Source code for pyBADA.TCL

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Trajectory Computation Light (TCL) for BADAH/BADAE/BADA3/BADA4 aircraft performance module

import os
import numpy as np
from pyBADA.geodesic import Vincenty as vincenty
from pyBADA.geodesic import RhumbLine as rhumb
from pyBADA.geodesic import Turn as turn

from dataclasses import dataclass
import importlib.util
import itertools
import warnings

from math import atan, asin, sin, tan, cos, radians, degrees

from pyBADA import atmosphere as atm
from pyBADA import conversions as conv
from pyBADA import constants as const
from pyBADA.flightTrajectory import FlightTrajectory as FT

[docs] @dataclass class target: ROCDtarget: float = None slopetarget: float = None acctarget: float = None ESFtarget: float = None
[docs] def checkArgument(argument, **kwargs): if kwargs.get(argument) is not None: return kwargs.get(argument) else: raise TypeError("Missing " + argument + " argument")
[docs] def constantSpeedLevel( AC, lengthType, length, speedType, v, Hp_init, m_init, DeltaTemp, maxRFL=float("Inf"), wS=0.0, turnMetrics={"rateOfTurn": 0.0, "bankAngle": 0.0, "directionOfTurn": None}, stepClimb=False, Lat=None, Lon=None, initialHeading={"magnetic": None, "true": None, "constantHeading": None}, flightPhase="Cruise", magneticDeclinationGrid=None, **kwargs, ): """ Calculates the time, fuel consumption, and other parameters for a level flight segment at a constant speed for a given aircraft in the BADA model. It supports step-climb, constant heading (true or magnetic), and turns. The function handles different BADA families (BADA3, BADA4, BADAH, BADAE), and computes various parameters such as altitude, speed, fuel consumption, power, heading, and mass based on aircraft performance data. :param AC: Aircraft object {BADA3/4/H/E} :param lengthType: Specifies if the length of the flight segment is based on 'distance' [NM] or 'time' [s]. :param length: The length of the flight segment. Distance [NM] or Time [s] depending on lengthType. :param speedType: Specifies the type of speed to follow {M, CAS, TAS}. :param v: The target speed in [kt] for CAS/TAS or [-] for MACH. :param Hp_init: Initial pressure altitude at the start of the flight segment [ft]. :param m_init: Initial mass of the aircraft [kg]. :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from the standard ISA temperature [K]. :param maxRFL: Maximum cruise altitude limit [ft]. Default is infinity. :param wS: Wind speed component along the longitudinal axis (positive for headwind, negative for tailwind) [kt]. Default is 0.0. :param turnMetrics: Dictionary containing turn parameters: - rateOfTurn [deg/s] - bankAngle [deg] - directionOfTurn {LEFT/RIGHT}. Default is no turn (straight flight). :param stepClimb: Boolean to enable or disable step climb during the cruise segment. Default is False. :param Lat: Geographical latitude of the starting point [deg]. :param Lon: Geographical longitude of the starting point [deg]. :param initialHeading: Dictionary defining the initial heading and its type: - magnetic: Magnetic heading [deg]. - true: True heading [deg]. - constantHeading: Whether to fly along a constant heading (loxodrome). Default is None. :param flightPhase: Defines the phase of flight, e.g., "Cruise", "Climb", "Descent". Default is "Cruise". :param magneticDeclinationGrid: Optional magnetic declination grid to correct headings. Default is None. :param kwargs: Additional optional parameters: - mass_const: Boolean. If True, keeps the aircraft mass constant during the segment. Default is False. - SOC_init: Initial battery state of charge for electric aircraft [%]. Default is 100 for BADAE. - speedBrakes: Dictionary defining whether speed brakes are deployed and their drag coefficient {deployed: False, value: 0.03}. - ROCD_min: Minimum rate of climb/descent threshold to identify service ceiling [ft/min]. Default varies by aircraft type. - config: Default aerodynamic configuration. Values: TO, IC, CR, AP, LD. - HpStep: Altitude step for step climb [ft]. Default is 2000 ft. - m_iter: Number of iterations for mass integration. Default is 1 for BADAE, 2 for others. - step_length: The step length for each iteration in [NM] or [s], depending on the lengthType. Default is 100 NM for BADA3/4 and 10 NM for BADAH/BADAE. :returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the flight trajectory with columns such as: - **Hp** - wAltitude [ft] - **TAS** - True Air Speed [kt] - **CAS** - Calibrated Air Speed [kt] - **GS** - Ground Speed [kt] - **M** - Mach number [-] - **ROCD** - Rate of Climb/Descent [ft/min] - **ESF** - Energy Share Factor [-] - **FUEL** - Fuel flow [kg/s] - **FUELCONSUMED** - Total fuel consumed [kg] - **THR** - Thrust force [N] - **DRAG** - Drag force [N] - **time** - Elapsed time [s] - **dist** - Distance flown [NM] - **slope** - Trajectory slope [deg] - **mass** - Aircraft mass [kg] - **config** - Aerodynamic configuration - **LAT** - Latitude [deg] - **LON** - Longitude [deg] - **HDGTrue** - True heading [deg] - **HDGMagnetic** - Magnetic heading [deg] - **BankAngle** - Bank angle [deg] - **ROT** - Rate of turn [deg/s] - **Comment** - Comments for each segment - **For BADAH:** - **Preq** - Required power [W] - **Peng** - Generated power [W] - **Pav** - Available power [W] - **For BADAE (electric aircraft):** - **Pmec** - Mechanical power [W] - **Pelc** - Electrical power [W] - **Pbat** - Power supplied by the battery [W] - **SOCr** - Rate of battery state of charge depletion [%/h] - **SOC** - Battery state of charge [%] - **Ibat** - Battery current [A] - **Vbat** - Battery voltage [V] - **Vgbat** - Ground battery voltage [V] :rtype: pandas.DataFrame This function works by iteratively calculating the flight trajectory for a given segment of the flight, taking into account the specified flight conditions, and updating the aircraft’s state (altitude, speed, fuel, etc.) at each step of the iteration. The trajectory is returned as a DataFrame containing all relevant flight parameters. """ rateOfTurn = turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] bankAngle = turnMetrics["bankAngle"] directionOfTurn = turnMetrics["directionOfTurn"] turnFlight = True if turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] == 0.0 and turnMetrics["bankAngle"] == 0.0: turnFlight = False # conversion of Magnetic Heading to True Heading if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: magneticDeclination = magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat, LON_target=Lon ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 # retrieve magnetic and true heading inputs magneticHeading = initialHeading["magnetic"] trueHeading = initialHeading["true"] constantHeading = initialHeading["constantHeading"] if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if trueHeading is not None and magneticHeading is None: # fly TRUE Heading headingToFly = "TRUE" magneticHeading = trueHeading - magneticDeclination elif magneticHeading is not None and trueHeading is None: # fly MAGNETIC Heading if constantHeading == True: headingToFly = "MAGNETIC" trueHeading = magneticHeading + magneticDeclination else: raise Exception("Cannot fly non-constant magnetic heading") else: raise Exception("Undefined Heading value combination") # calculation with constant mass (True) or integrated (False) mass_const = kwargs.get("mass_const", False) # optional parameter to define initial Baterry State of Charge (SOC) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC_init = kwargs.get("SOC_init", 100) else: SOC_init = None # speed brakes application if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: speedBrakes = kwargs.get( "speedBrakes", {"deployed": False, "value": 0.03} ) # optional parameter - iteration step length based on the type of aircraft if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: step_length = kwargs.get( "step_length", 10 ) # [NM] or [s] based on the 'lengthType' else: step_length = kwargs.get( "step_length", 100 ) # [NM] or [s] based on the 'lengthType' # weight iteration constant if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 1 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] else: m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 2 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation if flightPhase != "Cruise": levelOffComment = "_levelOff" else: levelOffComment = "" if turnFlight: turnComment = "_turn" else: turnComment = "" if constantHeading: constHeadingStr = "_const_Heading" elif constantHeading is False or constantHeading is None: constHeadingStr = "" comment = ( flightPhase + levelOffComment + turnComment + "_const_" + speedType + constHeadingStr ) if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): comment = comment + "_" + headingToFly + "_Heading" # Altitude step for step cruise HpStep = kwargs.get("HpStep", 2000) # [ft] # minimum remaining ROCD to determine cruise ceiling if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 50) # [ft/min] else: if AC.engineType == "PISTON" or AC.engineType == "ELECTRIC": ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 100) # [ft/min] else: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 300) # [ft/min] # get the default aerodynamic configuration if provided to be used for the whole segment config_default = kwargs.get("config", None) if config_default is not None: if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: if not ( config_default == "TO" or config_default == "IC" or config_default == "CR" or config_default == "AP" or config_default == "LD" ): print( "WRONG default configuration set. Available values are: TO/IC/CR/AP/LD. Configuration will be calculated automatically" ) # initialize output parameters Hp = [] TAS = [] CAS = [] GS = [] M = [] ROCD = [] esf = [] FUEL = [] FUELCONSUMED = [] Comment = [] Slope = [] acc = [] THR = [] DRAG = [] config = [] HLid = [] LG = [] time = [] dist = [] mass = [] BankAngle = [] ROT = [] # BADAH specific Preq = [] Peng = [] Pav = [] # optional GPS coordiantes and HDG definition LAT = [] LON = [] HDGMagnetic = [] HDGTrue = [] # BADAE specific Pmec = [] Pbat = [] SOCr = [] SOC = [] Pelc = [] Ibat = [] Vbat = [] Vgbat = [] if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC_i = SOC_init # init loop parameters totalLength = 0 Hp_i = Hp_init mass_i = m_init time_i = 0.0 dist_i = 0.0 fuelConsumed_i = 0.0 Lat_i = Lat Lon_i = Lon HDGMagnetic_i = magneticHeading HDGTrue_i = trueHeading while True: ## PART 1: compute parameters at end of step that are known without uncertainties: ## atmosphere, speeds, elapsed time # atmosphere properties H_m = conv.ft2m(Hp_i) # altitude [m] [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) # aircraft speed [M_i, CAS_i, TAS_i] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v, speedType=speedType, theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma ) GS_i = conv.ms2kt(TAS_i) - wS # ground speed [kt] if turnFlight: if turnMetrics["bankAngle"] != 0.0: # bankAngle is defined rateOfTurn = AC.rateOfTurn_bankAngle( TAS=TAS_i, bankAngle=bankAngle ) else: # rateOfTurn is defined bankAngle = AC.bankAngle( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, v=TAS_i ) # [degrees] if lengthType == "distance": # step time is: distance differantial divided by ground speed step_distance = totalLength - dist_i # [NM] step_time = 3600 * step_distance / GS_i # [s] elif lengthType == "time": step_time = totalLength - time_i # [s] if turnFlight: step_distance = conv.m2nm( turn.distance( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, TAS=TAS_i, timeOfTurn=step_time ) ) # arcLength during the turn [NM] else: step_distance = GS_i * step_time / 3600 # [NM] # Load factor nz = 1 / cos(radians(bankAngle)) ## PART 2: compute parameters at end of step that are known only with uncertainties ## (due to unknown mass at end of step): ## weight, lift, drag , thrust, fuel flow for _ in itertools.repeat(None, m_iter): # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute Power required for level flight Preq_i = AC.Preq( sigma=sigma, tas=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, phi=bankAngle ) Peng_i = Preq_i if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating="MCNT", theta=theta, delta=delta ) # assume MCNT rating as the limit elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating="MCNT", SOC=SOC_i ) # assume MCNT rating as the limit if Pav_i < Preq_i: warnings.warn( "Power Available is lower than Power Required", UserWarning, ) # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: # compute fuel flow for level flight CP = AC.CP(Peng=Preq_i) FUEL_i = AC.ff(delta=delta, CP=CP) # [kg/s] # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pbat_i = AC.Pbat(Preq=Preq_i, SOC=SOC_i) SOCr_i = AC.SOCrate(Preq=Preq_i, SOC=SOC_i) # debug data Pelc_i = Preq_i / AC.eta Ibat_i = AC.Ibat(P=Pelc_i, SOC=SOC_i) Vbat_i = AC.Vbat(I=Ibat_i, SOC=SOC_i) Vgbat_i = ( AC.Vocbat(SOC=SOC_i) - AC.R0bat(SOC=SOC_i) * Ibat_i ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=flightPhase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=flightPhase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M_i, delta=delta, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_i, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_i, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR_i = Drag CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) # [kg/s] # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=flightPhase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=flightPhase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD(CL=CL, config=config_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR_i = Drag if flightPhase == "Descent": FUEL_i = AC.ff( flightPhase=flightPhase, v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, adapted=True, ) else: FUEL_i = AC.ff( flightPhase=flightPhase, v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, adapted=False, ) # compute fuel burn over current step if not time: break else: time_i = time[-1] + step_time dist_i = dist[-1] + step_distance if ( Lat_i is not None and Lon_i is not None and (HDGMagnetic_i is not None or HDGTrue is not None) ): if headingToFly == "TRUE": if not turnFlight: if not constantHeading: # fly ORTHODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( vincenty.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), bearing=HDGTrue[-1], ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif constantHeading: # fly LOXODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif headingToFly == "MAGNETIC": if not turnFlight: if constantHeading: (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGTrue_i = ( HDGMagnetic_i + magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGTrue_i = HDGMagnetic_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # Average SOC rate over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_SOCr = (SOCr[-1] + SOCr_i) / 2 # [%/h] # SOC change is: average SOC rate multiplied by step time step_SOC = step_SOCr * step_time / 3600 # [%] # Update SOC estimate at end of step SOC_i = SOC[-1] - step_SOC # [%] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step - mass is not changing for ELECTRIC engine (no fuel is consumed) mass_i = mass[-1] # [kg] else: # average fuel flow over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_FUEL = (FUEL[-1] + FUEL_i) / 2 # [kg/s] # fuel burnt is: average fuel flow multiplied by step time step_mass = step_FUEL * step_time # [kg] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step if not mass_const: mass_i = mass[-1] - step_mass # [kg] fuelConsumed_i = step_FUEL * step_time fuelConsumed_i = FUELCONSUMED[-1] + step_FUEL * step_time ## PART 3: store information about end of step point # point data Hp.append(Hp_i) TAS.append(conv.ms2kt(TAS_i)) CAS.append(conv.ms2kt(CAS_i)) GS.append(GS_i) M.append(M_i) ROCD.append(0.0) Comment.append(comment) mass.append(mass_i) esf.append(0.0) Slope.append(0.0) # slope (since ROCD=0, then slope=0) acc.append(0.0) BankAngle.append(bankAngle) ROT.append(rateOfTurn) time.append(time_i) dist.append(dist_i) if ( Lat_i is not None and Lon_i is not None and (HDGMagnetic_i is not None or HDGTrue_i is not None) ): LAT.append(Lat_i) LON.append(Lon_i) HDGMagnetic.append(HDGMagnetic_i) HDGTrue.append(HDGTrue_i) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUEL.append(FUEL_i) FUELCONSUMED.append(fuelConsumed_i) # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Preq.append(Preq_i) Peng.append(Peng_i) Pav.append(Pav_i) # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmec.append(Peng_i) Pbat.append(Pbat_i) SOCr.append(SOCr_i) SOC.append(SOC_i) Pelc.append(Pelc_i) Ibat.append(Ibat_i) Vbat.append(Vbat_i) Vgbat.append(Vgbat_i) # BADA3 & BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR.append(THR_i) DRAG.append(Drag) config.append(config_i) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.append(HLid_i) LG.append(LG_i) ## PART 4: check whether a climb step should be performed (applicable for BADA3 and BADA4) if ( stepClimb and totalLength != 0 and (AC.BADAFamily.BADA4 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA3) ): # determine atmosphere properties at upper cruise altitude nextHp = min(Hp_i + HpStep, maxRFL) H_m = conv.ft2m(nextHp) # altitude [m] [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) # aircraft speed at upper cruise altitude [M_up, CAS_up, TAS_up] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v, speedType=speedType, theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma ) # Determine fuel flow at upper cruise altitude: # BADA3 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=flightPhase, v=CAS_up, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=flightPhase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS_up, sigma=sigma, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD(CL=CL, config=config_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_up, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR_up = Drag FUEL_up = AC.ff( flightPhase="Cruise", v=TAS_up, h=H_m, T=THR_up, config=config_i, adapted=False, ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=flightPhase, v=CAS_up, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=flightPhase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M_up, delta=delta, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_up, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes, ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_up, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR_up = Drag CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_up, delta=delta) FUEL_up = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_up, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # [kg/s] # Compare specific range at current and upper cruise altitudes if (TAS_up / FUEL_up) > (TAS_i / FUEL_i): # Check that available ROCD at upper cruise altitude allows a climb step if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR_CL = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_up, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Thrust elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: THR_CL = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", v=TAS, h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, config=config_i, ) # MCMB Thrust flightEvolution = "const" + speedType ESF_i = AC.esf( h=H_m, flightEvolution=flightEvolution, M=M_up, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) # T/T-dT ROCD_up = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_CL - Drag) * TAS_up * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) # [ft/min] if ROCD_up >= ROCD_min: # Compute climb step if speedType == "M": speed = M_up elif speedType == "TAS": speed = conv.ms2kt(TAS_up) elif speedType == "CAS": speed = conv.ms2kt(CAS_up) if Lat and Lon and magneticHeading: flightTrajectory_CL = constantSpeedRating( AC=AC, speedType=speedType, v=speed, Hp_init=Hp_i, Hp_final=nextHp, Hp_step=HpStep, m_init=mass_i, wS=wS, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, Lat=LAT[-1], Lon=LON[-1], initialHeading={ "magnetic": HDGMagnetic[-1], "true": HDGTrue[-1], "constantHeading": constantHeading, }, turnMetrics=turnMetrics, magneticDeclinationGrid=magneticDeclinationGrid, ) else: flightTrajectory_CL = constantSpeedRating( AC=AC, speedType=speedType, v=speed, Hp_init=Hp_i, Hp_final=nextHp, Hp_step=HpStep, m_init=mass_i, wS=wS, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, turnMetrics=turnMetrics, ) # Avoid a step just before the Top of Descent, which can cause stability issues in the main cruise+descent loop if lengthType == "distance": length_CL = flightTrajectory_CL["dist"].iloc[-1] elif lengthType == "time": length_CL = flightTrajectory_CL["time"].iloc[-1] if (totalLength + length_CL) < length - step_length: # add stepClimb segment data to previously calculated data - combine segments Hp.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["Hp"]) TAS.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["TAS"]) CAS.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["CAS"]) GS.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["GS"]) M.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["M"]) esf.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["ESF"]) ROCD.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["ROCD"]) Slope.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["slope"]) acc.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["acc"]) THR.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["THR"]) DRAG.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["DRAG"]) config.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["config"]) FUEL.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["FUEL"]) mass.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["mass"]) BankAngle.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["BankAngle"]) ROT.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["ROT"]) comment_CL = flightTrajectory_CL["comment"] Comment.extend( [com + "_stepClimb" for com in comment_CL] ) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["HLid"]) LG.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["LG"]) time_seg1 = time for k in flightTrajectory_CL["time"]: time.append(time_seg1[-1] + k) dist_seg1 = dist for k in flightTrajectory_CL["dist"]: dist.append(dist_seg1[-1] + k) FUELCONSUMED_seg1 = FUELCONSUMED for k in flightTrajectory_CL["FUELCONSUMED"]: FUELCONSUMED.append(FUELCONSUMED_seg1[-1] + k) if Lat and Lon and magneticHeading: LAT.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["LAT"]) LON.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["LON"]) HDGMagnetic.extend( flightTrajectory_CL["HDGMagnetic"] ) HDGTrue.extend(flightTrajectory_CL["HDGTrue"]) # Compute cruise fuel at upper altitude # BADA3 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=flightPhase, v=CAS_up, mass=mass[-1], DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=flightPhase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL( tas=TAS_up, sigma=sigma, mass=mass[-1], nz=nz ) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( CL=CL, config=config_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_up, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR_up = Drag FUEL_up = AC.ff( flightPhase="Cruise", v=TAS_up, h=H_m, T=THR_up, config=config_i, adapted=False, ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=flightPhase, v=CAS_up, mass=mass[-1], DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=flightPhase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL( M=M_up, delta=delta, mass=mass[-1], nz=nz ) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_up, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes, ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_up, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR_up = Drag CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_up, delta=delta) FUEL_up = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_up, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # [kg/s] Hp.append(Hp[-1]) TAS.append(TAS[-1]) CAS.append(CAS[-1]) GS.append(GS[-1]) esf.append(esf[-1]) M.append(M[-1]) ROCD.append(0) Comment.append(comment) Slope.append(0) acc.append(0) THR.append(THR_up) DRAG.append(Drag) config.append(config_i) FUEL.append(FUEL_up) FUELCONSUMED.append(FUELCONSUMED[-1]) mass.append(mass[-1]) BankAngle.append(BankAngle[-1]) ROT.append(ROT[-1]) time.append(time[-1]) dist.append(dist[-1]) if Lat and Lon and magneticHeading: LAT.append(LAT[-1]) LON.append(LON[-1]) HDGMagnetic.append(HDGMagnetic[-1]) HDGTrue.append(HDGTrue[-1]) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.append(HLid_i) LG.append(LG_i) Hp_i = Hp[-1] if lengthType == "distance": totalLength = dist[-1] elif lengthType == "time": totalLength = time[-1] if totalLength + step_length < length: totalLength += step_length elif totalLength < length: totalLength = length else: break flightData = { "Hp": Hp, "TAS": TAS, "CAS": CAS, "GS": GS, "M": M, "acc": acc, "ROCD": ROCD, "ESF": esf, "Pmec": Pmec, "Pelc": Pelc, "Pbat": Pbat, "SOCr": SOCr, "SOC": SOC, "Ibat": Ibat, "Vbat": Vbat, "Vgbat": Vgbat, "FUEL": FUEL, "FUELCONSUMED": FUELCONSUMED, "Preq": Preq, "Peng": Peng, "Pav": Pav, "THR": THR, "DRAG": DRAG, "time": time, "dist": dist, "slope": Slope, "mass": mass, "config": config, "HLid": HLid, "LG": LG, "LAT": LAT, "LON": LON, "HDGTrue": HDGTrue, "HDGMagnetic": HDGMagnetic, "BankAngle": BankAngle, "ROT": ROT, "comment": Comment, } flightTrajectory = FT.createFlightTrajectoryDataframe(flightData) return flightTrajectory
[docs] def constantSpeedROCD( AC, speedType, v, Hp_init, Hp_final, ROCDtarget, m_init, DeltaTemp, wS=0.0, turnMetrics={"rateOfTurn": 0.0, "bankAngle": 0.0, "directionOfTurn": None}, Lat=None, Lon=None, initialHeading={"magnetic": None, "true": None, "constantHeading": None}, reducedPower=None, directionOfTurn=None, magneticDeclinationGrid=None, **kwargs, ): """ Computes the time, fuel consumption, and other parameters required for an aircraft to climb or descend from a given initial altitude (Hp_init) to a final altitude (Hp_final) at a constant speed and rate of climb/descent (ROCD). The function handles multiple BADA families (BADA3, BADA4, BADAH, BADAE), computing various parameters such as altitude, speed, fuel consumption, power, heading, and mass based on the aircraft's performance characteristics. The function supports turn performance, optional heading (true or magnetic), and handling mass changes during the flight. :param AC: Aircraft object {BADA3/4/H/E} :param speedType: Type of speed to maintain during the flight {M, CAS, TAS}. :param v: Speed to maintain during the flight - [kt] CAS/TAS or [-] MACH. :param Hp_init: Initial pressure altitude at the start of the segment [ft]. :param Hp_final: Final pressure altitude at the end of the segment [ft]. :param ROCDtarget: Target rate of climb/descent [ft/min]. :param m_init: Initial aircraft mass at the start of the segment [kg]. :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from standard ISA temperature [K]. :param wS: Wind speed component along the longitudinal axis [kt]. Positive values for headwind, negative for tailwind. Default is 0.0. :param turnMetrics: Dictionary defining turn parameters: - rateOfTurn [deg/s] - bankAngle [deg] - directionOfTurn {LEFT/RIGHT}. Default is straight flight. :param Lat: Geographical latitude of the starting point [deg]. Default is None. :param Lon: Geographical longitude of the starting point [deg]. Default is None. :param initialHeading: Dictionary defining the initial heading (magnetic or true) and whether to fly a constant heading: - magnetic: Magnetic heading [deg]. - true: True heading [deg]. - constantHeading: Whether to fly along a constant heading (loxodrome). Default is None. :param reducedPower: Boolean specifying whether to apply reduced power during the climb. Default is None. :param directionOfTurn: Direction of the turn {LEFT, RIGHT}. Default is None. :param magneticDeclinationGrid: Optional grid of magnetic declinations used to correct headings. Default is None. :param kwargs: Additional optional parameters: - Hp_step: Altitude step size [ft]. Default is 1000 for BADA3/4, 500 for BADAH/BADAE. - SOC_init: Initial state of charge for electric aircraft [%]. Default is 100 for BADAE. - speedBrakes: Dictionary specifying whether speed brakes are deployed and their drag coefficient {deployed: False, value: 0.03}. - ROCD_min: Minimum ROCD to identify the service ceiling [ft/min]. Default varies by aircraft type. - config: Default aerodynamic configuration. Values: TO, IC, CR, AP, LD. Default is None. - mass_const: Boolean specifying whether to keep the mass constant during the segment. Default is False. - m_iter: Number of iterations for the mass integration loop. Default is 5. :returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the flight trajectory with columns such as: - **Hp** - wAltitude [ft] - **TAS** - True Air Speed [kt] - **CAS** - Calibrated Air Speed [kt] - **GS** - Ground Speed [kt] - **M** - Mach number [-] - **ROCD** - Rate of Climb/Descent [ft/min] - **ESF** - Energy Share Factor [-] - **FUEL** - Fuel flow [kg/s] - **FUELCONSUMED** - Total fuel consumed [kg] - **THR** - Thrust force [N] - **DRAG** - Drag force [N] - **time** - Elapsed time [s] - **dist** - Distance flown [NM] - **slope** - Trajectory slope [deg] - **mass** - Aircraft mass [kg] - **config** - Aerodynamic configuration - **LAT** - Latitude [deg] - **LON** - Longitude [deg] - **HDGTrue** - True heading [deg] - **HDGMagnetic** - Magnetic heading [deg] - **BankAngle** - Bank angle [deg] - **ROT** - Rate of turn [deg/s] - **Comment** - Comments for each segment - **For BADAH:** - **Preq** - Required power [W] - **Peng** - Generated power [W] - **Pav** - Available power [W] - **For BADAE (electric aircraft):** - **Pmec** - Mechanical power [W] - **Pelc** - Electrical power [W] - **Pbat** - Power supplied by the battery [W] - **SOCr** - Rate of battery state of charge depletion [%/h] - **SOC** - Battery state of charge [%] - **Ibat** - Battery current [A] - **Vbat** - Battery voltage [V] - **Vgbat** - Ground battery voltage [V] :rtype: pandas.DataFrame Notes: - The function iteratively calculates flight parameters for each altitude step, adjusting fuel, power, and mass. - Magnetic heading and true heading can be adjusted using the magnetic declination grid if provided. - The function supports turns, and constant or changing headings based on input parameters. """ rateOfTurn = turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] bankAngle = turnMetrics["bankAngle"] directionOfTurn = turnMetrics["directionOfTurn"] turnFlight = True if turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] == 0.0 and turnMetrics["bankAngle"] == 0.0: turnFlight = False # conversion of Magnetic Heading to True Heading if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: magneticDeclination = magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat, LON_target=Lon ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 # retrieve magnetic and true heading inputs magneticHeading = initialHeading["magnetic"] trueHeading = initialHeading["true"] constantHeading = initialHeading["constantHeading"] if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if trueHeading is not None and magneticHeading is None: # fly TRUE Heading headingToFly = "TRUE" magneticHeading = trueHeading - magneticDeclination elif magneticHeading is not None and trueHeading is None: # fly MAGNETIC Heading if constantHeading == True: headingToFly = "MAGNETIC" trueHeading = magneticHeading + magneticDeclination else: raise Exception("Cannot fly non-constant magnetic heading") else: raise Exception("Undefined Heading value combination") # calculation with constant mass (True) or integrated (False) mass_const = kwargs.get("mass_const", False) # optional parameter to define initial Baterry State of Charge (SOC) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC_init = kwargs.get("SOC_init", 100) else: SOC_init = None # speed brakes application if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: speedBrakes = kwargs.get( "speedBrakes", {"deployed": False, "value": 0.03} ) # optional parameter - iteration step for altitude loop if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Hp_step = kwargs.get("Hp_step", 500) # [ft] else: # NB: it must be a multiple of 1000ft so that interrupted climbs end on a regular cruise altitude. Hp_step = kwargs.get("Hp_step", 1000) # [ft] # minimum remaining ROCD to determine cruise ceiling if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 50) # [ft/min] else: if AC.engineType == "PISTON" or AC.engineType == "ELECTRIC": ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 100) # [ft/min] else: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 300) # [ft/min] # determine if vertical evolution over the segment is CLIMB or DESCENT if Hp_init < Hp_final: phase = "Climb" else: phase = "Descent" Hp_step = -Hp_step # phase of flight defined in case of no altitude step available, where Hp_init = Hp_final # phase = kwargs.get('phase', None) # check the consistency of ROCD and climb/descent phase of flight # if incosistent, change the sign on ROCD target value if phase == "Climb" and ROCDtarget < 0: ROCDtarget = abs(ROCDtarget) print("ROCDtarget for Climb should be positive") elif phase == "Descent" and ROCDtarget > 0: ROCDtarget = ROCDtarget * (-1) print("ROCDtarget for Descent should be negative") if turnFlight: turnComment = "_turn" else: turnComment = "" if constantHeading: constHeadingStr = "_const_Heading" elif constantHeading is False or constantHeading is None: constHeadingStr = "" # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation comment = ( phase + turnComment + "_const_ROCD_" + speedType + constHeadingStr ) if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): comment = comment + "_" + headingToFly + "_Heading" # get the default aerodynamic configuration if provided to be used for the whole segment config_default = kwargs.get("config", None) if config_default is not None: if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: if not ( config_default == "TO" or config_default == "IC" or config_default == "CR" or config_default == "AP" or config_default == "LD" ): print( "WRONG default configuration set. Available values are: TO/IC/CR/AP/LD. Configuration will be calculated automatically" ) # weight iteration constant m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 5 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] # convert ROCD to IS units ROCDisu = conv.ft2m(ROCDtarget) / 60 # initialize output parameters Hp = [] TAS = [] CAS = [] GS = [] M = [] ROCD = [] esf = [] FUEL = [] FUELCONSUMED = [] time = [0] dist = [0] mass = [m_init] Comment = [] Slope = [] acc = [] THR = [] DRAG = [] config = [] HLid = [] LG = [] BankAngle = [] ROT = [] if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED = [0] # BADAH specific Peng = [] Preq = [] Pav = [] # optional GPS coordiantes and HDG definition if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): LAT = [Lat] LON = [Lon] HDGMagnetic = [magneticHeading] HDGTrue = [trueHeading] else: LAT = [] LON = [] HDGMagnetic = [] HDGTrue = [] # BADAE specific Pmec = [] Pbat = [] SOCr = [] SOC = [SOC_init] Pelc = [] Ibat = [] Vbat = [] Vgbat = [] # init loop parameters Hp_i = Hp_init while True: ## PART 1: compute parameters at end of step that are known without uncertainties: ## atmosphere, speeds, ESF # atmosphere properties H_m = conv.ft2m(Hp_i) # altitude [m] [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) # aircraft speed [M_i, CAS_i, TAS_i] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v, speedType=speedType, theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma ) # compute Energy Share Factor (ESF) ESF_i = AC.esf( h=H_m, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, flightEvolution=("const" + speedType), ) if turnFlight: if turnMetrics["bankAngle"] != 0.0: # bankAngle is defined rateOfTurn = AC.rateOfTurn_bankAngle( TAS=TAS_i, bankAngle=bankAngle ) else: # rateOfTurn is defined bankAngle = AC.bankAngle( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, v=TAS_i ) # [degrees] # Load factor nz = 1 / cos(radians(bankAngle)) ## PART 2: compute parameters at end of step that are known only with uncertainties ## (due to unknown mass at end of step): ## weight, lift, drag , thrust, fuel flow mass_i = mass[-1] for _ in itertools.repeat(None, m_iter): # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute Power required for level flight Preq_i = AC.Preq( sigma=sigma, tas=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, phi=bankAngle ) # Compute power required for target ROCD Preq_target_i = AC.Peng_target( temp=theta * const.temp_0, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ROCD=ROCDisu, mass=mass_i, Preq=Preq_i, ESF=ESF_i, ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M_i, delta=delta, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_i, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_i, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute thrust force THR_i = ( ROCDisu * mass_i * const.g * temp_const / (TAS_i * ESF_i) + Drag ) # [N] # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD(CL=CL, config=config_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute thrust force THR_i = ( ROCDisu * mass_i * const.g * temp_const / (TAS_i * ESF_i) + Drag ) # [N] # check that required thrust/power fits in the avialable thrust/power envelope, # recompute ROCD if necessary and compute fuel flow # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Pmin = 0.1 * AC.P0 # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating="MTKF", theta=theta, delta=delta ) # assume MTKF rating as the limit Pmax = Pav_i if Preq_target_i < Pmin: Preq_target_i = Pmin ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif Preq_target_i > Pmax: Preq_target_i = Pmax ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) else: ROCD_i = ROCDtarget # compute fuel flow for level flight CP = AC.CP(Peng=Preq_target_i) FUEL_i = AC.ff(delta=delta, CP=CP) # [kg/s] # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmin = 0.1 * AC.P0 # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating="MTKF", SOC=SOC[-1] ) # assume MTKF rating as the limit Pmax = Pav_i if Preq_target_i < Pmin: Preq_target_i = Pmin ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif Preq_target_i > Pmax: Preq_target_i = Pmax ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) else: ROCD_i = ROCDtarget Pbat_i = AC.Pbat(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) SOCr_i = AC.SOCrate(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) # debug data Pelc_i = Preq_target_i / AC.eta Ibat_i = AC.Ibat(P=Pelc_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vbat_i = AC.Vbat(I=Ibat_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vgbat_i = ( AC.Vocbat(SOC=SOC[-1]) - AC.R0bat(SOC=SOC[-1]) * Ibat_i ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) else: CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # [kg/s] ROCD_i = ROCDtarget # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config="CR", DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( flightPhase="Descent", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_min, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, config="CR", ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( flightPhase="Climb", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_max, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: print("below minimum") THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) else: FUEL_i = AC.ff( v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, adapted=True ) ROCD_i = ROCDtarget # Compute elapsed time and fuel burn over current step if Hp_i == Hp_init: break else: # Average ROCD over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_ROCD = (ROCD[-1] + ROCD_i) / 2 # [ft/min] # Step time is: altitude differential divided by average ROCD step_time = 60 * (Hp_i - Hp[-1]) / step_ROCD # [s] # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # Average SOC rate over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_SOCr = (SOCr[-1] + SOCr_i) / 2 # [%/h] # SOC change is: average SOC rate multiplied by step time step_SOC = step_SOCr * step_time / 3600 # [%] # Update SOC estimate at end of step SOC_i = SOC[-1] - step_SOC # [%] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step - mass is not changing for ELECTRIC engine (no fuel is consumed) mass_i = mass[-1] # [kg] else: # average fuel flow over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_FUEL = (FUEL[-1] + FUEL_i) / 2 # [kg/s] # fuel burnt is: average fuel flow multiplied by step time step_mass = step_FUEL * step_time # [kg] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step if not mass_const: mass_i = mass[-1] - step_mass # [kg] fuelConsumed_i = step_FUEL * step_time fuelConsumed_i = FUELCONSUMED[-1] + step_FUEL * step_time ## PART 3: store information about end of step point writeOutputData = True if phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < 0: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] is negative at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = False elif phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < ROCD_min: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] exceeds the service ceiling limit defined by minimum ROCD = " + str(ROCD_min) + " [ft/min] at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = True if writeOutputData: # point data Hp.append(Hp_i) TAS.append(conv.ms2kt(TAS_i)) CAS.append(conv.ms2kt(CAS_i)) M.append(M_i) ROCD.append(ROCD_i) esf.append(ESF_i) Comment.append(comment) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUEL.append(FUEL_i) # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Peng.append(Preq_target_i) Preq.append(Preq_i) Pav.append(Pav_i) # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmec.append(Preq_target_i) Pbat.append(Pbat_i) SOCr.append(SOCr_i) Pelc.append(Pelc_i) Ibat.append(Ibat_i) Vbat.append(Vbat_i) Vgbat.append(Vgbat_i) # BADA3 & BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR.append(THR_i) DRAG.append(Drag) config.append(config_i) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.append(HLid_i) LG.append(LG_i) # calculation of the slope if TAS_i == 0: gamma_i = 90 * np.sign(ROCD_i) else: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: gamma_i = degrees( atan(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) else: # using SIN assumes the TAS to be in the direction of the aircraft axis, not ground plane. Which means, this should be mathematically the correct equation for all the aircraft gamma_i = degrees( asin(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) Slope.append(gamma_i) # ground speed can be calcualted as TAS projected on the ground minus wind GS_i = cos(radians(gamma_i)) * TAS_i - wS GS.append(conv.ms2kt(GS_i)) # integrated data if Hp_i != Hp_init: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC.append(SOC_i) mass.append(mass_i) time.append(time[-1] + step_time) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED.append(fuelConsumed_i) # Average TAS over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_TAS = (TAS[-2] + TAS[-1]) / 2 # [kt] # Average slope over the step step_gamma = radians((Slope[-2] + Slope[-1]) / 2) # radians # Average ground speed over step # since this is not level flight, TAS speed should be projected on the ground, then GS can be calculated applying the wind speed step_TAS_projected = cos(step_gamma) * step_TAS step_GS = step_TAS_projected - wS # [kt] # Step distance is: average GS multiplied by step time if turnFlight: step_distance = conv.m2nm( turn.distance( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, TAS=TAS_i, timeOfTurn=step_time, ) ) # arcLength during the turn [NM] else: step_distance = step_GS * step_time / 3600 # [NM] # Distance at end of step is distance at start of step plus step distance dist.append(dist[-1] + step_distance) # add GPS calculation if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if headingToFly == "TRUE": if not turnFlight: if not constantHeading: # fly ORTHODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( vincenty.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), bearing=HDGTrue[-1], ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif constantHeading: # fly LOXODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGTrue_i = HDGTrue[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif headingToFly == "MAGNETIC": if not turnFlight: if constantHeading: (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGMagnetic_i = HDGMagnetic[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGTrue_i = ( HDGMagnetic_i + magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGTrue_i = HDGMagnetic_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i LAT.append(Lat_i) LON.append(Lon_i) HDGMagnetic.append(HDGMagnetic_i) HDGTrue.append(HDGTrue_i) acc.append(0.0) BankAngle.append(bankAngle) ROT.append(rateOfTurn) # Determine end altitude of next step Hp_next = Hp_i + Hp_step if phase == "Climb": if Hp_next < Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_next - (Hp_i % Hp_step) # remaining altitude step would cross over the final altitude elif Hp_i < Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_final else: break else: if Hp_next > Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_next - (Hp_i % Hp_step) # remaining altitude step would cross over the final altitude elif Hp_i > Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_final else: break flightData = { "Hp": Hp, "TAS": TAS, "CAS": CAS, "GS": GS, "M": M, "acc": acc, "ROCD": ROCD, "ESF": esf, "FUEL": FUEL, "Pmec": Pmec, "Pelc": Pelc, "Pbat": Pbat, "SOCr": SOCr, "SOC": SOC, "Ibat": Ibat, "Vbat": Vbat, "Vgbat": Vgbat, "FUELCONSUMED": FUELCONSUMED, "Preq": Preq, "Peng": Peng, "Pav": Pav, "THR": THR, "DRAG": DRAG, "time": time, "dist": dist, "slope": Slope, "mass": mass, "config": config, "HLid": HLid, "LG": LG, "LAT": LAT, "LON": LON, "HDGTrue": HDGTrue, "HDGMagnetic": HDGMagnetic, "BankAngle": BankAngle, "ROT": ROT, "comment": Comment, } flightTrajectory = FT.createFlightTrajectoryDataframe(flightData) return flightTrajectory
[docs] def constantSpeedROCD_time( AC, length, speedType, v, Hp_init, ROCDtarget, m_init, DeltaTemp, wS=0.0, turnMetrics={"rateOfTurn": 0.0, "bankAngle": 0.0, "directionOfTurn": None}, Lat=None, Lon=None, initialHeading={"magnetic": None, "true": None, "constantHeading": None}, reducedPower=None, directionOfTurn=None, magneticDeclinationGrid=None, **kwargs, ): """ Computes the time, fuel consumption, and performance parameters required for an aircraft to perform a climb or descent based on a set amount of time, while maintaining a constant speed and constant rate of climb/descent (ROCD). The function supports various BADA families (BADA3, BADA4, BADAH, BADAE), with different handling for mass changes, aerodynamic configurations, and energy consumption. It calculates parameters such as fuel consumption, power requirements, speed, heading, and altitude changes over the specified duration. :param AC: Aircraft object {BADA3/4/H/E} :param length: The length of the segment to fly in time [s]. :param speedType: Type of speed to maintain during the flight {M, CAS, TAS}. :param v: Speed to follow - [kt] CAS/TAS or [-] MACH. :param Hp_init: Initial pressure altitude [ft]. :param ROCDtarget: Rate of climb or descent [ft/min]. :param m_init: Initial aircraft mass at the start of the segment [kg]. :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from standard ISA temperature [K]. :param wS: Wind speed component along the longitudinal axis [kt]. Default is 0.0. :param turnMetrics: Dictionary defining turn parameters: - rateOfTurn [deg/s] - bankAngle [deg] - directionOfTurn {LEFT/RIGHT}. Default is straight flight. :param Lat: Geographical latitude at the start [deg]. Default is None. :param Lon: Geographical longitude at the start [deg]. Default is None. :param initialHeading: Dictionary defining the initial heading (magnetic or true) and whether to fly a constant heading: - magnetic: Magnetic heading [deg]. - true: True heading [deg]. - constantHeading: Whether to fly along a constant heading (loxodrome). Default is None. :param reducedPower: Boolean specifying whether to apply reduced power during the climb. Default is None. :param directionOfTurn: Direction of the turn {LEFT, RIGHT}. Default is None. :param magneticDeclinationGrid: Optional grid of magnetic declinations used to correct headings. Default is None. :param kwargs: Additional optional parameters: - step_length: Step size in seconds for time iteration. Default is 1 second. - SOC_init: Initial state of charge for electric aircraft [%]. Default is 100 for BADAE. - speedBrakes: Dictionary specifying whether speed brakes are deployed and their drag coefficient {deployed: False, value: 0.03}. - ROCD_min: Minimum ROCD to identify the service ceiling [ft/min]. Default varies by aircraft type. - config: Default aerodynamic configuration. Values: TO, IC, CR, AP, LD. Default is None. - mass_const: Boolean specifying whether to keep the mass constant during the segment. Default is False. - m_iter: Number of iterations for the mass integration loop. Default is 5. :returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the flight trajectory with columns such as: - **Hp** - wAltitude [ft] - **TAS** - True Air Speed [kt] - **CAS** - Calibrated Air Speed [kt] - **GS** - Ground Speed [kt] - **M** - Mach number [-] - **ROCD** - Rate of Climb/Descent [ft/min] - **ESF** - Energy Share Factor [-] - **FUEL** - Fuel flow [kg/s] - **FUELCONSUMED** - Total fuel consumed [kg] - **THR** - Thrust force [N] - **DRAG** - Drag force [N] - **time** - Elapsed time [s] - **dist** - Distance flown [NM] - **slope** - Trajectory slope [deg] - **mass** - Aircraft mass [kg] - **config** - Aerodynamic configuration - **LAT** - Latitude [deg] - **LON** - Longitude [deg] - **HDGTrue** - True heading [deg] - **HDGMagnetic** - Magnetic heading [deg] - **BankAngle** - Bank angle [deg] - **ROT** - Rate of turn [deg/s] - **Comment** - Comments for each segment - **For BADAH:** - **Preq** - Required power [W] - **Peng** - Generated power [W] - **Pav** - Available power [W] - **For BADAE (electric aircraft):** - **Pmec** - Mechanical power [W] - **Pelc** - Electrical power [W] - **Pbat** - Power supplied by the battery [W] - **SOCr** - Rate of battery state of charge depletion [%/h] - **SOC** - Battery state of charge [%] - **Ibat** - Battery current [A] - **Vbat** - Battery voltage [V] - **Vgbat** - Ground battery voltage [V] :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ rateOfTurn = turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] bankAngle = turnMetrics["bankAngle"] directionOfTurn = turnMetrics["directionOfTurn"] turnFlight = True if turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] == 0.0 and turnMetrics["bankAngle"] == 0.0: turnFlight = False # conversion of Magnetic Heading to True Heading if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: magneticDeclination = magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat, LON_target=Lon ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 # retrieve magnetic and true heading inputs magneticHeading = initialHeading["magnetic"] trueHeading = initialHeading["true"] constantHeading = initialHeading["constantHeading"] if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if trueHeading is not None and magneticHeading is None: # fly TRUE Heading headingToFly = "TRUE" magneticHeading = trueHeading - magneticDeclination elif magneticHeading is not None and trueHeading is None: # fly MAGNETIC Heading if constantHeading == True: headingToFly = "MAGNETIC" trueHeading = magneticHeading + magneticDeclination else: raise Exception("Cannot fly non-constant magnetic heading") else: raise Exception("Undefined Heading value combination") # calculation with constant mass (True) or integrated (False) mass_const = kwargs.get("mass_const", False) # optional parameter to define initial Baterry State of Charge (SOC) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC_init = kwargs.get("SOC_init", 100) else: SOC_init = None # speed brakes application if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: speedBrakes = kwargs.get( "speedBrakes", {"deployed": False, "value": 0.03} ) # step size in [s] step_length = kwargs.get("step_length", 1) # minimum remaining ROCD to determine cruise ceiling if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 50) # [ft/min] else: if AC.engineType == "PISTON" or AC.engineType == "ELECTRIC": ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 100) # [ft/min] else: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 300) # [ft/min] # check the consistency of ROCD and climb/descent phase of flight if ROCDtarget < 0: phase = "Descent" elif ROCDtarget > 0: phase = "Climb" else: print("ROCDtarget should be different from 0") if turnFlight: turnComment = "_turn" else: turnComment = "" if constantHeading: constHeadingStr = "_const_Heading" elif constantHeading is False or constantHeading is None: constHeadingStr = "" # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation comment = ( phase + turnComment + "_const_ROCD_" + speedType + constHeadingStr ) if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): comment = comment + "_" + headingToFly + "_Heading" # get the default aerodynamic configuration if provided to be used for the whole segment config_default = kwargs.get("config", None) if config_default is not None: if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: if not ( config_default == "TO" or config_default == "IC" or config_default == "CR" or config_default == "AP" or config_default == "LD" ): print( "WRONG default configuration set. Available values are: TO/IC/CR/AP/LD. Configuration will be calculated automatically" ) # weight iteration constant m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 5 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] # convert ROCD to IS units ROCDisu = conv.ft2m(ROCDtarget) / 60 # initialize output parameters Hp = [Hp_init] TAS = [] CAS = [] GS = [] M = [] ROCD = [] esf = [] FUEL = [] FUELCONSUMED = [] time = [0] dist = [0] mass = [m_init] Comment = [] Slope = [] acc = [] THR = [] DRAG = [] config = [] HLid = [] LG = [] BankAngle = [] ROT = [] if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED = [0] # BADAH specific Peng = [] Preq = [] Pav = [] # optional GPS coordiantes and HDG definition if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): LAT = [Lat] LON = [Lon] HDGMagnetic = [magneticHeading] HDGTrue = [trueHeading] else: LAT = [] LON = [] HDGMagnetic = [] HDGTrue = [] # BADAE specific Pmec = [] Pbat = [] SOCr = [] SOC = [SOC_init] Pelc = [] Ibat = [] Vbat = [] Vgbat = [] # init loop parameters length_loop = 0 time_i = time[-1] go_on = True while go_on: ## PART 1: compute parameters at end of step that are known without uncertainties: ## atmosphere, speeds, ESF ## PART 2: compute parameters at end of step that are known only with uncertainties ## (due to unknown mass at end of step): ## weight, lift, drag , thrust, fuel flow mass_i = mass[-1] Hp_i = Hp[-1] for _ in itertools.repeat(None, m_iter): # atmosphere properties H_m = conv.ft2m(Hp_i) # altitude [m] [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) # aircraft speed [M_i, CAS_i, TAS_i] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v, speedType=speedType, theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma ) # compute Energy Share Factor (ESF) ESF_i = AC.esf( h=H_m, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, flightEvolution=("const" + speedType), ) if turnFlight: if turnMetrics["bankAngle"] != 0.0: # bankAngle is defined rateOfTurn = AC.rateOfTurn_bankAngle( TAS=TAS_i, bankAngle=bankAngle ) else: # rateOfTurn is defined bankAngle = AC.bankAngle( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, v=TAS_i ) # [degrees] # Load factor nz = 1 / cos(radians(bankAngle)) step_time = length_loop - time[-1] # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute Power required for level flight Preq_i = AC.Preq( sigma=sigma, tas=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, phi=bankAngle ) # Compute power required for target ROCD Preq_target_i = AC.Peng_target( temp=theta * const.temp_0, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ROCD=ROCDisu, mass=mass_i, Preq=Preq_i, ESF=ESF_i, ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M_i, delta=delta, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_i, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_i, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute thrust force THR_i = ( ROCDisu * mass_i * const.g * temp_const / (TAS_i * ESF_i) + Drag ) # [N] # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD(CL=CL, config=config_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute thrust force THR_i = ( ROCDisu * mass_i * const.g * temp_const / (TAS_i * ESF_i) + Drag ) # [N] # check that required thrust/power fits in the avialable thrust/power envelope, # recompute ROCD if necessary and compute fuel flow # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Pmin = 0.1 * AC.P0 # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating="MTKF", theta=theta, delta=delta ) # assume MTKF rating as the limit Pmax = Pav_i if Preq_target_i < Pmin: Preq_target_i = Pmin ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif Preq_target_i > Pmax: Preq_target_i = Pmax ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) else: ROCD_i = ROCDtarget # compute fuel flow for level flight CP = AC.CP(Peng=Preq_target_i) FUEL_i = AC.ff(delta=delta, CP=CP) # [kg/s] # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmin = 0.1 * AC.P0 # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating="MTKF", theta=theta, delta=delta ) # assume MTKF rating as the limit Pmax = Pav_i if Preq_target_i < Pmin: Preq_target_i = Pmin ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif Preq_target_i > Pmax: Preq_target_i = Pmax ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) else: ROCD_i = ROCDtarget Pbat_i = AC.Pbat(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) SOCr_i = AC.SOCrate(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) # debug data Pelc_i = Preq_target_i / AC.eta Ibat_i = AC.Ibat(P=Pelc_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vbat_i = AC.Vbat(I=Ibat_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vgbat_i = ( AC.Vocbat(SOC=SOC[-1]) - AC.R0bat(SOC=SOC[-1]) * Ibat_i ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) else: CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # [kg/s] ROCD_i = ROCDtarget # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config="CR", DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( flightPhase="Descent", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_min, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, config="CR", ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( flightPhase="Climb", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_max, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) else: FUEL_i = AC.ff( v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, adapted=True ) ROCD_i = ROCDtarget # Compute elapsed time, altitude and fuel burn over current step if length_loop == 0: # no need to loop for first point: initial m/Hp already known break else: # Average ROCD over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_ROCD = (ROCD[-1] + ROCD_i) / 2 # [ft/min] # Altitude differential is: average ROCD multiplied by step time step_Hp = step_ROCD * step_time / 60 # [ft] # Update altitude estimate at end of step Hp_i = Hp[-1] + step_Hp # [ft] # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # Average SOC rate over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_SOCr = (SOCr[-1] + SOCr_i) / 2 # [%/h] # SOC change is: average SOC rate multiplied by step time step_SOC = step_SOCr * step_time / 3600 # [%] # Update SOC estimate at end of step SOC_i = SOC[-1] - step_SOC # [%] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step - mass is not changing for ELECTRIC engine (no fuel is consumed) mass_i = mass[-1] # [kg] else: # average fuel flow over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_FUEL = (FUEL[-1] + FUEL_i) / 2 # [kg/s] # fuel burnt is: average fuel flow multiplied by step time step_mass = step_FUEL * step_time # [kg] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step if not mass_const: mass_i = mass[-1] - step_mass # [kg] fuelConsumed_i = step_FUEL * step_time fuelConsumed_i = FUELCONSUMED[-1] + step_FUEL * step_time ## PART 3: store information about end of step point writeOutputData = True if phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < 0: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] is negative at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = False elif phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < ROCD_min: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] exceeds the service ceiling limit defined by minimum ROCD = " + str(ROCD_min) + " [ft/min] at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = True if writeOutputData: # point data TAS.append(conv.ms2kt(TAS_i)) CAS.append(conv.ms2kt(CAS_i)) M.append(M_i) ROCD.append(ROCD_i) esf.append(ESF_i) Comment.append(comment) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUEL.append(FUEL_i) # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Peng.append(Preq_target_i) Preq.append(Preq_i) Pav.append(Pav_i) # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmec.append(Preq_target_i) Pbat.append(Pbat_i) SOCr.append(SOCr_i) Pelc.append(Pelc_i) Ibat.append(Ibat_i) Vbat.append(Vbat_i) Vgbat.append(Vgbat_i) # BADA3 & BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR.append(THR_i) DRAG.append(Drag) config.append(config_i) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.append(HLid_i) LG.append(LG_i) # calculation of the slope if TAS_i == 0: gamma_i = 90 * np.sign(ROCD_i) else: [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=conv.ft2m(Hp_i), DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: gamma_i = degrees( atan(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) else: # using SIN assumes the TAS to be in the direction of the aircraft axis, not ground plane. Which means, this should be mathematically the correct equation for all the aircraft gamma_i = degrees( asin(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) # ground speed can be calcualted as TAS projected on the ground minus wind GS_i = cos(radians(gamma_i)) * TAS_i - wS GS.append(conv.ms2kt(GS_i)) Slope.append(gamma_i) acc.append(0.0) BankAngle.append(bankAngle) ROT.append(rateOfTurn) # integrated data if length_loop != 0: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC.append(SOC_i) Hp.append(Hp_i) mass.append(mass_i) time.append(time[-1] + step_time) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED.append(fuelConsumed_i) # Average TAS over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_TAS = (TAS[-2] + TAS[-1]) / 2 # [kt] # Average slope over the step step_gamma = radians((Slope[-2] + Slope[-1]) / 2) # radians # Average ground speed over step # since this is not level flight, TAS speed should be projected on the ground, then GS can be calculated applying the wind speed step_TAS_projected = cos(step_gamma) * step_TAS step_GS = step_TAS_projected - wS # [kt] # Step distance is: average GS multiplied by step time if turnFlight: step_distance = conv.m2nm( turn.distance( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, TAS=TAS_i, timeOfTurn=step_time, ) ) # arcLength during the turn [NM] else: step_distance = step_GS * step_time / 3600 # [NM] # Distance at end of step is distance at start of step plus step distance dist.append(dist[-1] + step_distance) # add GPS calculation if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if headingToFly == "TRUE": if not turnFlight: if not constantHeading: # fly ORTHODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( vincenty.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), bearing=HDGTrue[-1], ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif constantHeading: # fly LOXODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGTrue_i = HDGTrue[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif headingToFly == "MAGNETIC": if not turnFlight: if constantHeading: (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGMagnetic_i = HDGMagnetic[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGTrue_i = ( HDGMagnetic_i + magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGTrue_i = HDGMagnetic_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i LAT.append(Lat_i) LON.append(Lon_i) HDGMagnetic.append(HDGMagnetic_i) HDGTrue.append(HDGTrue_i) if length_loop + step_length < length: length_loop += step_length elif length_loop < length: length_loop = length else: go_on = False flightData = { "Hp": Hp, "TAS": TAS, "CAS": CAS, "GS": GS, "M": M, "acc": acc, "ROCD": ROCD, "ESF": esf, "FUEL": FUEL, "Pmec": Pmec, "Pelc": Pelc, "Pbat": Pbat, "SOCr": SOCr, "SOC": SOC, "Ibat": Ibat, "Vbat": Vbat, "Vgbat": Vgbat, "FUELCONSUMED": FUELCONSUMED, "Preq": Preq, "Peng": Peng, "Pav": Pav, "THR": THR, "DRAG": DRAG, "time": time, "dist": dist, "slope": Slope, "mass": mass, "config": config, "HLid": HLid, "LG": LG, "LAT": LAT, "LON": LON, "HDGTrue": HDGTrue, "HDGMagnetic": HDGMagnetic, "BankAngle": BankAngle, "ROT": ROT, "comment": Comment, } flightTrajectory = FT.createFlightTrajectoryDataframe(flightData) return flightTrajectory
[docs] def constantSpeedSlope( AC, speedType, v, Hp_init, Hp_final, slopetarget, m_init, DeltaTemp, wS=0.0, turnMetrics={"rateOfTurn": 0.0, "bankAngle": 0.0, "directionOfTurn": None}, Lat=None, Lon=None, initialHeading={"magnetic": None, "true": None, "constantHeading": None}, reducedPower=None, directionOfTurn=None, magneticDeclinationGrid=None, **kwargs, ): """ Calculates time, fuel consumption, and other parameters required for an aircraft to perform a climb or descent from an initial altitude (Hp_init) to a final altitude (Hp_final) while maintaining a constant speed and a constant slope. It uses different models for BADA (Base of Aircraft Data) families (BADA3, BADA4, BADAH, BADAE) to compute key flight parameters such as energy consumption, rate of climb/descent (ROCD), fuel burn, mass changes, and power requirements. The function also supports complex flight dynamics including turns, heading changes, and wind influences. :param AC: Aircraft object {BADA3/4/H/E}. :param speedType: Type of speed to maintain during the flight {M, CAS, TAS}. :param v: Speed to follow - [kt] CAS/TAS or [-] MACH. :param Hp_init: Initial pressure altitude [ft]. :param Hp_final: Final pressure altitude [ft]. :param slopetarget: Target slope (trajectory angle) to be maintained during climb/descent [deg]. :param m_init: Initial mass of the aircraft at the start of the segment [kg]. :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from the standard ISA temperature [K]. :param wS: Wind speed component along the longitudinal axis (affects ground speed) [kt]. Default is 0.0. :param turnMetrics: A dictionary defining the turn parameters: - rateOfTurn [deg/s] - bankAngle [deg] - directionOfTurn {LEFT/RIGHT}. Default is straight flight. :param Lat: Initial latitude [deg]. Default is None. :param Lon: Initial longitude [deg]. Default is None. :param initialHeading: A dictionary defining the initial heading (magnetic or true) and whether to fly a constant heading: - magnetic: Magnetic heading [deg]. - true: True heading [deg]. - constantHeading: Whether to maintain a constant heading. Default is None. :param reducedPower: Boolean specifying if reduced power is applied during the climb. Default is None. :param directionOfTurn: Direction of the turn {LEFT, RIGHT}. Default is None. :param magneticDeclinationGrid: Optional grid of magnetic declination used to correct magnetic heading. Default is None. :param kwargs: Additional optional parameters: - Hp_step: Step size in altitude for the iterative calculation [ft]. Default is 1000 ft for BADA3/BADA4, 500 ft for BADAH/BADAE. - SOC_init: Initial battery state of charge for electric aircraft (BADAE) [%]. Default is 100. - speedBrakes: A dictionary specifying whether speed brakes are deployed and the additional drag coefficient {deployed: False, value: 0.03}. - ROCD_min: Minimum rate of climb/descent used to determine service ceiling [ft/min]. Default varies based on aircraft type. - config: Default aerodynamic configuration (TO, IC, CR, AP, LD). Default is None. - mass_const: Boolean indicating whether mass remains constant during the flight segment. Default is False. - m_iter: Number of iterations for the mass integration loop. Default is 5. :returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the flight trajectory with columns such as: - **Hp** - wAltitude [ft] - **TAS** - True Air Speed [kt] - **CAS** - Calibrated Air Speed [kt] - **GS** - Ground Speed [kt] - **M** - Mach number [-] - **ROCD** - Rate of Climb/Descent [ft/min] - **ESF** - Energy Share Factor [-] - **FUEL** - Fuel flow [kg/s] - **FUELCONSUMED** - Total fuel consumed [kg] - **THR** - Thrust force [N] - **DRAG** - Drag force [N] - **time** - Elapsed time [s] - **dist** - Distance flown [NM] - **slope** - Trajectory slope [deg] - **mass** - Aircraft mass [kg] - **config** - Aerodynamic configuration - **LAT** - Latitude [deg] - **LON** - Longitude [deg] - **HDGTrue** - True heading [deg] - **HDGMagnetic** - Magnetic heading [deg] - **BankAngle** - Bank angle [deg] - **ROT** - Rate of turn [deg/s] - **Comment** - Comments for each segment - **For BADAH:** - **Preq** - Required power [W] - **Peng** - Generated power [W] - **Pav** - Available power [W] - **For BADAE (electric aircraft):** - **Pmec** - Mechanical power [W] - **Pelc** - Electrical power [W] - **Pbat** - Power supplied by the battery [W] - **SOCr** - Rate of battery state of charge depletion [%/h] - **SOC** - Battery state of charge [%] - **Ibat** - Battery current [A] - **Vbat** - Battery voltage [V] - **Vgbat** - Ground battery voltage [V] :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ rateOfTurn = turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] bankAngle = turnMetrics["bankAngle"] directionOfTurn = turnMetrics["directionOfTurn"] turnFlight = True if turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] == 0.0 and turnMetrics["bankAngle"] == 0.0: turnFlight = False # conversion of Magnetic Heading to True Heading if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: magneticDeclination = magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat, LON_target=Lon ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 # retrieve magnetic and true heading inputs magneticHeading = initialHeading["magnetic"] trueHeading = initialHeading["true"] constantHeading = initialHeading["constantHeading"] if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if trueHeading is not None and magneticHeading is None: # fly TRUE Heading headingToFly = "TRUE" magneticHeading = trueHeading - magneticDeclination elif magneticHeading is not None and trueHeading is None: # fly MAGNETIC Heading if constantHeading == True: headingToFly = "MAGNETIC" trueHeading = magneticHeading + magneticDeclination else: raise Exception("Cannot fly non-constant magnetic heading") else: raise Exception("Undefined Heading value combination") # calculation with constant mass (True) or integrated (False) mass_const = kwargs.get("mass_const", False) # optional parameter to define initial Baterry State of Charge (SOC) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC_init = kwargs.get("SOC_init", 100) else: SOC_init = None # speed brakes application if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: speedBrakes = kwargs.get( "speedBrakes", {"deployed": False, "value": 0.03} ) # optional parameter - iteration step for altitude loop if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Hp_step = kwargs.get("Hp_step", 500) # [ft] else: # NB: it must be a multiple of 1000ft so that interrupted climbs end on a regular cruise altitude. Hp_step = kwargs.get("Hp_step", 1000) # [ft] # minimum remaining ROCD to determine cruise ceiling if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 50) # [ft/min] else: if AC.engineType == "PISTON" or AC.engineType == "ELECTRIC": ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 100) # [ft/min] else: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 300) # [ft/min] # determine if vertical evolution over the segment is CLIMB or DESCENT if Hp_init < Hp_final: phase = "Climb" else: phase = "Descent" Hp_step = -Hp_step # check the consistency of SLOPE and climb/descent phase of flight # if incosistent, change the sign on slope target value if phase == "Climb" and slopetarget < 0: slopetarget = abs(slopetarget) print("Slopetarget for Climb should be positive") elif phase == "Descent" and slopetarget > 0: slopetarget = slopetarget * (-1) print("Slopetarget for Descent should be negative") if turnFlight: turnComment = "_turn" else: turnComment = "" if constantHeading: constHeadingStr = "_const_Heading" elif constantHeading is False or constantHeading is None: constHeadingStr = "" # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation comment = ( phase + turnComment + "_const_Slope_" + speedType + constHeadingStr ) if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): comment = comment + "_" + headingToFly + "_Heading" # get the default aerodynamic configuration if provided to be used for the whole segment config_default = kwargs.get("config", None) if config_default is not None: if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: if not ( config_default == "TO" or config_default == "IC" or config_default == "CR" or config_default == "AP" or config_default == "LD" ): print( "WRONG default configuration set. Available values are: TO/IC/CR/AP/LD. Configuration will be calculated automatically" ) # weight iteration constant m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 5 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] # initialize output parameters Hp = [] TAS = [] CAS = [] GS = [] M = [] ROCD = [] esf = [] FUEL = [] FUELCONSUMED = [] time = [0] dist = [0] mass = [m_init] Comment = [] Slope = [] acc = [] THR = [] DRAG = [] config = [] HLid = [] LG = [] BankAngle = [] ROT = [] if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED = [0] # BADAH specific Peng = [] Preq = [] Pav = [] # optional GPS coordiantes and HDG definition if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): LAT = [Lat] LON = [Lon] HDGMagnetic = [magneticHeading] HDGTrue = [trueHeading] else: LAT = [] LON = [] HDGMagnetic = [] HDGTrue = [] # BADAE specific Pmec = [] Pbat = [] SOCr = [] SOC = [SOC_init] Pelc = [] Ibat = [] Vbat = [] Vgbat = [] # init loop parameters Hp_i = Hp_init go_on = True while go_on: ## PART 1: compute parameters at end of step that are known without uncertainties: ## atmosphere, speeds, ESF # atmosphere properties H_m = conv.ft2m(Hp_i) # altitude [m] [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) # aircraft speed [M_i, CAS_i, TAS_i] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v, speedType=speedType, theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma ) if turnFlight: if turnMetrics["bankAngle"] != 0.0: # bankAngle is defined rateOfTurn = AC.rateOfTurn_bankAngle( TAS=TAS_i, bankAngle=bankAngle ) else: # rateOfTurn is defined bankAngle = AC.bankAngle( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, v=TAS_i ) # [degrees] # Load factor nz = 1 / cos(radians(bankAngle)) # compute Energy Share Factor (ESF) ESF_i = AC.esf( h=H_m, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, flightEvolution=("const" + speedType), ) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # special case for BADAE, in future it may apply also for BADAH ROCDisu = tan(conv.deg2rad(slopetarget)) * TAS_i * (1 / temp_const) else: ROCDisu = sin(conv.deg2rad(slopetarget)) * TAS_i * (1 / temp_const) ## PART 2: compute parameters at end of step that are known only with uncertainties ## (due to unknown mass at end of step): ## weight, lift, drag , thrust, fuel flow mass_i = mass[-1] for _ in itertools.repeat(None, m_iter): # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute Power required for level flight Preq_i = AC.Preq( sigma=sigma, tas=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, phi=bankAngle ) # Compute power required for target ROCD Preq_target_i = AC.Peng_target( temp=theta * const.temp_0, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ROCD=ROCDisu, mass=mass_i, Preq=Preq_i, ESF=ESF_i, ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M_i, delta=delta, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_i, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_i, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute thrust force THR_i = ( ROCDisu * mass_i * const.g * temp_const / (TAS_i * ESF_i) + Drag ) # [N] # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD(CL=CL, config=config_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute thrust force THR_i = ( ROCDisu * mass_i * const.g * temp_const / (TAS_i * ESF_i) + Drag ) # [N] # check that required thrust/power fits in the avialable thrust/power envelope, # recompute ROCD if necessary and compute fuel flow # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Pmin = 0.1 * AC.P0 # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating="MTKF", theta=theta, delta=delta ) # assume MTKF rating as the limit Pmax = Pav_i if Preq_target_i < Pmin: Preq_target_i = Pmin ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif Preq_target_i > Pmax: Preq_target_i = Pmax ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) else: ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # compute fuel flow for level flight CP = AC.CP(Peng=Preq_target_i) FUEL_i = AC.ff(delta=delta, CP=CP) # [kg/s] # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmin = 0.1 * AC.P0 # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating="MTKF", SOC=SOC[-1] ) # assume MTKF rating as the limit Pmax = Pav_i if Preq_target_i < Pmin: Preq_target_i = Pmin ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif Preq_target_i > Pmax: Preq_target_i = Pmax ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) else: ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 Pbat_i = AC.Pbat(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) SOCr_i = AC.SOCrate(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) # debug data Pelc_i = Preq_target_i / AC.eta Ibat_i = AC.Ibat(P=Pelc_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vbat_i = AC.Vbat(I=Ibat_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vgbat_i = ( AC.Vocbat(SOC=SOC[-1]) - AC.R0bat(SOC=SOC[-1]) * Ibat_i ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) else: CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # [kg/s] ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config="CR", DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( flightPhase="Descent", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_min, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, config="CR", ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( flightPhase="Climb", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_max, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) else: FUEL_i = AC.ff( v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, adapted=True ) ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # Compute elapsed time and fuel burn over current step if Hp_i == Hp_init: break else: # Average ROCD over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_ROCD = (ROCD[-1] + ROCD_i) / 2 # [ft/min] # Step time is: altitude differential divided by average ROCD step_time = 60 * (Hp_i - Hp[-1]) / ROCD_i # [s] # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # Average SOC rate over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_SOCr = (SOCr[-1] + SOCr_i) / 2 # [%/h] # SOC change is: average SOC rate multiplied by step time step_SOC = step_SOCr * step_time / 3600 # [%] # Update SOC estimate at end of step SOC_i = SOC[-1] - step_SOC # [%] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step - mass is not changing for ELECTRIC engine (no fuel is consumed) mass_i = mass[-1] # [kg] else: # average fuel flow over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_FUEL = (FUEL[-1] + FUEL_i) / 2 # [kg/s] # fuel burnt is: average fuel flow multiplied by step time step_mass = step_FUEL * step_time # [kg] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step if not mass_const: mass_i = mass[-1] - step_mass # [kg] fuelConsumed_i = step_FUEL * step_time fuelConsumed_i = FUELCONSUMED[-1] + step_FUEL * step_time ## PART 3: store information about end of step point writeOutputData = True if phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < 0: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] is negative at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = False elif phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < ROCD_min: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] exceeds the service ceiling limit defined by minimum ROCD = " + str(ROCD_min) + " [ft/min] at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = True if writeOutputData: # point data Hp.append(Hp_i) TAS.append(conv.ms2kt(TAS_i)) CAS.append(conv.ms2kt(CAS_i)) M.append(M_i) ROCD.append(ROCD_i) esf.append(ESF_i) Comment.append(comment) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUEL.append(FUEL_i) # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Peng.append(Preq_target_i) Preq.append(Preq_i) Pav.append(Pav_i) # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmec.append(Preq_target_i) Pbat.append(Pbat_i) SOCr.append(SOCr_i) Pelc.append(Pelc_i) Ibat.append(Ibat_i) Vbat.append(Vbat_i) Vgbat.append(Vgbat_i) # BADA3 & BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR.append(THR_i) DRAG.append(Drag) config.append(config_i) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.append(HLid_i) LG.append(LG_i) # calculation of the slope if TAS_i == 0: gamma_i = 90 * np.sign(ROCD_i) else: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: gamma_i = degrees( atan(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) else: # using SIN assumes the TAS to be in the direction of the aircraft axis, not ground plane. Which means, this should be mathematically the correct equation for all the aircraft gamma_i = degrees( asin(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) # ground speed can be calcualted as TAS projected on the ground minus wind GS_i = cos(radians(gamma_i)) * TAS_i - wS GS.append(conv.ms2kt(GS_i)) Slope.append(gamma_i) acc.append(0.0) BankAngle.append(bankAngle) ROT.append(rateOfTurn) # integrated data if Hp_i != Hp_init: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC.append(SOC_i) mass.append(mass_i) time.append(time[-1] + step_time) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED.append(fuelConsumed_i) # Average TAS over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_TAS = (TAS[-2] + TAS[-1]) / 2 # [kt] # Average slope over the step step_gamma = radians((Slope[-2] + Slope[-1]) / 2) # radians # Average ground speed over step # since this is not level flight, TAS speed should be projected on the ground, then GS can be calculated applying the wind speed step_TAS_projected = cos(step_gamma) * step_TAS step_GS = step_TAS_projected - wS # [kt] # Step distance is: average GS multiplied by step time if turnFlight: step_distance = conv.m2nm( turn.distance( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, TAS=TAS_i, timeOfTurn=step_time, ) ) # arcLength during the turn [NM] else: step_distance = step_GS * step_time / 3600 # [NM] # Distance at end of step is distance at start of step plus step distance dist.append(dist[-1] + step_distance) # add GPS calculation if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if headingToFly == "TRUE": if not turnFlight: if not constantHeading: # fly ORTHODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( vincenty.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), bearing=HDGTrue[-1], ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif constantHeading: # fly LOXODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGTrue_i = HDGTrue[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif headingToFly == "MAGNETIC": if not turnFlight: if constantHeading: (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGMagnetic_i = HDGMagnetic[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGTrue_i = ( HDGMagnetic_i + magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGTrue_i = HDGMagnetic_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i LAT.append(Lat_i) LON.append(Lon_i) HDGMagnetic.append(HDGMagnetic_i) HDGTrue.append(HDGTrue_i) # Determine end altitude of next step Hp_next = Hp_i + Hp_step if phase == "Climb": if Hp_next < Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_next - (Hp_i % Hp_step) # remaining altitude step would cross over the final altitude elif Hp_i < Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_final else: go_on = False else: if Hp_next > Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_next - (Hp_i % Hp_step) # remaining altitude step would cross over the final altitude elif Hp_i > Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_final else: go_on = False flightData = { "Hp": Hp, "TAS": TAS, "CAS": CAS, "GS": GS, "M": M, "acc": acc, "ROCD": ROCD, "ESF": esf, "FUEL": FUEL, "Pmec": Pmec, "Pelc": Pelc, "Pbat": Pbat, "SOCr": SOCr, "SOC": SOC, "Ibat": Ibat, "Vbat": Vbat, "Vgbat": Vgbat, "FUELCONSUMED": FUELCONSUMED, "Preq": Preq, "Peng": Peng, "Pav": Pav, "THR": THR, "DRAG": DRAG, "time": time, "dist": dist, "slope": Slope, "mass": mass, "config": config, "HLid": HLid, "LG": LG, "LAT": LAT, "LON": LON, "HDGTrue": HDGTrue, "HDGMagnetic": HDGMagnetic, "BankAngle": BankAngle, "ROT": ROT, "comment": Comment, } flightTrajectory = FT.createFlightTrajectoryDataframe(flightData) return flightTrajectory
[docs] def constantSpeedSlope_time( AC, length, speedType, v, Hp_init, slopetarget, m_init, DeltaTemp, wS=0.0, turnMetrics={"rateOfTurn": 0.0, "bankAngle": 0.0, "directionOfTurn": None}, Lat=None, Lon=None, initialHeading={"magnetic": None, "true": None, "constantHeading": None}, reducedPower=None, directionOfTurn=None, magneticDeclinationGrid=None, **kwargs, ): """ Computes the time, fuel, and trajectory parameters required by an aircraft to climb or descend at constant speed and slope over a given duration. This function models a trajectory with constant speed (either CAS, TAS, or Mach) and a specified slope (degrees). The aircraft's dynamics are modeled based on BADA family data (BADA3, BADA4, BADAH, BADAE), supporting various aircraft types including electric models. It also accounts for turns, heading changes, and wind effects. :param AC: Aircraft object {BADA3, BADA4, BADAH, BADAE}. :param length: Total duration of the segment [s]. :param speedType: Speed type to follow during the trajectory {M, CAS, TAS}. :param v: Speed to follow (in knots for CAS/TAS or as a Mach number) [kt] or [-] for Mach. :param Hp_init: Initial pressure altitude [ft]. :param slopetarget: Desired slope (trajectory angle) to follow [deg]. :param m_init: Initial aircraft mass [kg]. :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from standard ISA temperature [K]. :param wS: Longitudinal wind speed component (affects ground speed) [kt]. Default is 0.0. :param turnMetrics: A dictionary defining the turn parameters: - rateOfTurn [deg/s] - bankAngle [deg] - directionOfTurn {LEFT/RIGHT}. Default is straight flight. :param Lat: Initial latitude [deg]. Default is None. :param Lon: Initial longitude [deg]. Default is None. :param initialHeading: A dictionary specifying the initial heading (magnetic or true) and whether to fly a constant heading: - magnetic: Magnetic heading [deg]. - true: True heading [deg]. - constantHeading: Whether to maintain a constant heading [True/False]. :param reducedPower: Boolean specifying if reduced power is applied during climb/descent. Default is None. :param directionOfTurn: Direction of turn {LEFT, RIGHT}. Default is None. :param magneticDeclinationGrid: Optional magnetic declination grid for correcting magnetic heading. Default is None. :param kwargs: Additional optional parameters: - step_length: Step length for trajectory calculation [s]. Default is 1 second. - Hp_step: Altitude step size for calculations [ft]. Default is 1000 ft for BADA3/BADA4, 500 ft for BADAH/BADAE. - SOC_init: Initial battery state of charge (for electric aircraft) [%]. Default is 100. - config: Default aerodynamic configuration {TO, IC, CR, AP, LD}. If not provided, configuration is calculated automatically. - speedBrakes: Dictionary specifying if speed brakes are deployed and additional drag coefficient {deployed: False, value: 0.03}. - ROCD_min: Minimum Rate of Climb/Descent to determine service ceiling [ft/min]. Defaults depend on aircraft type and engine. - mass_const: Boolean indicating whether mass remains constant during the flight. Default is False. - m_iter: Number of iterations for mass integration. Default is 5. :returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the flight trajectory with columns such as: - **Hp** - wAltitude [ft] - **TAS** - True Air Speed [kt] - **CAS** - Calibrated Air Speed [kt] - **GS** - Ground Speed [kt] - **M** - Mach number [-] - **ROCD** - Rate of Climb/Descent [ft/min] - **ESF** - Energy Share Factor [-] - **FUEL** - Fuel flow [kg/s] - **FUELCONSUMED** - Total fuel consumed [kg] - **THR** - Thrust force [N] - **DRAG** - Drag force [N] - **time** - Elapsed time [s] - **dist** - Distance flown [NM] - **slope** - Trajectory slope [deg] - **mass** - Aircraft mass [kg] - **config** - Aerodynamic configuration - **LAT** - Latitude [deg] - **LON** - Longitude [deg] - **HDGTrue** - True heading [deg] - **HDGMagnetic** - Magnetic heading [deg] - **BankAngle** - Bank angle [deg] - **ROT** - Rate of turn [deg/s] - **Comment** - Comments for each segment - **For BADAH:** - **Preq** - Required power [W] - **Peng** - Generated power [W] - **Pav** - Available power [W] - **For BADAE (electric aircraft):** - **Pmec** - Mechanical power [W] - **Pelc** - Electrical power [W] - **Pbat** - Power supplied by the battery [W] - **SOCr** - Rate of battery state of charge depletion [%/h] - **SOC** - Battery state of charge [%] - **Ibat** - Battery current [A] - **Vbat** - Battery voltage [V] - **Vgbat** - Ground battery voltage [V] :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ rateOfTurn = turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] bankAngle = turnMetrics["bankAngle"] directionOfTurn = turnMetrics["directionOfTurn"] turnFlight = True if turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] == 0.0 and turnMetrics["bankAngle"] == 0.0: turnFlight = False # conversion of Magnetic Heading to True Heading if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: magneticDeclination = magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat, LON_target=Lon ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 # retrieve magnetic and true heading inputs magneticHeading = initialHeading["magnetic"] trueHeading = initialHeading["true"] constantHeading = initialHeading["constantHeading"] if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if trueHeading is not None and magneticHeading is None: # fly TRUE Heading headingToFly = "TRUE" magneticHeading = trueHeading - magneticDeclination elif magneticHeading is not None and trueHeading is None: # fly MAGNETIC Heading if constantHeading == True: headingToFly = "MAGNETIC" trueHeading = magneticHeading + magneticDeclination else: raise Exception("Cannot fly non-constant magnetic heading") else: raise Exception("Undefined Heading value combination") # calculation with constant mass (True) or integrated (False) mass_const = kwargs.get("mass_const", False) # optional parameter to define initial Baterry State of Charge (SOC) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC_init = kwargs.get("SOC_init", 100) else: SOC_init = None # speed brakes application if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: speedBrakes = kwargs.get( "speedBrakes", {"deployed": False, "value": 0.03} ) # step size in [s] step_length = kwargs.get("step_length", 1) # minimum remaining ROCD to determine cruise ceiling if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 50) # [ft/min] else: if AC.engineType == "PISTON" or AC.engineType == "ELECTRIC": ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 100) # [ft/min] else: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 300) # [ft/min] # check the consistency of ROCD and climb/descent phase of flight if slopetarget < 0: phase = "Descent" elif slopetarget > 0: phase = "Climb" else: print("Slopetarget should be different from 0") if turnFlight: turnComment = "_turn" else: turnComment = "" if constantHeading: constHeadingStr = "_const_Heading" elif constantHeading is False or constantHeading is None: constHeadingStr = "" # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation comment = ( phase + turnComment + "_const_Slope_" + speedType + constHeadingStr ) if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): comment = comment + "_" + headingToFly + "_Heading" # get the default aerodynamic configuration if provided to be used for the whole segment config_default = kwargs.get("config", None) if config_default is not None: if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: if not ( config_default == "TO" or config_default == "IC" or config_default == "CR" or config_default == "AP" or config_default == "LD" ): print( "WRONG default configuration set. Available values are: TO/IC/CR/AP/LD. Configuration will be calculated automatically" ) # weight iteration constant m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 5 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] # initialize output parameters Hp = [Hp_init] TAS = [] CAS = [] GS = [] M = [] ROCD = [] esf = [] FUEL = [] FUELCONSUMED = [] time = [0] dist = [0] mass = [m_init] Comment = [] Slope = [] acc = [] THR = [] DRAG = [] config = [] HLid = [] LG = [] BankAngle = [] ROT = [] if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED = [0] # BADAH specific Peng = [] Preq = [] Pav = [] # optional GPS coordiantes and HDG definition if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): LAT = [Lat] LON = [Lon] HDGMagnetic = [magneticHeading] HDGTrue = [trueHeading] else: LAT = [] LON = [] HDGMagnetic = [] HDGTrue = [] # BADAE specific Pmec = [] Pbat = [] SOCr = [] SOC = [SOC_init] Pelc = [] Ibat = [] Vbat = [] Vgbat = [] # init loop parameters length_loop = 0 time_i = time[-1] go_on = True while go_on: ## PART 1: compute parameters at end of step that are known without uncertainties: ## atmosphere, speeds, ESF ## PART 2: compute parameters at end of step that are known only with uncertainties ## (due to unknown mass at end of step): ## weight, lift, drag , thrust, fuel flow mass_i = mass[-1] Hp_i = Hp[-1] for _ in itertools.repeat(None, m_iter): # atmosphere properties H_m = conv.ft2m(Hp_i) # altitude [m] [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) # aircraft speed [M_i, CAS_i, TAS_i] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v, speedType=speedType, theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma ) if turnFlight: if turnMetrics["bankAngle"] != 0.0: # bankAngle is defined rateOfTurn = AC.rateOfTurn_bankAngle( TAS=TAS_i, bankAngle=bankAngle ) else: # rateOfTurn is defined bankAngle = AC.bankAngle( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, v=TAS_i ) # [degrees] # Load factor nz = 1 / cos(radians(bankAngle)) # compute Energy Share Factor (ESF) ESF_i = AC.esf( h=H_m, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, flightEvolution=("const" + speedType), ) step_time = length_loop - time[-1] # Compute required ROCD if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # special case for BADAE, in future it may apply also for BADAH ROCDisu = ( tan(conv.deg2rad(slopetarget)) * TAS_i * (1 / temp_const) ) else: ROCDisu = ( sin(conv.deg2rad(slopetarget)) * TAS_i * (1 / temp_const) ) # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute Power required for level flight Preq_i = AC.Preq( sigma=sigma, tas=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, phi=bankAngle ) # Compute power required for target ROCD Preq_target_i = AC.Peng_target( temp=theta * const.temp_0, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ROCD=ROCDisu, mass=mass_i, Preq=Preq_i, ESF=ESF_i, ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M_i, delta=delta, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_i, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_i, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute thrust force THR_i = ( ROCDisu * mass_i * const.g * temp_const / (TAS_i * ESF_i) + Drag ) # [N] # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD(CL=CL, config=config_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute thrust force THR_i = ( ROCDisu * mass_i * const.g * temp_const / (TAS_i * ESF_i) + Drag ) # [N] # check that required thrust/power fits in the avialable thrust/power envelope, # recompute ROCD if necessary and compute fuel flow # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Pmin = 0.1 * AC.P0 # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating="MTKF", theta=theta, delta=delta ) # assume MTKF rating as the limit Pmax = Pav_i if Preq_target_i < Pmin: Preq_target_i = Pmin ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif Preq_target_i > Pmax: Preq_target_i = Pmax ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) else: ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # compute fuel flow for level flight CP = AC.CP(Peng=Preq_target_i) FUEL_i = AC.ff(delta=delta, CP=CP) # [kg/s] # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmin = 0.1 * AC.P0 # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating="MTKF", SOC=SOC[-1] ) # assume MTKF rating as the limit Pmax = Pav_i if Preq_target_i < Pmin: Preq_target_i = Pmin ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif Preq_target_i > Pmax: Preq_target_i = Pmax ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) else: ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 Pbat_i = AC.Pbat(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) SOCr_i = AC.SOCrate(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) # debug data Pelc_i = Preq_target_i / AC.eta Ibat_i = AC.Ibat(P=Pelc_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vbat_i = AC.Vbat(I=Ibat_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vgbat_i = ( AC.Vocbat(SOC=SOC[-1]) - AC.R0bat(SOC=SOC[-1]) * Ibat_i ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) else: CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # [kg/s] ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config="CR", DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( flightPhase="Descent", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_min, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, config="CR", ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( flightPhase="Climb", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_max, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) else: FUEL_i = AC.ff( v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, adapted=True ) ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # Compute elapsed time and fuel burn over current step if length_loop == 0: # no need to loop for first point: initial m/Hp already known break else: # Average ROCD over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_ROCD = (ROCD[-1] + ROCD_i) / 2 # [ft/min] # Altitude differential is: average ROCD multiplied by step time step_Hp = step_ROCD * step_time / 60 # [ft] # Update altitude estimate at end of step Hp_i = Hp[-1] + step_Hp # [ft] # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # Average SOC rate over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_SOCr = (SOCr[-1] + SOCr_i) / 2 # [%/h] # SOC change is: average SOC rate multiplied by step time step_SOC = step_SOCr * step_time / 3600 # [%] # Update SOC estimate at end of step SOC_i = SOC[-1] - step_SOC # [%] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step - mass is not changing for ELECTRIC engine (no fuel is consumed) mass_i = mass[-1] # [kg] else: # average fuel flow over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_FUEL = (FUEL[-1] + FUEL_i) / 2 # [kg/s] # fuel burnt is: average fuel flow multiplied by step time step_mass = step_FUEL * step_time # [kg] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step if not mass_const: mass_i = mass[-1] - step_mass # [kg] fuelConsumed_i = step_FUEL * step_time fuelConsumed_i = FUELCONSUMED[-1] + step_FUEL * step_time ## PART 3: store information about end of step point writeOutputData = True if phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < 0: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] is negative at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = False elif phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < ROCD_min: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] exceeds the service ceiling limit defined by minimum ROCD = " + str(ROCD_min) + " [ft/min] at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = True if writeOutputData: # point data TAS.append(conv.ms2kt(TAS_i)) CAS.append(conv.ms2kt(CAS_i)) M.append(M_i) ROCD.append(ROCD_i) esf.append(ESF_i) Comment.append(comment) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUEL.append(FUEL_i) # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Peng.append(Preq_target_i) Preq.append(Preq_i) Pav.append(Pav_i) # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmec.append(Preq_target_i) Pbat.append(Pbat_i) SOCr.append(SOCr_i) Pelc.append(Pelc_i) Ibat.append(Ibat_i) Vbat.append(Vbat_i) Vgbat.append(Vgbat_i) # BADA3 & BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR.append(THR_i) DRAG.append(Drag) config.append(config_i) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.append(HLid_i) LG.append(LG_i) # calculation of the slope if TAS_i == 0: gamma_i = 90 * np.sign(ROCD_i) else: [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=conv.ft2m(Hp_i), DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: gamma_i = degrees( atan(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) else: # using SIN assumes the TAS to be in the direction of the aircraft axis, not ground plane. Which means, this should be mathematically the correct equation for all the aircraft gamma_i = degrees( asin(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) # ground speed can be calcualted as TAS projected on the ground minus wind GS_i = cos(radians(gamma_i)) * TAS_i - wS GS.append(conv.ms2kt(GS_i)) Slope.append(gamma_i) acc.append(0.0) BankAngle.append(bankAngle) ROT.append(rateOfTurn) # integrated data if length_loop != 0: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC.append(SOC_i) Hp.append(Hp_i) mass.append(mass_i) time.append(time[-1] + step_time) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED.append(fuelConsumed_i) # Average TAS over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_TAS = (TAS[-2] + TAS[-1]) / 2 # [kt] # Average slope over the step step_gamma = radians((Slope[-2] + Slope[-1]) / 2) # radians # Average ground speed over step # since this is not level flight, TAS speed should be projected on the ground, then GS can be calculated applying the wind speed step_TAS_projected = cos(step_gamma) * step_TAS step_GS = step_TAS_projected - wS # [kt] # Step distance is: average GS multiplied by step time if turnFlight: step_distance = conv.m2nm( turn.distance( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, TAS=TAS_i, timeOfTurn=step_time, ) ) # arcLength during the turn [NM] else: step_distance = step_GS * step_time / 3600 # [NM] # Distance at end of step is distance at start of step plus step distance dist.append(dist[-1] + step_distance) # add GPS calculation if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if headingToFly == "TRUE": if not turnFlight: if not constantHeading: # fly ORTHODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( vincenty.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), bearing=HDGTrue[-1], ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif constantHeading: # fly LOXODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGTrue_i = HDGTrue[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif headingToFly == "MAGNETIC": if not turnFlight: if constantHeading: (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGMagnetic_i = HDGMagnetic[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGTrue_i = ( HDGMagnetic_i + magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGTrue_i = HDGMagnetic_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i LAT.append(Lat_i) LON.append(Lon_i) HDGMagnetic.append(HDGMagnetic_i) HDGTrue.append(HDGTrue_i) if length_loop + step_length < length: length_loop += step_length elif length_loop < length: length_loop = length else: go_on = False flightData = { "Hp": Hp, "TAS": TAS, "CAS": CAS, "GS": GS, "M": M, "acc": acc, "ROCD": ROCD, "ESF": esf, "FUEL": FUEL, "Pmec": Pmec, "Pelc": Pelc, "Pbat": Pbat, "SOCr": SOCr, "SOC": SOC, "Ibat": Ibat, "Vbat": Vbat, "Vgbat": Vgbat, "FUELCONSUMED": FUELCONSUMED, "Preq": Preq, "Peng": Peng, "Pav": Pav, "THR": THR, "DRAG": DRAG, "time": time, "dist": dist, "slope": Slope, "mass": mass, "config": config, "HLid": HLid, "LG": LG, "LAT": LAT, "LON": LON, "HDGTrue": HDGTrue, "HDGMagnetic": HDGMagnetic, "BankAngle": BankAngle, "ROT": ROT, "comment": Comment, } flightTrajectory = FT.createFlightTrajectoryDataframe(flightData) return flightTrajectory
[docs] def constantSpeedRating( AC, speedType, v, Hp_init, Hp_final, m_init, DeltaTemp, wS=0.0, turnMetrics={"rateOfTurn": 0.0, "bankAngle": 0.0, "directionOfTurn": None}, Lat=None, Lon=None, initialHeading={"magnetic": None, "true": None, "constantHeading": None}, reducedPower=None, directionOfTurn=None, expedite=False, magneticDeclinationGrid=None, initRating=None, **kwargs, ): """ Calculates time, fuel consumption, and other parameters required for an aircraft to perform a climb or descent from an initial altitude (Hp_init) to a final altitude (Hp_final) while maintaining a constant speed and engine rating. It uses different models for BADA (Base of Aircraft Data) families (BADA3, BADA4, BADAH, BADAE) to compute key flight parameters such as fuel burn, rate of climb/descent (ROCD), thrust, drag, and energy requirements. The function also supports complex flight dynamics including turns, heading changes, and wind influences. :param AC: Aircraft object {BADA3/4/H/E}. :param speedType: Type of speed to maintain during the flight {M (Mach), CAS, TAS}. :param v: Speed to follow - [kt] CAS/TAS or [-] MACH. :param Hp_init: Initial pressure altitude [ft]. :param Hp_final: Final pressure altitude [ft]. :param m_init: Initial mass of the aircraft at the start of the segment [kg]. :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from the standard ISA temperature [K]. :param wS: Wind speed component along the longitudinal axis (affects ground speed) [kt]. Default is 0.0. :param turnMetrics: A dictionary defining the turn parameters: - rateOfTurn [deg/s] - bankAngle [deg] - directionOfTurn {LEFT/RIGHT}. Default is straight flight. :param Lat: Initial latitude [deg]. Default is None. :param Lon: Initial longitude [deg]. Default is None. :param initialHeading: A dictionary defining the initial heading (magnetic or true) and whether to fly a constant heading: - magnetic: Magnetic heading [deg]. - true: True heading [deg]. - constantHeading: Whether to maintain a constant heading. Default is None. :param reducedPower: Boolean specifying if reduced power is applied during the climb. Default is None. :param directionOfTurn: Direction of the turn {LEFT, RIGHT}. Default is None. :param expedite: Boolean flag to expedite climb/descent. Default is False. :param magneticDeclinationGrid: Optional grid of magnetic declination used to correct magnetic heading. Default is None. :param kwargs: Additional optional parameters: - Hp_step: Step size in altitude for the iterative calculation [ft]. Default is 1000 ft for BADA3/BADA4, 500 ft for BADAH/BADAE. - SOC_init: Initial battery state of charge for electric aircraft (BADAE) [%]. Default is 100. - speedBrakes: A dictionary specifying whether speed brakes are deployed and the additional drag coefficient {deployed: False, value: 0.03}. - ROCD_min: Minimum rate of climb/descent used to determine service ceiling [ft/min]. Default varies based on aircraft type. - config: Default aerodynamic configuration (TO, IC, CR, AP, LD). Default is None. - mass_const: Boolean indicating whether mass remains constant during the flight segment. Default is False. - m_iter: Number of iterations for the mass integration loop. Default is 5. :returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the flight trajectory with columns such as: - **Hp** - wAltitude [ft] - **TAS** - True Air Speed [kt] - **CAS** - Calibrated Air Speed [kt] - **GS** - Ground Speed [kt] - **M** - Mach number [-] - **ROCD** - Rate of Climb/Descent [ft/min] - **ESF** - Energy Share Factor [-] - **FUEL** - Fuel flow [kg/s] - **FUELCONSUMED** - Total fuel consumed [kg] - **THR** - Thrust force [N] - **DRAG** - Drag force [N] - **time** - Elapsed time [s] - **dist** - Distance flown [NM] - **slope** - Trajectory slope [deg] - **mass** - Aircraft mass [kg] - **config** - Aerodynamic configuration - **LAT** - Latitude [deg] - **LON** - Longitude [deg] - **HDGTrue** - True heading [deg] - **HDGMagnetic** - Magnetic heading [deg] - **BankAngle** - Bank angle [deg] - **ROT** - Rate of turn [deg/s] - **Comment** - Comments for each segment - **For BADAH:** - **Preq** - Required power [W] - **Peng** - Generated power [W] - **Pav** - Available power [W] - **For BADAE (electric aircraft):** - **Pmec** - Mechanical power [W] - **Pelc** - Electrical power [W] - **Pbat** - Power supplied by the battery [W] - **SOCr** - Rate of battery state of charge depletion [%/h] - **SOC** - Battery state of charge [%] - **Ibat** - Battery current [A] - **Vbat** - Battery voltage [V] - **Vgbat** - Ground battery voltage [V] :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ rateOfTurn = turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] bankAngle = turnMetrics["bankAngle"] directionOfTurn = turnMetrics["directionOfTurn"] turnFlight = True if turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] == 0.0 and turnMetrics["bankAngle"] == 0.0: turnFlight = False # conversion of Magnetic Heading to True Heading if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: magneticDeclination = magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat, LON_target=Lon ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 # retrieve magnetic and true heading inputs magneticHeading = initialHeading["magnetic"] trueHeading = initialHeading["true"] constantHeading = initialHeading["constantHeading"] if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if trueHeading is not None and magneticHeading is None: # fly TRUE Heading headingToFly = "TRUE" magneticHeading = trueHeading - magneticDeclination elif magneticHeading is not None and trueHeading is None: # fly MAGNETIC Heading if constantHeading == True: headingToFly = "MAGNETIC" trueHeading = magneticHeading + magneticDeclination else: raise Exception("Cannot fly non-constant magnetic heading") else: raise Exception("Undefined Heading value combination") # calculation with constant mass (True) or integrated (False) mass_const = kwargs.get("mass_const", False) # optional parameter to define initial Baterry State of Charge (SOC) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC_init = kwargs.get("SOC_init", 100) else: SOC_init = None # speed brakes application if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: speedBrakes = kwargs.get( "speedBrakes", {"deployed": False, "value": 0.03} ) # optional parameter - iteration step for altitude loop if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Hp_step = kwargs.get("Hp_step", 500) # [ft] else: # NB: it must be a multiple of 1000ft so that interrupted climbs end on a regular cruise altitude. Hp_step = kwargs.get("Hp_step", 1000) # [ft] # minimum remaining ROCD to determine cruise ceiling if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 50) # [ft/min] else: if AC.engineType == "PISTON" or AC.engineType == "ELECTRIC": ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 100) # [ft/min] else: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 300) # [ft/min] # determine if vertical evolution over the segment is CLIMB or DESCENT # and associate engine rating and altitude iteration direction if Hp_init < Hp_final: phase = "Climb" else: phase = "Descent" Hp_step = -Hp_step if initRating is None: if phase == "Climb": if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: if v == 0: rating = "MTKF" else: rating = "MCNT" else: rating = "MCMB" elif phase == "Descent": if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: if v == 0: rating = "UNKNOWN" else: rating = "UNKNOWN" else: rating = "LIDL" else: rating = initRating if turnFlight: turnComment = "_turn" else: turnComment = "" if constantHeading: constHeadingStr = "_const_Heading" elif constantHeading is False or constantHeading is None: constHeadingStr = "" # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation comment = ( phase + turnComment + "_const_" + speedType + "_" + rating + constHeadingStr ) if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): comment = comment + "_" + headingToFly + "_Heading" if expedite: comment = comment + "_expedite" # get the default aerodynamic configuration if provided to be used for the whole segment config_default = kwargs.get("config", None) if config_default is not None: if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: if not ( config_default == "TO" or config_default == "IC" or config_default == "CR" or config_default == "AP" or config_default == "LD" ): print( "WRONG default configuration set. Available values are: TO/IC/CR/AP/LD. Configuration will be calculated automatically" ) # weight iteration constant m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 5 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] # The thrust_fuel method for BADA 3 models applies the cruise fuel correction # whenever the thrust is adapted, instead of only in cruise: this correction # needs to be reverted when thrust is adapted for constant ROC/slope. # cruise_correction = 1/f(5) # initialize output parameters Hp = [] TAS = [] CAS = [] GS = [] M = [] ROCD = [] esf = [] FUEL = [] FUELCONSUMED = [] time = [0] dist = [0] mass = [m_init] Comment = [] Slope = [] acc = [] THR = [] DRAG = [] config = [] HLid = [] LG = [] BankAngle = [] ROT = [] if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED = [0] # BADAH specific Peng = [] Preq = [] Pav = [] # optional GPS coordiantes and HDG definition if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): LAT = [Lat] LON = [Lon] HDGMagnetic = [magneticHeading] HDGTrue = [trueHeading] else: LAT = [] LON = [] HDGMagnetic = [] HDGTrue = [] # BADAE specific Pmec = [] Pbat = [] SOCr = [] SOC = [SOC_init] Pelc = [] Ibat = [] Vbat = [] Vgbat = [] # init loop parameters Hp_i = Hp_init go_on = True while go_on: ## PART 1: compute parameters at end of step that are known without uncertainties: ## atmosphere, speeds, thrust. fuel flow, ESF # atmosphere properties H_m = conv.ft2m(Hp_i) # altitude [m] [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) # aircraft speed [M_i, CAS_i, TAS_i] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v, speedType=speedType, theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma ) if turnFlight: if turnMetrics["bankAngle"] != 0.0: # bankAngle is defined rateOfTurn = AC.rateOfTurn_bankAngle( TAS=TAS_i, bankAngle=bankAngle ) else: # rateOfTurn is defined bankAngle = AC.bankAngle( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, v=TAS_i ) # [degrees] # Load factor nz = 1 / cos(radians(bankAngle)) # compute Energy Share Factor (ESF) ESF_i = AC.esf( h=H_m, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, flightEvolution=("const" + speedType), ) mass_i = mass[-1] # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: # compute available power if rating == "UNKNOWN": Preq_target_i = ( 0.1 * AC.P0 ) # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque else: Preq_target_i = AC.Pav(rating=rating, theta=theta, delta=delta) Pav_i = AC.Pav(rating="MTKF", theta=theta, delta=delta) # compute fuel flow for level flight CP = AC.CP(Peng=Preq_target_i) FUEL_i = AC.ff(delta=delta, CP=CP) # [kg/s] # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute available power if rating == "UNKNOWN": Preq_target_i = ( 0.1 * AC.P0 ) # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque else: Preq_target_i = AC.Pav(rating=rating, SOC=SOC[-1]) Pav_i = AC.Pav(rating=rating, SOC=SOC[-1]) Pbat_i = AC.Pbat(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) SOCr_i = AC.SOCrate(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) # debug data Pelc_i = Preq_target_i / AC.eta Ibat_i = AC.Ibat(P=Pelc_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vbat_i = AC.Vbat(I=Ibat_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vgbat_i = AC.Vocbat(SOC=SOC[-1]) - AC.R0bat(SOC=SOC[-1]) * Ibat_i # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR_i = AC.Thrust( rating=rating, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # [N] CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR_i = AC.Thrust( rating=rating, v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config=config_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) FUEL_i = AC.ff( flightPhase=phase, v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, adapted=True, ) if Hp_i != Hp_init: # exclude first point: initial m already known # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # Average SOC rate over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_SOCr = (SOCr[-1] + SOCr_i) / 2 # [%/h] else: # average fuel flow over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_FUEL = (FUEL[-1] + FUEL_i) / 2 # [kg/s] ## PART 2: compute parameters at end of step that are known only with uncertainties ## (due to unknown mass at end of step): ## weight, lift, drag , ROCD for _ in itertools.repeat(None, m_iter): # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute Power required Preq_i = AC.Preq( sigma=sigma, tas=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, phi=bankAngle ) # compute ROCD ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M_i, delta=delta, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_i, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_i, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute ROCD ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( CL=CL, config=config_i, expedite=expedite, speedBrakes=speedBrakes, ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute ROCD ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( T=THR_i, D=Drag, v=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, reducedPower=reducedPower, ) ) * 60 ) # Compute elapsed time and fuel burn over current step if Hp_i == Hp_init: break else: # Average ROCD over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_ROCD = (ROCD[-1] + ROCD_i) / 2 # [ft/min] # Step time is: altitude differential divided by average ROCD step_time = 60 * (Hp_i - Hp[-1]) / step_ROCD # [s] # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # SOC change is: average SOC rate multiplied by step time step_SOC = step_SOCr * step_time / 3600 # [%] # Update SOC estimate at end of step SOC_i = SOC[-1] - step_SOC # [%] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step - mass is not changing for ELECTRIC engine (no fuel is consumed) mass_i = mass[-1] # [kg] else: # fuel burnt is: average fuel flow multiplied by step time step_mass = step_FUEL * step_time # [kg] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step if not mass_const: mass_i = mass[-1] - step_mass # [kg] fuelConsumed_i = step_FUEL * step_time fuelConsumed_i = FUELCONSUMED[-1] + step_FUEL * step_time ## PART 3: store information about end of step point writeOutputData = True if phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < 0: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] is negative at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = False elif phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < ROCD_min: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] exceeds the service ceiling limit defined by minimum ROCD = " + str(ROCD_min) + " [ft/min] at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = True if writeOutputData: # point data Hp.append(Hp_i) TAS.append(conv.ms2kt(TAS_i)) CAS.append(conv.ms2kt(CAS_i)) M.append(M_i) ROCD.append(ROCD_i) esf.append(ESF_i) Comment.append(comment) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUEL.append(FUEL_i) # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Peng.append(Preq_target_i) Preq.append(Preq_i) Pav.append(Pav_i) # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmec.append(Preq_target_i) Pbat.append(Pbat_i) SOCr.append(SOCr_i) Pelc.append(Pelc_i) Ibat.append(Ibat_i) Vbat.append(Vbat_i) Vgbat.append(Vgbat_i) # BADA3 & BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR.append(THR_i) DRAG.append(Drag) config.append(config_i) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.append(HLid_i) LG.append(LG_i) # calculation of the slope if TAS_i == 0: gamma_i = 90 * np.sign(ROCD_i) else: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: gamma_i = degrees( atan(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) else: # using SIN assumes the TAS to be in the direction of the aircraft axis, not ground plane. Which means, this should be mathematically the correct equation for all the aircraft gamma_i = degrees( asin(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) # ground speed can be calcualted as TAS projected on the ground minus wind GS_i = cos(radians(gamma_i)) * TAS_i - wS GS.append(conv.ms2kt(GS_i)) Slope.append(gamma_i) acc.append(0.0) BankAngle.append(bankAngle) ROT.append(rateOfTurn) # integrated data if Hp_i != Hp_init: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC.append(SOC_i) mass.append(mass_i) time.append(time[-1] + step_time) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED.append(fuelConsumed_i) # Average TAS over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_TAS = (TAS[-2] + TAS[-1]) / 2 # [kt] # Average slope over the step step_gamma = radians((Slope[-2] + Slope[-1]) / 2) # radians # Average ground speed over step # since this is not level flight, TAS speed should be projected on the ground, then GS can be calculated applying the wind speed step_TAS_projected = cos(step_gamma) * step_TAS step_GS = step_TAS_projected - wS # [kt] # Step distance is: average GS multiplied by step time if turnFlight: step_distance = conv.m2nm( turn.distance( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, TAS=TAS_i, timeOfTurn=step_time, ) ) # arcLength during the turn [NM] else: step_distance = step_GS * step_time / 3600 # [NM] # Distance at end of step is distance at start of step plus step distance dist.append(dist[-1] + step_distance) # add GPS calculation if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if headingToFly == "TRUE": if not turnFlight: if not constantHeading: # fly ORTHODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( vincenty.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), bearing=HDGTrue[-1], ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif constantHeading: # fly LOXODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGTrue_i = HDGTrue[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif headingToFly == "MAGNETIC": if not turnFlight: if constantHeading: (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGMagnetic_i = HDGMagnetic[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGTrue_i = ( HDGMagnetic_i + magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGTrue_i = HDGMagnetic_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i LAT.append(Lat_i) LON.append(Lon_i) HDGMagnetic.append(HDGMagnetic_i) HDGTrue.append(HDGTrue_i) # Determine end altitude of next step Hp_next = Hp_i + Hp_step if phase == "Climb": if Hp_next < Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_next - (Hp_i % Hp_step) # remaining altitude step would cross over the final altitude elif Hp_i < Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_final else: go_on = False else: if Hp_next > Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_next - (Hp_i % Hp_step) # remaining altitude step would cross over the final altitude elif Hp_i > Hp_final: Hp_i = Hp_final else: go_on = False flightData = { "Hp": Hp, "TAS": TAS, "CAS": CAS, "GS": GS, "M": M, "acc": acc, "ROCD": ROCD, "ESF": esf, "FUEL": FUEL, "Pmec": Pmec, "Pelc": Pelc, "Pbat": Pbat, "SOCr": SOCr, "SOC": SOC, "Ibat": Ibat, "Vbat": Vbat, "Vgbat": Vgbat, "FUELCONSUMED": FUELCONSUMED, "Preq": Preq, "Peng": Peng, "Pav": Pav, "THR": THR, "DRAG": DRAG, "time": time, "dist": dist, "slope": Slope, "mass": mass, "config": config, "HLid": HLid, "LG": LG, "LAT": LAT, "LON": LON, "HDGTrue": HDGTrue, "HDGMagnetic": HDGMagnetic, "BankAngle": BankAngle, "ROT": ROT, "comment": Comment, } flightTrajectory = FT.createFlightTrajectoryDataframe(flightData) return flightTrajectory
[docs] def constantSpeedRating_time( AC, length, speedType, v, Hp_init, phase, m_init, DeltaTemp, wS=0.0, turnMetrics={"rateOfTurn": 0.0, "bankAngle": 0.0, "directionOfTurn": None}, Lat=None, Lon=None, initialHeading={"magnetic": None, "true": None, "constantHeading": None}, reducedPower=None, directionOfTurn=None, expedite=False, magneticDeclinationGrid=None, initRating=None, **kwargs, ): """ Calculates the time, fuel consumption, and other flight parameters required for an aircraft to perform a climb or descent at constant speed and engine rating for a specified duration. It uses different models for BADA (Base of Aircraft Data) families (BADA3, BADA4, BADAH, BADAE) to compute key parameters such as rate of climb/descent (ROCD), thrust, drag, fuel burn, and power requirements. The function also supports complex flight dynamics, including turns, heading changes, and the effect of wind. :param AC: Aircraft object {BADA3/4/H/E}. :param length: Duration of the flight segment [s]. :param speedType: Type of speed to maintain during the flight {M, CAS, TAS}. :param v: Speed to follow - [kt] CAS/TAS or [-] MACH. :param Hp_init: Initial pressure altitude [ft]. :param phase: Phase of flight (Climb or Descent). :param m_init: Initial mass of the aircraft at the start of the segment [kg]. :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from the standard ISA temperature [K]. :param wS: Wind speed component along the longitudinal axis (affects ground speed) [kt]. Default is 0.0. :param turnMetrics: A dictionary defining the turn parameters: - rateOfTurn [deg/s] - bankAngle [deg] - directionOfTurn {LEFT/RIGHT}. Default is straight flight. :param Lat: Initial latitude [deg]. Default is None. :param Lon: Initial longitude [deg]. Default is None. :param initialHeading: A dictionary defining the initial heading (magnetic or true) and whether to fly a constant heading: - magnetic: Magnetic heading [deg]. - true: True heading [deg]. - constantHeading: Whether to maintain a constant heading. Default is None. :param reducedPower: Boolean specifying if reduced power is applied during the climb. Default is None. :param directionOfTurn: Direction of the turn {LEFT, RIGHT}. Default is None. :param expedite: Boolean flag to expedite the climb/descent. Default is False. :param magneticDeclinationGrid: Optional grid of magnetic declination used to correct magnetic heading. Default is None. :param initRating: Initial engine rating settings. Default is None. :param kwargs: Additional optional parameters: - step_length: Step size in time for the iterative calculation [s]. Default is 1 s. - SOC_init: Initial battery state of charge for electric aircraft (BADAE) [%]. Default is 100. - speedBrakes: A dictionary specifying whether speed brakes are deployed and the additional drag coefficient {deployed: False, value: 0.03}. - ROCD_min: Minimum rate of climb/descent to determine service ceiling [ft/min]. Default varies by aircraft type. - config: Default aerodynamic configuration (TO, IC, CR, AP, LD). Default is None. - mass_const: Boolean indicating whether mass remains constant during the flight segment. Default is False. - m_iter: Number of iterations for the mass integration loop. Default is 5. :returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the flight trajectory with columns such as: - **Hp** - wAltitude [ft] - **TAS** - True Air Speed [kt] - **CAS** - Calibrated Air Speed [kt] - **GS** - Ground Speed [kt] - **M** - Mach number [-] - **ROCD** - Rate of Climb/Descent [ft/min] - **ESF** - Energy Share Factor [-] - **FUEL** - Fuel flow [kg/s] - **FUELCONSUMED** - Total fuel consumed [kg] - **THR** - Thrust force [N] - **DRAG** - Drag force [N] - **time** - Elapsed time [s] - **dist** - Distance flown [NM] - **slope** - Trajectory slope [deg] - **mass** - Aircraft mass [kg] - **config** - Aerodynamic configuration - **LAT** - Latitude [deg] - **LON** - Longitude [deg] - **HDGTrue** - True heading [deg] - **HDGMagnetic** - Magnetic heading [deg] - **BankAngle** - Bank angle [deg] - **ROT** - Rate of turn [deg/s] - **Comment** - Comments for each segment - **For BADAH:** - **Preq** - Required power [W] - **Peng** - Generated power [W] - **Pav** - Available power [W] - **For BADAE (electric aircraft):** - **Pmec** - Mechanical power [W] - **Pelc** - Electrical power [W] - **Pbat** - Power supplied by the battery [W] - **SOCr** - Rate of battery state of charge depletion [%/h] - **SOC** - Battery state of charge [%] - **Ibat** - Battery current [A] - **Vbat** - Battery voltage [V] - **Vgbat** - Ground battery voltage [V] :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ rateOfTurn = turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] bankAngle = turnMetrics["bankAngle"] directionOfTurn = turnMetrics["directionOfTurn"] turnFlight = True if turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] == 0.0 and turnMetrics["bankAngle"] == 0.0: turnFlight = False # conversion of Magnetic Heading to True Heading if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: magneticDeclination = magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat, LON_target=Lon ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 # retrieve magnetic and true heading inputs magneticHeading = initialHeading["magnetic"] trueHeading = initialHeading["true"] constantHeading = initialHeading["constantHeading"] if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if trueHeading is not None and magneticHeading is None: # fly TRUE Heading headingToFly = "TRUE" magneticHeading = trueHeading - magneticDeclination elif magneticHeading is not None and trueHeading is None: # fly MAGNETIC Heading if constantHeading == True: headingToFly = "MAGNETIC" trueHeading = magneticHeading + magneticDeclination else: raise Exception("Cannot fly non-constant magnetic heading") else: raise Exception("Undefined Heading value combination") # calculation with constant mass (True) or integrated (False) mass_const = kwargs.get("mass_const", False) # optional parameter to define initial Baterry State of Charge (SOC) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC_init = kwargs.get("SOC_init", 100) else: SOC_init = None # speed brakes application if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: speedBrakes = kwargs.get( "speedBrakes", {"deployed": False, "value": 0.03} ) # step size in [s] step_length = kwargs.get("step_length", 1) # minimum remaining ROCD to determine cruise ceiling if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 50) # [ft/min] else: if AC.engineType == "PISTON" or AC.engineType == "ELECTRIC": ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 100) # [ft/min] else: ROCD_min = kwargs.get("ROCD_min", 300) # [ft/min] # determine if vertical evolution over the segment is CLIMB or DESCENT # and associate engine rating and altitude iteration direction if initRating is None: if phase == "Climb": if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: if v == 0: rating = "MTKF" else: rating = "MCNT" else: rating = "MCMB" elif phase == "Descent": if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: if v == 0: rating = "UNKNOWN" else: rating = "UNKNOWN" else: rating = "LIDL" else: raise Exception( "Phase definition is wrong! It should be Climb or Descent" ) else: rating = initRating if turnFlight: turnComment = "_turn" else: turnComment = "" if constantHeading: constHeadingStr = "_const_Heading" elif constantHeading is False or constantHeading is None: constHeadingStr = "" # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation comment = ( phase + turnComment + "_const_" + speedType + "_" + rating + constHeadingStr ) if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): comment = comment + "_" + headingToFly + "_Heading" if expedite: comment = comment + "_expedite" # get the default aerodynamic configuration if provided to be used for the whole segment config_default = kwargs.get("config", None) if config_default is not None: if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: if not ( config_default == "TO" or config_default == "IC" or config_default == "CR" or config_default == "AP" or config_default == "LD" ): print( "WRONG default configuration set. Available values are: TO/IC/CR/AP/LD. Configuration will be calculated automatically" ) # weight iteration constant m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 5 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] # The thrust_fuel method for BADA 3 models applies the cruise fuel correction # whenever the thrust is adapted, instead of only in cruise: this correction # needs to be reverted when thrust is adapted for constant ROC/slope. # cruise_correction = 1/f(5) # initialize output parameters Hp = [Hp_init] TAS = [] CAS = [] GS = [] M = [] ROCD = [] esf = [] FUEL = [] FUELCONSUMED = [] time = [0] dist = [0] mass = [m_init] Comment = [] Slope = [] acc = [] THR = [] DRAG = [] config = [] HLid = [] LG = [] BankAngle = [] ROT = [] if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED = [0] # BADAH specific Peng = [] Preq = [] Pav = [] # optional GPS coordiantes and HDG definition if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): LAT = [Lat] LON = [Lon] HDGMagnetic = [magneticHeading] HDGTrue = [trueHeading] else: LAT = [] LON = [] HDGMagnetic = [] HDGTrue = [] # BADAE specific Pmec = [] Pbat = [] SOCr = [] SOC = [SOC_init] Pelc = [] Ibat = [] Vbat = [] Vgbat = [] # init loop parameters length_loop = 0 time_i = time[-1] go_on = True while go_on: ## PART 1: compute parameters at end of step that are known without uncertainties: ## atmosphere, speeds, thrust. fuel flow, ESF ## PART 2: compute parameters at end of step that are known only with uncertainties ## (due to unknown mass at end of step): ## weight, lift, drag , ROCD mass_i = mass[-1] Hp_i = Hp[-1] for _ in itertools.repeat(None, m_iter): # atmosphere properties H_m = conv.ft2m(Hp_i) # altitude [m] [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) # aircraft speed [M_i, CAS_i, TAS_i] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v, speedType=speedType, theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma ) if turnFlight: if turnMetrics["bankAngle"] != 0.0: # bankAngle is defined rateOfTurn = AC.rateOfTurn_bankAngle( TAS=TAS_i, bankAngle=bankAngle ) else: # rateOfTurn is defined bankAngle = AC.bankAngle( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, v=TAS_i ) # [degrees] # Load factor nz = 1 / cos(radians(bankAngle)) # compute Energy Share Factor (ESF) ESF_i = AC.esf( h=H_m, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, flightEvolution=("const" + speedType), ) step_time = length_loop - time[-1] # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: # compute available power if rating == "UNKNOWN": Preq_target_i = ( 0.1 * AC.P0 ) # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque else: Preq_target_i = AC.Pav( rating=rating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) Pav_i = AC.Pav(rating="MTKF", theta=theta, delta=delta) # compute fuel flow for level flight CP = AC.CP(Peng=Preq_target_i) FUEL_i = AC.ff(delta=delta, CP=CP) # [kg/s] # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute available power if rating == "UNKNOWN": Preq_target_i = ( 0.1 * AC.P0 ) # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque else: Preq_target_i = AC.Pav(rating=rating, SOC=SOC[-1]) Pbat_i = AC.Pbat(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) SOCr_i = AC.SOCrate(Preq=Preq_target_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) # debug data Pelc_i = Preq_target_i / AC.eta Ibat_i = AC.Ibat(P=Pelc_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vbat_i = AC.Vbat(I=Ibat_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vgbat_i = ( AC.Vocbat(SOC=SOC[-1]) - AC.R0bat(SOC=SOC[-1]) * Ibat_i ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR_i = AC.Thrust( rating=rating, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # [N] CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR_i = AC.Thrust( rating=rating, v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config=config_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) FUEL_i = AC.ff( flightPhase=phase, v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, adapted=False, ) # MCMB(climb) or IDLE(descent) # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute Power required Preq_i = AC.Preq( sigma=sigma, tas=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, phi=bankAngle ) # compute ROCD ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=Preq_target_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M_i, delta=delta, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_i, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_i, delta=delta, CD=CD) ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( (1 / temp_const) * (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i * ESF_i / (mass_i * const.g) ) * 60 ) # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( CL=CL, config=config_i, expedite=expedite, speedBrakes=speedBrakes, ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute ROCD ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( T=THR_i, D=Drag, v=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESF_i, h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, reducedPower=reducedPower, ) ) * 60 ) # Compute elapsed time and fuel burn over current step if length_loop == 0: # no need to loop for first point: initial m/Hp already known break else: # Average ROCD over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_ROCD = (ROCD[-1] + ROCD_i) / 2 # [ft/min] # Altitude differential is: average ROCD multiplied by step time step_Hp = step_ROCD * step_time / 60 # [ft] # Update altitude estimate at end of step Hp_i = Hp[-1] + step_Hp # [ft] # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # Average SOC rate over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_SOCr = (SOCr[-1] + SOCr_i) / 2 # [%/h] # SOC change is: average SOC rate multiplied by step time step_SOC = step_SOCr * step_time / 3600 # [%] # Update SOC estimate at end of step SOC_i = SOC[-1] - step_SOC # [%] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step - mass is not changing for ELECTRIC engine (no fuel is consumed) mass_i = mass[-1] # [kg] else: # average fuel flow over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_FUEL = (FUEL[-1] + FUEL_i) / 2 # [kg/s] # fuel burnt is: average fuel flow multiplied by step time step_mass = step_FUEL * step_time # [kg] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step if not mass_const: mass_i = mass[-1] - step_mass # [kg] fuelConsumed_i = step_FUEL * step_time fuelConsumed_i = FUELCONSUMED[-1] + step_FUEL * step_time ## PART 3: store information about end of step point writeOutputData = True if phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < 0: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] is negative at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = False elif phase == "Climb" and ROCD_i < ROCD_min: warnings.warn( "Value ROCD = " + str(ROCD_i) + " [ft/min] exceeds the service ceiling limit defined by minimum ROCD = " + str(ROCD_min) + " [ft/min] at the altitude " + str(Hp_i) + " [ft].", UserWarning, ) go_on = False writeOutputData = True if writeOutputData: # point data TAS.append(conv.ms2kt(TAS_i)) CAS.append(conv.ms2kt(CAS_i)) M.append(M_i) ROCD.append(ROCD_i) esf.append(ESF_i) Comment.append(comment) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUEL.append(FUEL_i) # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Peng.append(Preq_target_i) Preq.append(Preq_i) Pav.append(Pav_i) # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmec.append(Preq_target_i) Pbat.append(Pbat_i) SOCr.append(SOCr_i) Pelc.append(Pelc_i) Ibat.append(Ibat_i) Vbat.append(Vbat_i) Vgbat.append(Vgbat_i) # BADA3 & BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR.append(THR_i) DRAG.append(Drag) config.append(config_i) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.append(HLid_i) LG.append(LG_i) # calculation of the slope if TAS_i == 0: gamma_i = 90 * np.sign(ROCD_i) else: [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=conv.ft2m(Hp_i), DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: gamma_i = degrees( atan(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) else: # using SIN assumes the TAS to be in the direction of the aircraft axis, not ground plane. Which means, this should be mathematically the correct equation for all the aircraft gamma_i = degrees( asin(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) # ground speed can be calcualted as TAS projected on the ground minus wind GS_i = cos(radians(gamma_i)) * TAS_i - wS GS.append(conv.ms2kt(GS_i)) Slope.append(gamma_i) acc.append(0.0) BankAngle.append(bankAngle) ROT.append(rateOfTurn) # integrated data if length_loop != 0: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC.append(SOC_i) Hp.append(Hp_i) mass.append(mass_i) time.append(time[-1] + step_time) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED.append(fuelConsumed_i) # Average TAS over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_TAS = (TAS[-2] + TAS[-1]) / 2 # [kt] # Average slope over the step step_gamma = radians((Slope[-2] + Slope[-1]) / 2) # radians # Average ground speed over step # since this is not level flight, TAS speed should be projected on the ground, then GS can be calculated applying the wind speed step_TAS_projected = cos(step_gamma) * step_TAS step_GS = step_TAS_projected - wS # [kt] # Step distance is: average GS multiplied by step time if turnFlight: step_distance = conv.m2nm( turn.distance( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, TAS=TAS_i, timeOfTurn=step_time, ) ) # arcLength during the turn [NM] else: step_distance = step_GS * step_time / 3600 # [NM] # Distance at end of step is distance at start of step plus step distance dist.append(dist[-1] + step_distance) # add GPS calculation if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if headingToFly == "TRUE": if not turnFlight: if not constantHeading: # fly ORTHODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( vincenty.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), bearing=HDGTrue[-1], ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif constantHeading: # fly LOXODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGTrue_i = HDGTrue[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif headingToFly == "MAGNETIC": if not turnFlight: if constantHeading: (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGMagnetic_i = HDGMagnetic[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGTrue_i = ( HDGMagnetic_i + magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGTrue_i = HDGMagnetic_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i LAT.append(Lat_i) LON.append(Lon_i) HDGMagnetic.append(HDGMagnetic_i) HDGTrue.append(HDGTrue_i) if length_loop + step_length < length: length_loop += step_length elif length_loop < length: length_loop = length else: go_on = False flightData = { "Hp": Hp, "TAS": TAS, "CAS": CAS, "GS": GS, "M": M, "acc": acc, "ROCD": ROCD, "ESF": esf, "FUEL": FUEL, "Pmec": Pmec, "Pelc": Pelc, "Pbat": Pbat, "SOCr": SOCr, "SOC": SOC, "Ibat": Ibat, "Vbat": Vbat, "Vgbat": Vgbat, "FUELCONSUMED": FUELCONSUMED, "Preq": Preq, "Peng": Peng, "Pav": Pav, "THR": THR, "DRAG": DRAG, "time": time, "dist": dist, "slope": Slope, "mass": mass, "config": config, "HLid": HLid, "LG": LG, "LAT": LAT, "LON": LON, "HDGTrue": HDGTrue, "HDGMagnetic": HDGMagnetic, "BankAngle": BankAngle, "ROT": ROT, "comment": Comment, } flightTrajectory = FT.createFlightTrajectoryDataframe(flightData) return flightTrajectory
[docs] def accDec( AC, speedType, v_init, v_final, phase, Hp_init, m_init, DeltaTemp, wS=0.0, turnMetrics={"rateOfTurn": 0.0, "bankAngle": 0.0, "directionOfTurn": None}, control=None, Lat=None, Lon=None, initialHeading={"magnetic": None, "true": None, "constantHeading": None}, reducedPower=None, magneticDeclinationGrid=None, **kwargs, ): """ Calculates the time, fuel consumption, and other key flight parameters required for an aircraft to perform an acceleration or deceleration from an initial speed (v_init) to a final speed (v_final) during the climb, cruise, or descent phases of flight. The flight parameters are calculated using different models for the BADA (Base of Aircraft Data) families (BADA3, BADA4, BADAH, BADAE). The function can also accommodate different control laws, vertical evolution phases, wind conditions, and complex flight dynamics like turns. .. note:: The control law used during the segment depends on the targets provided in the input parameter 'control': - ROCD/slope+ESF: Law based on ROCD/slope + ESF - ROCD/slope+acc: Law based on ROCD/slope + acceleration - ROCD/slope only: Law based on rating + ROCD/slope - ESF only: Law based on rating + ESF - acc only: Law based on rating + acceleration - Neither: Law is rating + default ESF :param AC: Aircraft object {BADA3/4/H/E}. :param speedType: Type of speed being followed {M, CAS, TAS}. :param v_init: Initial speed [kt] (CAS/TAS) or [-] MACH. :param v_final: Final speed [kt] (CAS/TAS) or [-] MACH. :param phase: Vertical evolution phase {Climb, Descent, Cruise}. :param control: A dictionary containing the following targets: - ROCDtarget: Rate of climb/descent to be followed [ft/min]. - slopetarget: Slope (flight path angle) to be followed [deg]. - acctarget: Acceleration to be followed [m/s^2]. - ESFtarget: Energy Share Factor to be followed [-]. :param Hp_init: Initial pressure altitude [ft]. :param m_init: Initial aircraft mass [kg]. :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from the standard ISA temperature [K]. :param wS: Wind speed component along the longitudinal axis (affects ground speed) [kt]. Default is 0.0. :param turnMetrics: A dictionary defining turn parameters: - rateOfTurn [deg/s] - bankAngle [deg] - directionOfTurn {LEFT/RIGHT}. Default is straight flight. :param Lat: Initial latitude [deg]. Default is None. :param Lon: Initial longitude [deg]. Default is None. :param initialHeading: A dictionary defining the initial heading (magnetic or true) and whether to fly a constant heading: - magnetic: Magnetic heading [deg]. - true: True heading [deg]. - constantHeading: Whether to maintain a constant heading. Default is None. :param reducedPower: Boolean specifying if reduced power is applied during the climb. Default is None. :param magneticDeclinationGrid: Optional grid of magnetic declination used to correct magnetic heading. Default is None. :param kwargs: Additional optional parameters: - speed_step: Speed step size for the iterative calculation [-] for M, [kt] for TAS/CAS. Default is 0.01 Mach, 5 kt for TAS/CAS. - SOC_init: Initial battery state of charge for electric aircraft (BADAE) [%]. Default is 100. - config: Default aerodynamic configuration (TO, IC, CR, AP, LD). Default is None. - mass_const: Boolean indicating whether mass remains constant during the flight segment. Default is False. - m_iter: Number of iterations for the mass integration loop. Default is 10 for BADA3/4/H, 5 for BADAE. :returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the flight trajectory with columns such as: - **Hp** - wAltitude [ft] - **TAS** - True Air Speed [kt] - **CAS** - Calibrated Air Speed [kt] - **GS** - Ground Speed [kt] - **M** - Mach number [-] - **ROCD** - Rate of Climb/Descent [ft/min] - **ESF** - Energy Share Factor [-] - **FUEL** - Fuel flow [kg/s] - **FUELCONSUMED** - Total fuel consumed [kg] - **THR** - Thrust force [N] - **DRAG** - Drag force [N] - **time** - Elapsed time [s] - **dist** - Distance flown [NM] - **slope** - Trajectory slope [deg] - **mass** - Aircraft mass [kg] - **config** - Aerodynamic configuration - **LAT** - Latitude [deg] - **LON** - Longitude [deg] - **HDGTrue** - True heading [deg] - **HDGMagnetic** - Magnetic heading [deg] - **BankAngle** - Bank angle [deg] - **ROT** - Rate of turn [deg/s] - **Comment** - Comments for each segment - **For BADAH:** - **Preq** - Required power [W] - **Peng** - Generated power [W] - **Pav** - Available power [W] - **For BADAE (electric aircraft):** - **Pmec** - Mechanical power [W] - **Pelc** - Electrical power [W] - **Pbat** - Power supplied by the battery [W] - **SOCr** - Rate of battery state of charge depletion [%/h] - **SOC** - Battery state of charge [%] - **Ibat** - Battery current [A] - **Vbat** - Battery voltage [V] - **Vgbat** - Ground battery voltage [V] :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ rateOfTurn = turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] bankAngle = turnMetrics["bankAngle"] directionOfTurn = turnMetrics["directionOfTurn"] turnFlight = True if turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] == 0.0 and turnMetrics["bankAngle"] == 0.0: turnFlight = False # conversion of Magnetic Heading to True Heading if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: magneticDeclination = magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat, LON_target=Lon ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 # retrieve magnetic and true heading inputs magneticHeading = initialHeading["magnetic"] trueHeading = initialHeading["true"] constantHeading = initialHeading["constantHeading"] if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if trueHeading is not None and magneticHeading is None: # fly TRUE Heading headingToFly = "TRUE" magneticHeading = trueHeading - magneticDeclination elif magneticHeading is not None and trueHeading is None: # fly MAGNETIC Heading if constantHeading == True: headingToFly = "MAGNETIC" trueHeading = magneticHeading + magneticDeclination else: raise Exception("Cannot fly non-constant magnetic heading") else: raise Exception("Undefined Heading value combination") # calculation with constant mass (True) or integrated (False) mass_const = kwargs.get("mass_const", False) # optional parameter to define initial Baterry State of Charge (SOC) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC_init = kwargs.get("SOC_init", 100) else: SOC_init = None # speed brakes application if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: speedBrakes = kwargs.get( "speedBrakes", {"deployed": False, "value": 0.03} ) # iteratin step of speed loop if speedType == "M": speed_step = kwargs.get("speed_step", 0.01) # [-] Mach increment elif speedType == "CAS" or speedType == "TAS": speed_step = kwargs.get("speed_step", 5.0) # [kt] CAS/TAS increment # number of iteration of mass/altitude loop # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 5 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] # BADA3 or BADA4 or BADAH else: m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 10 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] # Determine if speed evolution over the segment is acceleration or deceleration # and associated speed iteration direction if v_init < v_final: speedEvol = "acc" else: speedEvol = "dec" speed_step = -speed_step if control is None: # create empty control target control = target() # check the consistency of SLOPE/ROCD and climb/descent phase of flight # if incosistent, change the sign on slope/ROCD target value if phase == "Climb": if control.slopetarget is not None and control.slopetarget < 0: control.slopetarget = abs(control.slopetarget) print("Slopetarget for Climb should be positive") if control.ROCDtarget is not None and control.ROCDtarget < 0: control.ROCDtarget = abs(control.ROCDtarget) print("ROCDtarget for Climb should be positive") elif phase == "Descent": if control.slopetarget is not None and control.slopetarget > 0: control.slopetarget = control.slopetarget * (-1) print("Slopetarget for Descent should be negative") if control.ROCDtarget is not None and control.ROCDtarget > 0: control.ROCDtarget = control.ROCDtarget * (-1) print("ROCDtarget for Descent should be negative") # check the consistency of acc/dec and ESF if phase == "Cruise": if control.ESFtarget is not None and control.ESFtarget != 0: control.ESFtarget = 0 elif phase == "Climb": if ( control.ESFtarget is not None and speedEvol == "acc" and control.ESFtarget > 1 ): print("ESFtarget for acceleration in Climb should be < 1") if ( control.ESFtarget is not None and speedEvol == "dec" and control.ESFtarget < 1 ): print("ESFtarget for deceleration in Climb should be > 1") elif phase == "Descent": if ( control.ESFtarget is not None and speedEvol == "acc" and control.ESFtarget < 1 ): print("ESFtarget for acceleration in Descent should be > 1") if ( control.ESFtarget is not None and speedEvol == "dec" and control.ESFtarget > 1 ): print("ESFtarget for deceleration in Descent should be < 1") # check the consistency of acctarget and acc/dec if speedEvol == "acc": if control.acctarget is not None and control.acctarget < 0: control.acctarget = abs(control.acctarget) print("Acctarget in acceleration should be > 1") elif speedEvol == "dec": if control.acctarget is not None and control.acctarget > 0: control.acctarget = control.acctarget * (-1) print("Acctarget in deceleration should be < 1") if control.ROCDtarget is not None and control.slopetarget is not None: print("Both ROCD and SLOPE target provided, priority given to SLOPE") # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation controlComment = "" if control is not None: if control.ROCDtarget is not None: controlComment += "_" + "ROCDtarget" if control.slopetarget is not None: controlComment += "_" + "slopetarget" if control.acctarget is not None: controlComment += "_" + "acctarget" if control.ESFtarget is not None: controlComment += "_" + "ESFtarget" if turnFlight: turnComment = "_turn" else: turnComment = "" if constantHeading: constHeadingStr = "_const_Heading" elif constantHeading is False or constantHeading is None: constHeadingStr = "" # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation comment = ( phase + turnComment + "_" + speedEvol + "_" + speedType + controlComment + constHeadingStr ) if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): comment = comment + "_" + headingToFly + "_Heading" # compute Energy Share Factor if control.ESFtarget is not None: ESFc = control.ESFtarget elif control.ROCDtarget is not None or control.slopetarget is not None: ESFc = None elif control.acctarget is not None: ESFc = None # update ROCD target if phase is set to "Cruise" if phase == "Cruise": control.ROCDtarget = 0 else: # Neither ROCD/slope nor ESF/acc provided means control is rating+default ESF if (phase == "Climb" and speedEvol == "acc") or ( phase == "Descent" and speedEvol == "dec" ): ESFc = 0.3 elif (phase == "Climb" and speedEvol == "dec") or ( phase == "Descent" and speedEvol == "acc" ): ESFc = 1.7 elif phase == "Cruise": ESFc = 0 # convert target values to ISU units if control.ROCDtarget is not None: ROCDtargetisu = conv.ft2m(control.ROCDtarget) / 60 # [m/s] if control.slopetarget is not None: slopetargetisu = conv.deg2rad(control.slopetarget) # Determine max engine rating if not provided if "maxRating" not in kwargs: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: maxRating = "MTKF" else: maxRating = "MCMB" else: maxRating = checkArgument("maxRating", **kwargs) # Determine engine rating if ( control.ROCDtarget is not None or control.slopetarget is not None ) and (control.ESFtarget is not None or control.acctarget is not None): rating = None else: if phase == "Climb" or (phase == "Cruise" and speedEvol == "acc"): rating = maxRating elif phase == "Descent" or (phase == "Cruise" and speedEvol == "dec"): if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: rating = "UNKNOWN" # TBD: No minimum power model else: rating = "LIDL" # get the default aerodynamic configuration if provided to be used for the whole segment config_default = kwargs.get("config", None) if config_default is not None: if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: if not ( config_default == "TO" or config_default == "IC" or config_default == "CR" or config_default == "AP" or config_default == "LD" ): print( "WRONG default configuration set. Available values are: TO/IC/CR/AP/LD. Configuration will be calculated automatically" ) # initialize output parameters Hp = [Hp_init] TAS = [] CAS = [] GS = [] M = [] ROCD = [] esf = [] FUEL = [] FUELCONSUMED = [] time = [0] dist = [0] mass = [m_init] ESF = [] Comment = [] check = [] # TEM consistency check result Slope = [] acc = [] THR = [] DRAG = [] config = [] HLid = [] LG = [] BankAngle = [] ROT = [] if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED = [0] # BADAH specific Peng = [] Preq = [] Pav = [] # optional GPS coordiantes and HDG definition if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): LAT = [Lat] LON = [Lon] HDGMagnetic = [magneticHeading] HDGTrue = [trueHeading] else: LAT = [] LON = [] HDGMagnetic = [] HDGTrue = [] # BADAE specific Pmec = [] Pbat = [] SOCr = [] SOC = [SOC_init] Pelc = [] Ibat = [] Vbat = [] Vgbat = [] # init loop parameters dVdtisu = [] # initialize loop parameters: speed at end of step and loop termination v_i = v_init go_on = True while go_on: ## PART 1: compute parameters at end of step that are known without uncertainties: ## *none* ## PART 2: compute parameters at end of step that are known only with uncertainties ## (due to unknown mass and altitude at end of step): # Initialize loop parameters: aircraft mass (resp. altitude) at end of step is # first estimated as equal to aircraft mass (resp. altitude) at start of step mass_i = mass[-1] Hp_i = Hp[-1] for _ in itertools.repeat(None, m_iter): # atmosphere properties H_m = conv.ft2m(Hp_i) # altitude [m] [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) # aircraft speed [M_i, CAS_i, TAS_i] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v_i, speedType=speedType, theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma, ) if turnFlight: if turnMetrics["bankAngle"] != 0.0: # bankAngle is defined rateOfTurn = AC.rateOfTurn_bankAngle( TAS=TAS_i, bankAngle=bankAngle ) else: # rateOfTurn is defined bankAngle = AC.bankAngle( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, v=TAS_i ) # [degrees] # Load factor nz = 1 / cos(radians(bankAngle)) # compute ROCD target (if any) on this step if control.slopetarget is not None: # compute target ROCD corresponding to target slope if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # special case for BADAE, in future it may apply also for BADAH dh_dt_i = TAS_i * tan(slopetargetisu) else: dh_dt_i = TAS_i * sin(slopetargetisu) ROCDtargetisu_i = dh_dt_i * (1 / temp_const) elif control.ROCDtarget is not None: ROCDtargetisu_i = ROCDtargetisu dh_dt_i = ROCDtargetisu_i * temp_const # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute Power required Preq_i = AC.Preq( sigma=sigma, tas=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, phi=bankAngle ) # compute engine power if rating is None: # compute power required for the manoeuver if ESFc is not None: P_i = dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g / ESFc + Preq_i # [W] elif control.acctarget is not None: P_i = ( dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g + mass_i * TAS_i * control.acctarget + Preq_i ) # [W] else: print("Error: neither ESF nor acc target provided") # Check that required thrust/power fits in the available thrust/power envelope, # recompute ROCD if necessary and compute fuel coefficient accordingly Pmin = ( 0.1 * AC.P0 ) # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Pmax = AC.Pav( rating=maxRating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating=maxRating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmax = AC.Pav(rating=maxRating, SOC=SOC[-1]) Pav_i = AC.Pav(rating=maxRating, SOC=SOC[-1]) if P_i < Pmin: P_i = Pmin if ESFc is not None: ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=P_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESFc, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif control.acctarget is not None: ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( ( P_i - mass_i * TAS_i * control.acctarget - Preq_i ) / (mass_i * const.g * temp_const) ) * 60 ) elif P_i > Pmax: P_i = Pmax if ESFc is not None: ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=P_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESFc, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif control.acctarget is not None: ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( ( P_i - mass_i * TAS_i * control.acctarget - Preq_i ) / (mass_i * const.g * temp_const) ) * 60 ) else: ROCD_i = control.ROCDtarget else: # Compute available power if rating == "UNKNOWN": P_i = ( 0.1 * AC.P0 ) # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating=maxRating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) else: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: P_i = AC.Pav( rating=rating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating=rating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: P_i = AC.Pav(rating=rating, SOC=SOC[-1]) Pav_i = AC.Pav(rating=rating, SOC=SOC[-1]) # Compute excess power Pe_i = P_i - Preq_i # [W] # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: # compute fuel flow for level flight CP = AC.CP(Peng=P_i) FUEL_i = AC.ff(delta=delta, CP=CP) # [kg/s] # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pbat_i = AC.Pbat(Preq=P_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) SOCr_i = AC.SOCrate(Preq=P_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) # debug data Pelc_i = P_i / AC.eta Ibat_i = AC.Ibat(P=Pelc_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vbat_i = AC.Vbat(I=Ibat_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vgbat_i = ( AC.Vocbat(SOC=SOC[-1]) - AC.R0bat(SOC=SOC[-1]) * Ibat_i ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M_i, delta=delta, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_i, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_i, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute thrust and fuel flow if rating is None: # compute thrust force required for the manoeuver if ESFc is not None: THR_i = ( dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g / (TAS_i * ESFc) + Drag ) # [N] elif control.acctarget is not None: THR_i = ( dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g / TAS_i + mass_i * control.acctarget + Drag ) # [N] else: print("Error: neither ESF nor acc target provided") # Check that required thrust fits in the available thrust envelope, # recompute ROCD if necessary and compute fuel flow accordingly THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max else: CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: THR_i = AC.Thrust( rating=rating, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # [N] CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # compute excess power Pe_i = (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i # [kg*m^2/s^3] # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD(CL=CL, config=config_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute thrust and fuel flow if rating is None: # compute thrust force required for the manoeuver if ESFc is not None: THR_i = ( dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g / (TAS_i * ESFc) + Drag ) # [N] elif control.acctarget is not None: THR_i = ( dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g / TAS_i + mass_i * control.acctarget + Drag ) # [N] else: print("Error: neither ESF nor acc target provided") # Check that required thrust fits in the available thrust envelope, # recompute ROCD if necessary and compute fuel flow accordingly THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config="CR", DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( flightPhase="Descent", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_min, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config="CR", DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( flightPhase="Climb", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_max, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max else: FUEL_i = AC.ff( v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, adapted=True, ) else: THR_i = AC.Thrust( rating=rating, v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config=config_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) if rating == "MCMB" or rating == "MTKF": FUEL_i = AC.ff( flightPhase="Climb", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, ) elif rating == "MCRZ": FUEL_i = AC.ff( flightPhase="Cruise", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, ) elif rating == "LIDL": FUEL_i = AC.ff( flightPhase="Descent", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, ) # compute excess power Pe_i = (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i # [kg*m^2/s^3] if ESFc is not None: ESF_i = ESFc # compute power dedicated to climb PC_i = Pe_i * ESF_i # [kg*m^2/s^3] # compute ROCD dhdtisu = PC_i / (mass_i * const.g) # [m/s] ROCDisu = dhdtisu * 1 / temp_const # [m/s] ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # [ft/min] elif control.acctarget is not None: # compute power required for acc/dec rate Pa_i = mass_i * TAS_i * control.acctarget # check that required power fits in the available power envelope if abs(Pa_i) > abs(Pe_i): Pa_i = Pe_i # compute power dedicated to climb PC_i = Pe_i - Pa_i # [kg*m^2/s^3] if Pe_i != 0: ESF_i = PC_i / Pe_i else: # ESF_i = float("Inf") ESF_i = float(0) # compute ROCD dhdtisu = PC_i / (mass_i * const.g) # [m/s] ROCDisu = dhdtisu * 1 / temp_const # [m/s] ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # [ft/min] elif ( control.slopetarget is not None or control.ROCDtarget is not None ): dhdtisu = dh_dt_i # [m/s] ROCDisu = dh_dt_i * 1 / temp_const # [m/s] ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # [ft/min] PC_i = dh_dt_i * (mass_i * const.g) # [kg*m^2/s^3] if Pe_i != 0: ESF_i = PC_i / Pe_i else: ESF_i = float("Inf") else: print("Error: unexpected combination of targets") # compute acceleration if TAS_i == 0: dVdtisu_i = (Pe_i - PC_i) / (mass_i * (TAS_i + 0.5)) # [m/s^2] else: dVdtisu_i = (Pe_i - PC_i) / (mass_i * TAS_i) # [m/s^2] # Compute elapsed time, altitude and fuel burn over current step if v_i == v_init: # no need to loop for first point: initial m/Hp already known break else: # Average acceleration over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_dVdtisu = (dVdtisu[-1] + dVdtisu_i) / 2 # [m/s^2] # Step time is: TAS differential divided by average acceleration step_time = (TAS_i - conv.kt2ms(TAS[-1])) / step_dVdtisu # Average ROCD over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_ROCD = (ROCD[-1] + ROCD_i) / 2 # [ft/min] # Altitude differential is: average ROCD multiplied by step time step_Hp = step_ROCD * step_time / 60 # [ft] # Update altitude estimate at end of step Hp_i = Hp[-1] + step_Hp # [ft] # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # Average SOC rate over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_SOCr = (SOCr[-1] + SOCr_i) / 2 # [%/h] # SOC change is: average SOC rate multiplied by step time step_SOC = step_SOCr * step_time / 3600 # [%] # Update SOC estimate at end of step SOC_i = SOC[-1] - step_SOC # [%] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step - mass is not changing for ELECTRIC engine (no fuel is consumed) mass_i = mass[-1] # [kg] else: # Average fuel flow over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_FUEL = (FUEL[-1] + FUEL_i) / 2 # [kg/s] # Fuel burnt is: average fuel flow multiplied by step time step_mass = step_FUEL * step_time # [kg] # Update aircraft mass estimate at end of step if not mass_const: mass_i = mass[-1] - step_mass # [kg] fuelConsumed_i = step_FUEL * step_time fuelConsumed_i = FUELCONSUMED[-1] + step_FUEL * step_time ## PART 3: store information about end of step point # point data TAS.append(conv.ms2kt(TAS_i)) CAS.append(conv.ms2kt(CAS_i)) M.append(M_i) dVdtisu.append(dVdtisu_i) ROCD.append(ROCD_i) esf.append(ESF_i) Comment.append(comment) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUEL.append(FUEL_i) # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Peng.append(P_i) Preq.append(Preq_i) Pav.append(Pav_i) # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmec.append(P_i) Pbat.append(Pbat_i) SOCr.append(SOCr_i) Pelc.append(Pelc_i) Ibat.append(Ibat_i) Vbat.append(Vbat_i) Vgbat.append(Vgbat_i) # BADA3 & BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR.append(THR_i) DRAG.append(Drag) config.append(config_i) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.append(HLid_i) LG.append(LG_i) # TEM consistency check # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: check.append( P_i - Preq_i - mass_i * const.g * dhdtisu - mass_i * TAS_i * dVdtisu_i ) # BADA3 or BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: check.append( (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i - mass_i * const.g * dhdtisu - mass_i * TAS_i * dVdtisu_i ) # calculation of the slope if TAS_i == 0: gamma_i = 90 * np.sign(ROCD_i) else: [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=conv.ft2m(Hp_i), DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: gamma_i = degrees( atan(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) else: # using SIN assumes the TAS to be in the direction of the aircraft axis, not ground plane. Which means, this should be mathematically the correct equation for all the aircraft gamma_i = degrees( asin(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) # ground speed can be calcualted as TAS projected on the ground minus wind GS_i = cos(radians(gamma_i)) * TAS_i - wS GS.append(conv.ms2kt(GS_i)) Slope.append(gamma_i) BankAngle.append(bankAngle) ROT.append(rateOfTurn) # integrated data if v_i != v_init: # exclude first point: initial t/d/m already known if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC.append(SOC_i) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED.append(fuelConsumed_i) # Altitude at end of step has been termined in PART 2 Hp.append(Hp_i) # Aircraft mass at end of step has been termined in PART 2 mass.append(mass_i) # Time at end of step is time at start of step plus step time time.append(time[-1] + step_time) # Average TAS over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_TAS = (TAS[-2] + TAS[-1]) / 2 # [kt] # Average slope over the step step_gamma = radians((Slope[-2] + Slope[-1]) / 2) # radians # Average ground speed over step # since this is not level flight, TAS speed should be projected on the ground, then GS can be calculated applying the wind speed step_TAS_projected = cos(step_gamma) * step_TAS step_GS = step_TAS_projected - wS # [kt] # Step distance is: average GS multiplied by step time if turnFlight: step_distance = conv.m2nm( turn.distance( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, TAS=TAS_i, timeOfTurn=step_time ) ) # arcLength during the turn [NM] else: step_distance = step_GS * step_time / 3600 # [NM] # Distance at end of step is distance at start of step plus step distance dist.append(dist[-1] + step_distance) # add GPS calculation if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if headingToFly == "TRUE": if not turnFlight: if not constantHeading: # fly ORTHODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( vincenty.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), bearing=HDGTrue[-1], ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif constantHeading: # fly LOXODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGTrue_i = HDGTrue[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif headingToFly == "MAGNETIC": if not turnFlight: if constantHeading: (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGMagnetic_i = HDGMagnetic[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGTrue_i = ( HDGMagnetic_i + magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGTrue_i = HDGMagnetic_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i LAT.append(Lat_i) LON.append(Lon_i) HDGMagnetic.append(HDGMagnetic_i) HDGTrue.append(HDGTrue_i) # Determine end speed of next step v_next = v_i + speed_step if speedEvol == "acc": if v_next < v_final: v_i = v_next elif v_i < v_final: v_i = v_final else: go_on = False else: if v_next > v_final: v_i = v_next elif v_i > v_final: v_i = v_final else: go_on = False flightData = { "Hp": Hp, "TAS": TAS, "CAS": CAS, "GS": GS, "M": M, "acc": dVdtisu, "ROCD": ROCD, "ESF": esf, "FUEL": FUEL, "Pmec": Pmec, "Pelc": Pelc, "Pbat": Pbat, "SOCr": SOCr, "SOC": SOC, "Ibat": Ibat, "Vbat": Vbat, "Vgbat": Vgbat, "FUELCONSUMED": FUELCONSUMED, "Preq": Preq, "Peng": Peng, "Pav": Pav, "THR": THR, "DRAG": DRAG, "time": time, "dist": dist, "slope": Slope, "mass": mass, "config": config, "HLid": HLid, "LG": LG, "LAT": LAT, "LON": LON, "HDGTrue": HDGTrue, "HDGMagnetic": HDGMagnetic, "BankAngle": BankAngle, "ROT": ROT, "comment": Comment, } flightTrajectory = FT.createFlightTrajectoryDataframe(flightData) return flightTrajectory
[docs] def accDec_time( AC, length, speedType, v_init, speedEvol, phase, Hp_init, m_init, DeltaTemp, wS=0.0, turnMetrics={"rateOfTurn": 0.0, "bankAngle": 0.0, "directionOfTurn": None}, control=None, Lat=None, Lon=None, initialHeading={"magnetic": None, "true": None, "constantHeading": None}, reducedPower=None, magneticDeclinationGrid=None, **kwargs, ): """ Calculates the time, fuel consumption, and other key flight parameters required for an aircraft to perform an acceleration or deceleration from an initial speed (v_init) over a set period of time during the climb, cruise, or descent phases of flight. The flight parameters are calculated using different models for the BADA (Base of Aircraft Data) families (BADA3, BADA4, BADAH, BADAE). The function can also accommodate different control laws, vertical evolution phases, wind conditions, and complex flight dynamics like turns. .. note:: The control law used during the segment depends on the targets provided in the input parameter 'control': - ROCD/slope+ESF: Law based on ROCD/slope + ESF - ROCD/slope+acc: Law based on ROCD/slope + acceleration - ROCD/slope only: Law based on rating + ROCD/slope - ESF only: Law based on rating + ESF - acc only: Law based on rating + acceleration - Neither: Law is rating + default ESF :param AC: Aircraft object {BADA3/4/H/E}. :param length: Total duration of the flight segment [s]. :param speedType: Type of speed being followed {M, CAS, TAS}. :param v_init: Initial speed [kt] (CAS/TAS) or [-] MACH. :param speedEvol: Evolution of speed {acc, dec} (acceleration or deceleration). :param phase: Vertical evolution phase {Climb, Descent, Cruise}. :param control: A dictionary containing the following targets: - ROCDtarget: Rate of climb/descent to be followed [ft/min]. - slopetarget: Slope (flight path angle) to be followed [deg]. - acctarget: Acceleration to be followed [m/s^2]. - ESFtarget: Energy Share Factor to be followed [-]. :param Hp_init: Initial pressure altitude [ft]. :param m_init: Initial aircraft mass [kg]. :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from the standard ISA temperature [K]. :param wS: Wind speed component along the longitudinal axis (affects ground speed) [kt]. Default is 0.0. :param turnMetrics: A dictionary defining turn parameters: - rateOfTurn [deg/s] - bankAngle [deg] - directionOfTurn {LEFT/RIGHT}. Default is straight flight. :param Lat: Initial latitude [deg]. Default is None. :param Lon: Initial longitude [deg]. Default is None. :param initialHeading: A dictionary defining the initial heading (magnetic or true) and whether to fly a constant heading: - magnetic: Magnetic heading [deg]. - true: True heading [deg]. - constantHeading: Whether to maintain a constant heading. Default is None. :param reducedPower: Boolean specifying if reduced power is applied during the climb. Default is None. :param magneticDeclinationGrid: Optional grid of magnetic declination used to correct magnetic heading. Default is None. :param kwargs: Additional optional parameters: - step_length: Length of each time step in the calculation [s]. Default is 1 second. - SOC_init: Initial battery state of charge for electric aircraft (BADAE) [%]. Default is 100. - config: Default aerodynamic configuration (TO, IC, CR, AP, LD). Default is None. - mass_const: Boolean indicating whether mass remains constant during the flight segment. Default is False. - m_iter: Number of iterations for the mass integration loop. Default is 10 for BADA3/4/H, 5 for BADAE. :returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the flight trajectory with columns such as: - **Hp** - wAltitude [ft] - **TAS** - True Air Speed [kt] - **CAS** - Calibrated Air Speed [kt] - **GS** - Ground Speed [kt] - **M** - Mach number [-] - **ROCD** - Rate of Climb/Descent [ft/min] - **ESF** - Energy Share Factor [-] - **FUEL** - Fuel flow [kg/s] - **FUELCONSUMED** - Total fuel consumed [kg] - **THR** - Thrust force [N] - **DRAG** - Drag force [N] - **time** - Elapsed time [s] - **dist** - Distance flown [NM] - **slope** - Trajectory slope [deg] - **mass** - Aircraft mass [kg] - **config** - Aerodynamic configuration - **LAT** - Latitude [deg] - **LON** - Longitude [deg] - **HDGTrue** - True heading [deg] - **HDGMagnetic** - Magnetic heading [deg] - **BankAngle** - Bank angle [deg] - **ROT** - Rate of turn [deg/s] - **Comment** - Comments for each segment - **For BADAH:** - **Preq** - Required power [W] - **Peng** - Generated power [W] - **Pav** - Available power [W] - **For BADAE (electric aircraft):** - **Pmec** - Mechanical power [W] - **Pelc** - Electrical power [W] - **Pbat** - Power supplied by the battery [W] - **SOCr** - Rate of battery state of charge depletion [%/h] - **SOC** - Battery state of charge [%] - **Ibat** - Battery current [A] - **Vbat** - Battery voltage [V] - **Vgbat** - Ground battery voltage [V] :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ rateOfTurn = turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] bankAngle = turnMetrics["bankAngle"] directionOfTurn = turnMetrics["directionOfTurn"] turnFlight = True if turnMetrics["rateOfTurn"] == 0.0 and turnMetrics["bankAngle"] == 0.0: turnFlight = False # conversion of Magnetic Heading to True Heading if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: magneticDeclination = magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat, LON_target=Lon ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 # retrieve magnetic and true heading inputs magneticHeading = initialHeading["magnetic"] trueHeading = initialHeading["true"] constantHeading = initialHeading["constantHeading"] if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if trueHeading is not None and magneticHeading is None: # fly TRUE Heading headingToFly = "TRUE" magneticHeading = trueHeading - magneticDeclination elif magneticHeading is not None and trueHeading is None: # fly MAGNETIC Heading if constantHeading == True: headingToFly = "MAGNETIC" trueHeading = magneticHeading + magneticDeclination else: raise Exception("Cannot fly non-constant magnetic heading") else: raise Exception("Undefined Heading value combination") # calculation with constant mass (True) or integrated (False) mass_const = kwargs.get("mass_const", False) # optional parameter to define initial Baterry State of Charge (SOC) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC_init = kwargs.get("SOC_init", 100) else: SOC_init = None # speed brakes application if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: speedBrakes = kwargs.get( "speedBrakes", {"deployed": False, "value": 0.03} ) # step size in [s] step_length = kwargs.get("step_length", 1) # number of iteration of mass/altitude loop # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 5 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] # BADA3 or BADA4 or BADAH else: m_iter = kwargs.get( "m_iter", 10 ) # number of iterations for integration loop[-] if control is None: # create empty control target control = target() # check the consistency of SLOPE/ROCD and climb/descent phase of flight # if incosistent, change the sign on slope/ROCD target value if phase == "Climb": if control.slopetarget is not None and control.slopetarget < 0: control.slopetarget = abs(control.slopetarget) print("Slopetarget for Climb should be positive") if control.ROCDtarget is not None and control.ROCDtarget < 0: control.ROCDtarget = abs(control.ROCDtarget) print("ROCDtarget for Climb should be positive") elif phase == "Descent": if control.slopetarget is not None and control.slopetarget > 0: control.slopetarget = control.slopetarget * (-1) print("Slopetarget for Descent should be negative") if control.ROCDtarget is not None and control.ROCDtarget < 0: control.ROCDtarget = control.ROCDtarget * (-1) print("ROCDtarget for Descent should be negative") # check the consistency of acc/dec and ESF if phase == "Cruise": if control.ESFtarget is not None and control.ESFtarget != 0: control.ESFtarget = 0 elif phase == "Climb": if ( control.ESFtarget is not None and speedEvol == "acc" and control.ESFtarget > 1 ): print("ESFtarget for acceleration in Climb should be < 1") if ( control.ESFtarget is not None and speedEvol == "dec" and control.ESFtarget < 1 ): print("ESFtarget for deceleration in Climb should be > 1") elif phase == "Descent": if ( control.ESFtarget is not None and speedEvol == "acc" and control.ESFtarget < 1 ): print("ESFtarget for acceleration in Descent should be > 1") if ( control.ESFtarget is not None and speedEvol == "dec" and control.ESFtarget > 1 ): print("ESFtarget for deceleration in Descent should be < 1") # check the consistency of acctarget and acc/dec if speedEvol == "acc": if control.acctarget is not None and control.acctarget < 0: control.acctarget = abs(control.acctarget) print("Acctarget in acceleration should be > 1") elif speedEvol == "dec": if control.acctarget is not None and control.acctarget > 0: control.acctarget = control.acctarget * (-1) print("Acctarget in deceleration should be < 1") if control.ROCDtarget is not None and control.slopetarget is not None: print("Both ROCD and SLOPE target provided, priority given to SLOPE") # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation controlComment = "" if control is not None: if control.ROCDtarget is not None: controlComment += "_" + "ROCDtarget" if control.slopetarget is not None: controlComment += "_" + "slopetarget" if control.acctarget is not None: controlComment += "_" + "acctarget" if control.ESFtarget is not None: controlComment += "_" + "ESFtarget" if turnFlight: turnComment = "_turn" else: turnComment = "" if constantHeading: constHeadingStr = "_const_Heading" elif constantHeading is False or constantHeading is None: constHeadingStr = "" # comment line describing type of trajectory calculation comment = ( phase + turnComment + "_" + speedEvol + "_" + speedType + controlComment + "_" + constHeadingStr ) if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): comment = comment + "_" + headingToFly + "_Heading" # compute Energy Share Factor if control.ESFtarget is not None: ESFc = control.ESFtarget elif control.ROCDtarget is not None or control.slopetarget is not None: ESFc = None elif control.acctarget is not None: ESFc = None # update ROCD target if phase is set to "Cruise" if phase == "Cruise": control.ROCDtarget = 0 else: # Neither ROCD/slope nor ESF/acc provided means control is rating+default ESF if (phase == "Climb" and speedEvol == "acc") or ( phase == "Descent" and speedEvol == "dec" ): ESFc = 0.3 elif (phase == "Climb" and speedEvol == "dec") or ( phase == "Descent" and speedEvol == "acc" ): ESFc = 1.7 elif phase == "Cruise": ESFc = 0 # convert target values to ISU units if control.ROCDtarget is not None: ROCDtargetisu = conv.ft2m(control.ROCDtarget) / 60 # [m/s] if control.slopetarget is not None: slopetargetisu = conv.deg2rad(control.slopetarget) # Determine max engine rating if not provided if "maxRating" not in kwargs: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: maxRating = "MTKF" else: maxRating = "MCMB" else: maxRating = checkArgument("maxRating", **kwargs) # Determine engine rating if ( control.ROCDtarget is not None or control.slopetarget is not None ) and (control.ESFtarget is not None or control.acctarget is not None): rating = None else: if phase == "Climb" or (phase == "Cruise" and speedEvol == "acc"): rating = maxRating elif phase == "Descent" or (phase == "Cruise" and speedEvol == "dec"): if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: rating = "UNKNOWN" # TBD: No minimum power model else: rating = "LIDL" # get the default aerodynamic configuration if provided to be used for the whole segment config_default = kwargs.get("config", None) if config_default is not None: if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: if not ( config_default == "TO" or config_default == "IC" or config_default == "CR" or config_default == "AP" or config_default == "LD" ): print( "WRONG default configuration set. Available values are: TO/IC/CR/AP/LD. Configuration will be calculated automatically" ) # initialize output parameters [theta_init, delta_init, sigma_init] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=conv.ft2m(Hp_init), DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) [M_init, CAS_init, TAS_init] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v_init, speedType=speedType, theta=theta_init, delta=delta_init, sigma=sigma_init, ) Hp = [Hp_init] TAS = [conv.ms2kt(TAS_init)] CAS = [conv.ms2kt(CAS_init)] GS = [] M = [M_init] ROCD = [] esf = [] FUEL = [] FUELCONSUMED = [] time = [0] dist = [0] mass = [m_init] ESF = [] Comment = [] check = [] # TEM consistency check result Slope = [] acc = [] THR = [] DRAG = [] config = [] HLid = [] LG = [] BankAngle = [] ROT = [] if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED = [0] # BADAH specific Peng = [] Preq = [] Pav = [] # optional GPS coordiantes and HDG definition if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): LAT = [Lat] LON = [Lon] HDGMagnetic = [magneticHeading] HDGTrue = [trueHeading] else: LAT = [] LON = [] HDGMagnetic = [] HDGTrue = [] # BADAE specific Pmec = [] Pbat = [] SOCr = [] SOC = [SOC_init] Pelc = [] Ibat = [] Vbat = [] Vgbat = [] # init loop parameters dVdtisu = [] # initialize loop parameters: speed at end of step and loop termination length_loop = 0 time_i = time[-1] go_on = True while go_on: ## PART 1: compute parameters at end of step that are known without uncertainties: ## *none* ## PART 2: compute parameters at end of step that are known only with uncertainties ## (due to unknown mass and altitude at end of step): # Initialize loop parameters: aircraft mass (resp. altitude) at end of step is # first estimated as equal to aircraft mass (resp. altitude) at start of step mass_i = mass[-1] Hp_i = Hp[-1] v_i = TAS[-1] for _ in itertools.repeat(None, m_iter): # atmosphere properties H_m = conv.ft2m(Hp_i) # altitude [m] [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=H_m, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) step_time = length_loop - time[-1] # aircraft speed [M_i, CAS_i, TAS_i] = atm.convertSpeed( v=v_i, speedType="TAS", theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma ) if turnFlight: if turnMetrics["bankAngle"] != 0.0: # bankAngle is defined rateOfTurn = AC.rateOfTurn_bankAngle( TAS=TAS_i, bankAngle=bankAngle ) else: # rateOfTurn is defined bankAngle = AC.bankAngle( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, v=TAS_i ) # [degrees] # Load factor nz = 1 / cos(radians(bankAngle)) # compute ROCD target (if any) on this step if control.slopetarget is not None: # compute target ROCD corresponding to target slope if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # special case for BADAE, in future it may apply also for BADAH dh_dt_i = TAS_i * tan(slopetargetisu) else: dh_dt_i = TAS_i * sin(slopetargetisu) ROCDtargetisu_i = dh_dt_i * (1 / temp_const) elif control.ROCDtarget is not None: ROCDtargetisu_i = ROCDtargetisu dh_dt_i = ROCDtargetisu_i * temp_const # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # compute Power required Preq_i = AC.Preq( sigma=sigma, tas=TAS_i, mass=mass_i, phi=bankAngle ) # compute engine power if rating is None: # compiute power required for the manoeuver if ESFc is not None: P_i = dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g / ESFc + Preq_i # [W] elif control.acctarget is not None: P_i = ( dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g + mass_i * TAS_i * control.acctarget + Preq_i ) # [W] else: print("Error: neither ESF nor acc target provided") # Check that required thrust/power fits in the available thrust/power envelope, # recompute ROCD if necessary and compute fuel coefficient accordingly Pmin = ( 0.1 * AC.P0 ) # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Pmax = AC.Pav( rating=maxRating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating=maxRating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmax = AC.Pav(rating=maxRating, SOC=SOC[-1]) Pav_i = AC.Pav(rating=maxRating, SOC=SOC[-1]) if P_i < Pmin: P_i = Pmin if ESFc is not None: ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=P_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESFc, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif control.acctarget is not None: ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( ( P_i - mass_i * TAS_i * control.acctarget - Preq_i ) / (mass_i * const.g * temp_const) ) * 60 ) elif P_i > Pmax: P_i = Pmax if ESFc is not None: ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( AC.ROCD( Peng=P_i, Preq=Preq_i, mass=mass_i, ESF=ESFc, theta=theta, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) ) * 60 ) elif control.acctarget is not None: ROCD_i = ( conv.m2ft( ( P_i - mass_i * TAS_i * control.acctarget - Preq_i ) / (mass_i * const.g * temp_const) ) * 60 ) else: ROCD_i = control.ROCDtarget else: # Compute available power if rating == "UNKNOWN": P_i = ( 0.1 * AC.P0 ) # No minimum power model: assume 10% torque Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating=maxRating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) else: if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: P_i = AC.Pav( rating=rating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) Pav_i = AC.Pav( rating=rating, theta=theta, delta=delta ) elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: P_i = AC.Pav(rating=rating, SOC=SOC[-1]) Pav_i = AC.Pav(rating=rating, SOC=SOC[-1]) # Compute excess power Pe_i = P_i - Preq_i # [W] # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: # compute fuel flow for level flight CP = AC.CP(Peng=P_i) FUEL_i = AC.ff(delta=delta, CP=CP) # [kg/s] # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pbat_i = AC.Pbat(Preq=P_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) SOCr_i = AC.SOCrate(Preq=P_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) # debug data Pelc_i = P_i / AC.eta Ibat_i = AC.Ibat(P=Pelc_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vbat_i = AC.Vbat(I=Ibat_i, SOC=SOC[-1]) Vgbat_i = ( AC.Vocbat(SOC=SOC[-1]) - AC.R0bat(SOC=SOC[-1]) * Ibat_i ) # BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) [HLid_i, LG_i] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig( config=config_i ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M_i, delta=delta, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD( M=M_i, CL=CL, HLid=HLid_i, LG=LG_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes ) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M_i, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute thrust and fuel flow if rating is None: # compute thrust force required for the manoeuver if ESFc is not None: THR_i = ( dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g / (TAS_i * ESFc) + Drag ) # [N] elif control.acctarget is not None: THR_i = ( dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g / TAS_i + mass_i * control.acctarget + Drag ) # [N] else: print("Error: neither ESF nor acc target provided") # Check that required thrust fits in the available thrust envelope, # recompute ROCD if necessary and compute fuel flow accordingly THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( rating="MCMB", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max else: CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: THR_i = AC.Thrust( rating=rating, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # [N] CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR_i, delta=delta) FUEL_i = AC.ff( rating="LIDL", delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # FUEL_i = AC.ff( # CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp # ) # compute excess power Pe_i = (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i # [kg*m^2/s^3] # BADA3 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # aircraft aerodynamic configuration if config_default is None: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.getConfig( h=H_m, phase=phase, v=CAS_i, mass=mass_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) else: config_i = config_default # ensure continuity of configuration change within the segment if config: config_i = AC.flightEnvelope.checkConfigurationContinuity( phase=phase, previousConfig=config[-1], currentConfig=config_i, ) # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, mass=mass_i, nz=nz) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD(CL=CL, config=config_i, speedBrakes=speedBrakes) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS_i, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute thrust and fuel flow if rating is None: # compute thrust force required for the manoeuver if (ESFc) is not None: THR_i = ( dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g / (TAS_i * ESFc) + Drag ) # [N] elif control.acctarget is not None: THR_i = ( dh_dt_i * mass_i * const.g / TAS_i + mass_i * control.acctarget + Drag ) # [N] else: print("Error: neither ESF nor acc target provided") # Check that required thrust fits in the available thrust envelope, # recompute ROCD if necessary and compute fuel flow accordingly THR_min = AC.Thrust( rating="LIDL", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config="CR", DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # IDLE Thrust FUEL_min = AC.ff( flightPhase="Descent", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_min, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # IDLE Fuel Flow THR_max = AC.Thrust( rating="MCMB", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config="CR", DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) # MCMB Thrust FUEL_max = AC.ff( flightPhase="Climb", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_max, config="CR", adapted=False, ) # MCMB Fuel Flow if THR_i < THR_min: THR_i = THR_min FUEL_i = FUEL_min elif THR_i > THR_max: THR_i = THR_max FUEL_i = FUEL_max else: FUEL_i = AC.ff( v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, adapted=True, ) else: THR_i = AC.Thrust( rating=rating, v=TAS_i, h=H_m, config=config_i, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp, ) if rating == "MCMB" or rating == "MTKF": FUEL_i = AC.ff( flightPhase="Climb", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, ) elif rating == "MCRZ": FUEL_i = AC.ff( flightPhase="Cruise", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, ) elif rating == "LIDL": FUEL_i = AC.ff( flightPhase="Descent", v=TAS_i, h=H_m, T=THR_i, config=config_i, ) # compute excess power Pe_i = (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i # [kg*m^2/s^3] if ESFc is not None: ESF_i = ESFc # compute power dedicated to climb PC_i = Pe_i * ESF_i # [kg*m^2/s^3] # compute ROCD dhdtisu = PC_i / (mass_i * const.g) # [m/s] ROCDisu = dhdtisu * 1 / temp_const # [m/s] ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # [ft/min] elif control.acctarget is not None: # compute power required for acc/dec rate Pa_i = mass_i * TAS_i * control.acctarget # check that required power fits in the available power envelope if abs(Pa_i) > abs(Pe_i): Pa_i = Pe_i # compute power dedicated to climb PC_i = Pe_i - Pa_i # [kg*m^2/s^3] if Pe_i != 0: ESF_i = PC_i / Pe_i else: ESF_i = float("Inf") # compute ROCD dhdtisu = PC_i / (mass_i * const.g) # [m/s] ROCDisu = dhdtisu * 1 / temp_const # [m/s] ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # [ft/min] elif ( control.slopetarget is not None or control.ROCDtarget is not None ): dhdtisu = dh_dt_i # [m/s] ROCDisu = dh_dt_i * 1 / temp_const # [m/s] ROCD_i = conv.m2ft(ROCDisu) * 60 # [ft/min] PC_i = dh_dt_i * (mass_i * const.g) # [kg*m^2/s^3] if Pe_i != 0: ESF_i = PC_i / Pe_i else: ESF_i = float("Inf") else: print("Error: unexpected combination of targets") # compute acceleration if TAS_i == 0: dVdtisu_i = (Pe_i - PC_i) / (mass_i * (TAS_i + 0.5)) # [m/s^2] else: dVdtisu_i = (Pe_i - PC_i) / (mass_i * TAS_i) # [m/s^2] if length_loop == 0: # no need to loop for first point: initial m/Hp already known break else: # Average acceleration over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_dVdtisu = (dVdtisu[-1] + dVdtisu_i) / 2 # [m/s^2] # step speed is step acceleration multiplied by time step step_speed = conv.ms2kt(step_dVdtisu * step_time) # acceleration should be always defined in terms of TAS speed, so the next speed will be always defined as TAS v_i = TAS[-1] + step_speed # Average ROCD over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_ROCD = (ROCD[-1] + ROCD_i) / 2 # [ft/min] # Altitude differential is: average ROCD multiplied by step time step_Hp = step_ROCD * step_time / 60 # [ft] # Update altitude estimate at end of step Hp_i = Hp[-1] + step_Hp # [ft] # BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: # Average SOC rate over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_SOCr = (SOCr[-1] + SOCr_i) / 2 # [%/h] # SOC change is: average SOC rate multiplied by step time step_SOC = step_SOCr * step_time / 3600 # [%] # Update SOC estimate at end of step SOC_i = SOC[-1] - step_SOC # [%] # update of aircraft mass estimate at end of step - mass is not changing for ELECTRIC engine (no fuel is consumed) mass_i = mass[-1] # [kg] else: # Average fuel flow over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_FUEL = (FUEL[-1] + FUEL_i) / 2 # [kg/s] # Fuel burnt is: average fuel flow multiplied by step time step_mass = step_FUEL * step_time # [kg] # Update aircraft mass estimate at end of step if not mass_const: mass_i = mass[-1] - step_mass # [kg] fuelConsumed_i = step_FUEL * step_time fuelConsumed_i = FUELCONSUMED[-1] + step_FUEL * step_time ## PART 3: store information about end of step point # point data dVdtisu.append(dVdtisu_i) ROCD.append(ROCD_i) esf.append(ESF_i) Comment.append(comment) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUEL.append(FUEL_i) # BADAH if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: Peng.append(P_i) Preq.append(Preq_i) Pav.append(Pav_i) # BADAE elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: Pmec.append(P_i) Pbat.append(Pbat_i) SOCr.append(SOCr_i) Pelc.append(Pelc_i) Ibat.append(Ibat_i) Vbat.append(Vbat_i) Vgbat.append(Vgbat_i) # BADA3 & BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: THR.append(THR_i) DRAG.append(Drag) config.append(config_i) # BADA4 if AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: HLid.append(HLid_i) LG.append(LG_i) # TEM consistency check # BADAH or BADAE if AC.BADAFamily.BADAH or AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: check.append( P_i - Preq_i - mass_i * const.g * dhdtisu - mass_i * TAS_i * dVdtisu_i ) # BADA3 or BADA4 elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: check.append( (THR_i - Drag) * TAS_i - mass_i * const.g * dhdtisu - mass_i * TAS_i * dVdtisu_i ) # calculation of the slope if TAS_i == 0: gamma_i = 90 * np.sign(ROCD_i) else: [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=conv.ft2m(Hp_i), DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) temp_const = (theta * const.temp_0) / ( theta * const.temp_0 - DeltaTemp ) if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: gamma_i = degrees( atan(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) else: # using SIN assumes the TAS to be in the direction of the aircraft axis, not ground plane. Which means, this should be mathematically the correct equation for all the aircraft gamma_i = degrees( asin(conv.ft2m(ROCD_i) * temp_const / 60 / TAS_i) ) # ground speed can be calcualted as TAS projected on the ground minus wind GS_i = cos(radians(gamma_i)) * TAS_i - wS GS.append(conv.ms2kt(GS_i)) Slope.append(gamma_i) BankAngle.append(bankAngle) ROT.append(rateOfTurn) # integrated data if ( length_loop != 0 ): # exclude first point: initial t/d/m already known if AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: SOC.append(SOC_i) # everything except electric BADAE if not AC.BADAFamily.BADAE: FUELCONSUMED.append(fuelConsumed_i) # speed at the end of step TAS.append(conv.ms2kt(TAS_i)) CAS.append(conv.ms2kt(CAS_i)) M.append(M_i) # Altitude at end of step has been termined in PART 2 Hp.append(Hp_i) # Aircraft mass at end of step has been termined in PART 2 mass.append(mass_i) # Time at end of step is time at start of step plus step time time.append(time[-1] + step_time) # Average TAS over step is the mean of initial and final ones step_TAS = (TAS[-2] + TAS[-1]) / 2 # [kt] # Average slope over the step step_gamma = radians((Slope[-2] + Slope[-1]) / 2) # radians # Average ground speed over step # since this is not level flight, TAS speed should be projected on the ground, then GS can be calculated applying the wind speed step_TAS_projected = cos(step_gamma) * step_TAS step_GS = step_TAS_projected - wS # [kt] # Step distance is: average GS multiplied by step time if turnFlight: step_distance = conv.m2nm( turn.distance( rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, TAS=TAS_i, timeOfTurn=step_time ) ) # arcLength during the turn [NM] else: step_distance = step_GS * step_time / 3600 # [NM] # Distance at end of step is distance at start of step plus step distance dist.append(dist[-1] + step_distance) # add GPS calculation if Lat and Lon and (magneticHeading or trueHeading): if headingToFly == "TRUE": if not turnFlight: if not constantHeading: # fly ORTHODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( vincenty.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), bearing=HDGTrue[-1], ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif constantHeading: # fly LOXODROME (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGTrue_i = HDGTrue[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i elif headingToFly == "MAGNETIC": if not turnFlight: if constantHeading: (Lat_i, Lon_i) = rhumb.destinationPoint( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearing=HDGTrue[-1], distance=conv.nm2m(step_distance), ) HDGMagnetic_i = HDGMagnetic[-1] if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGTrue_i = ( HDGMagnetic_i + magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGTrue_i = HDGMagnetic_i else: # calculate the turn (Lat_i, Lon_i, HDGTrue_i) = ( turn.destinationPoint_finalBearing( LAT_init=LAT[-1], LON_init=LON[-1], bearingInit=HDGTrue[-1], TAS=TAS_i, rateOfTurn=rateOfTurn, timeOfTurn=step_time, directionOfTurn=directionOfTurn, ) ) if magneticDeclinationGrid is not None: HDGMagnetic_i = ( HDGTrue_i - magneticDeclinationGrid.getMagneticDeclination( LAT_target=Lat_i, LON_target=Lon_i ) ) else: magneticDeclination = 0 HDGMagnetic_i = HDGTrue_i LAT.append(Lat_i) LON.append(Lon_i) HDGMagnetic.append(HDGMagnetic_i) HDGTrue.append(HDGTrue_i) if length_loop + step_length < length: length_loop += step_length elif length_loop < length: length_loop = length else: go_on = False flightData = { "Hp": Hp, "TAS": TAS, "CAS": CAS, "GS": GS, "M": M, "acc": dVdtisu, "ROCD": ROCD, "ESF": esf, "FUEL": FUEL, "Pmec": Pmec, "Pelc": Pelc, "Pbat": Pbat, "SOCr": SOCr, "SOC": SOC, "Ibat": Ibat, "Vbat": Vbat, "Vgbat": Vgbat, "FUELCONSUMED": FUELCONSUMED, "Preq": Preq, "Peng": Peng, "Pav": Pav, "THR": THR, "DRAG": DRAG, "time": time, "dist": dist, "slope": Slope, "mass": mass, "config": config, "HLid": HLid, "LG": LG, "LAT": LAT, "LON": LON, "HDGTrue": HDGTrue, "HDGMagnetic": HDGMagnetic, "BankAngle": BankAngle, "ROT": ROT, "comment": Comment, } flightTrajectory = FT.createFlightTrajectoryDataframe(flightData) return flightTrajectory