIRBUS A-380-800

Aircraft operator details

  • AIRCRAFT_OPERATOR: the ICAO Airline Designator, i.e. OAL for Olympic

  • AO_GRP_CODE: Aircraft Operator group (code), i.e. AEE_GRP

  • AO_GRP_NAME: : Aircraft Operator group (name), i.e. AEGEAN Group

  • AO_ISO_CTRY_CODE: ISO country code for AO

Operational details

  • EOBT_1: Estimated Off-Block Time for FPL-based (M1) trajectory

  • ARVT_1: ARriVal Time for FPL-based (M1) trajectory

  • TAXI_TIME_1: Taxi time for FPL-based (M1) trajectory

  • AOBT_3: Actual Off-Block Time for flown (M3) trajectory

  • ARVT_3: ARVival Time for flown (M3) trajectory

  • TAXI_TIME_3: Taxi time for flown (M3) trajectory

  • RTE_LEN_1: route length (in Nautical Miles) for FPL-based (M1) trajectory

  • RTE_LEN_3: route length (in Nautical Miles) for for flown (M3) trajectory

  • FLT_DUR_1: route duration (in minutes) for FPL-based (M1) trajectory

  • FLT_DUR_3: route length (in minutes) for flown (M3) trajectory

  • FLT_TOW: takeoff weight


You need to either provide a connection conn that has access to SWH_FCT.DIM_FLIGHT_TYPE_RULE (for FLT_RULES), PRUDEV.V_COVID_DIM_AO (for aircraft and aircraft group info) and SWH_FCT.V_FAC_FLIGHT_MS (for market segment info) or go with the default which uses PRU_DEV to establish a db_connection().


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
flts <- flights_tidy(wef = "2023-01-01", til = "2023-01-05")
# other operations on flts, i.e. filtering,
# followed by a collect() to retrieve the concrete data frame
flts_filtered <- flts |>
   filter(TO_DATE("2023-06-01 10:00", "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI") <= IOBT,
                  IOBT < TO_DATE("2023-01-02 10:30", "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI")) |>

# NOTE: you can reuse the connection for other API calls
conn <- flts$src$con

# other ops requiring conn
# ...

# IMPORTANT: close the DB connection
} # }