Source code for pyBADA.atmosphere

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Atmosphere module

from math import sqrt, pow, exp, log

from pyBADA import constants as const
from pyBADA import conversions as conv

[docs] def proper_round(num, dec=0): # First, round the number to the specified number of decimal places rounded_num = round(num, dec) # Check if the result is an integer (no decimal part) if rounded_num.is_integer(): return int(rounded_num) # Return as an integer return rounded_num # Return as a float if there is a decimal part
[docs] def theta(h, DeltaTemp): """ Calculates the normalized temperature according to the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) model. :param h: Altitude in meters (m). :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from ISA temperature in Kelvin (K). :type h: float :type DeltaTemp: float :returns: Normalized temperature [-]. The function accounts for whether the altitude is below or above the tropopause (11,000 m). Below the tropopause, it applies the temperature lapse rate. Above the tropopause, a constant temperature is assumed. """ if h < const.h_11: theta = 1 - const.temp_h * h / const.temp_0 + DeltaTemp / const.temp_0 else: theta = (const.temp_11 + DeltaTemp) / const.temp_0 return proper_round(theta, 10)
[docs] def delta(h, DeltaTemp): """ Calculates the normalized pressure according to the ISA model. :param h: Altitude in meters (m). :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from ISA temperature in Kelvin (K). :type h: float :type DeltaTemp: float :returns: Normalized pressure [-]. The function uses the barometric equation for pressure changes below and above the tropopause. """ p = pow( (theta(h, DeltaTemp) - DeltaTemp / const.temp_0), const.g / (const.temp_h * const.R), ) if h <= const.h_11: delta = p else: delta = p * exp(-const.g / const.R / const.temp_11 * (h - const.h_11)) return proper_round(delta, 10)
[docs] def sigma(theta, delta): """ Calculates the normalized air density according to the ISA model. :param theta: Normalized temperature [-]. :param delta: Normalized pressure [-]. :type theta: float :type delta: float :returns: Normalized air density [-]. The function uses the ideal gas law to relate pressure, temperature, and density. """ return proper_round( ((delta * const.p_0) / (theta * const.temp_0 * const.R)) / const.rho_0, 10, )
[docs] def aSound(theta): """ Calculates the speed of sound based on the normalized air temperature. :param theta: Normalized temperature [-]. :type theta: float :returns: Speed of sound in meters per second (m/s). The speed of sound depends on air temperature and is calculated using the specific heat ratio and the gas constant. """ a = sqrt(const.Agamma * const.R * theta * const.temp_0) return proper_round(a, 10)
[docs] def mach2Tas(Mach, theta): """ Converts Mach number to true airspeed (TAS). :param Mach: Mach number [-]. :param theta: Normalized air temperature [-]. :type Mach: float :type theta: float :returns: True airspeed in meters per second (m/s). """ if Mach == float("inf"): tas = float("inf") elif Mach == float("-inf"): tas = float("-inf") else: tas = Mach * aSound(theta) return tas
[docs] def tas2Mach(v, theta): """ Converts true airspeed (TAS) to Mach number. :param v: True airspeed in meters per second (m/s). :param theta: Normalized air temperature [-]. :type v: float :type theta: float :returns: Mach number [-]. """ return v / aSound(theta)
[docs] def tas2Cas(tas, delta, sigma): """ Converts true airspeed (TAS) to calibrated airspeed (CAS). :param tas: True airspeed in meters per second (m/s). :param sigma: Normalized air density [-]. :param delta: Normalized air pressure [-]. :type tas: float :type sigma: float :type delta: float :returns: Calibrated airspeed in meters per second (m/s). The function uses a complex formula to account for air compressibility effects at high speeds. """ if tas == float("inf"): cas = float("inf") elif tas == float("-inf"): cas = float("-inf") else: rho = sigma * const.rho_0 p = delta * const.p_0 A = pow(1 + const.Amu * rho * tas * tas / (2 * p), 1 / const.Amu) - 1 B = pow(1 + delta * A, const.Amu) - 1 cas = sqrt(2 * const.p_0 * B / (const.Amu * const.rho_0)) return cas
[docs] def cas2Tas(cas, delta, sigma): """ Converts calibrated airspeed (CAS) to true airspeed (TAS). :param cas: Calibrated airspeed in meters per second (m/s). :param sigma: Normalized air density [-]. :param delta: Normalized air pressure [-]. :type cas: float :type delta: float :type sigma: float :returns: True airspeed in meters per second (m/s). This function inverts the compressibility adjustments to compute TAS from CAS. """ rho = sigma * const.rho_0 p = delta * const.p_0 A = ( pow( 1 + const.Amu * const.rho_0 * cas * cas / (2 * const.p_0), 1 / const.Amu, ) - 1 ) B = pow(1 + (1 / delta) * A, const.Amu) - 1 tas = sqrt(2 * p * B / (const.Amu * rho)) return proper_round(tas, 10)
[docs] def mach2Cas(Mach, theta, delta, sigma): """ Converts Mach number to calibrated airspeed (CAS). :param Mach: Mach number [-]. :param theta: Normalized air temperature [-]. :param delta: Normalized air pressure [-]. :param sigma: Normalized air density [-]. :type Mach: float :type theta: float :type delta: float :type sigma: float :returns: Calibrated airspeed in meters per second (m/s). """ if Mach == float("inf"): cas = float("inf") elif Mach == float("-inf"): cas = float("-inf") else: tas = mach2Tas(Mach=Mach, theta=theta) cas = tas2Cas(tas=tas, delta=delta, sigma=sigma) return cas
[docs] def cas2Mach(cas, theta, delta, sigma): """ Converts calibrated airspeed (CAS) to Mach number. :param cas: Calibrated airspeed in meters per second (m/s). :param theta: Normalized air temperature [-]. :param delta: Normalized air pressure [-]. :param sigma: Normalized air density [-]. :type cas: float :type theta: float :type delta: float :type sigma: float :returns: Mach number [-]. """ tas = cas2Tas(cas, delta, sigma) M = tas2Mach(tas, theta) return proper_round(M, 10)
[docs] def hp(delta, QNH=101325.0): """ Calculates pressure altitude based on normalized pressure and reference pressure (QNH). :param QNH: Reference pressure in Pascals (Pa), default is standard sea level pressure (101325 Pa). :param delta: Normalized air pressure [-]. :type delta: float :type QNH: float :returns: Pressure altitude in meters (m). The pressure altitude is calculated by applying the barometric formula. Below the tropopause, the altitude is computed using the standard temperature lapse rate. Above the tropopause, it applies an exponential relationship for altitude based on pressure ratio. """ if delta * const.p_0 > const.p_11: hp = (const.temp_0 / const.temp_h) * ( 1 - pow(delta * const.p_0 / QNH, const.R * const.temp_h / const.g) ) else: hp = const.h_11 - const.R * const.temp_11 / const.g * log( delta * const.p_0 / const.p_11 ) return hp
[docs] def crossOver(cas, Mach): """ Calculates the cross-over altitude where calibrated airspeed (CAS) and Mach number intersect. :param cas: Calibrated airspeed in meters per second (m/s). :param Mach: Mach number [-]. :type cas: float :type Mach: float :returns: Cross-over altitude in meters (m). The cross-over altitude is where CAS and Mach produce the same true airspeed. The function calculates pressure and temperature at this altitude based on the given Mach number and CAS. """ p_trans = const.p_0 * ( ( pow( 1 + ((const.Agamma - 1.0) / 2.0) * ((cas / const.a_0) ** 2), pow(const.Amu, -1), ) - 1.0 ) / ( pow( 1 + ((const.Agamma - 1.0) / 2.0) * (Mach**2), pow(const.Amu, -1), ) - 1.0 ) ) theta_trans = pow(p_trans / const.p_0, (const.temp_h * const.R) / const.g) if p_trans < const.p_11: crossover = const.h_11 - (const.R * const.temp_11 / const.g) * log( p_trans / const.p_11 ) else: crossover = (const.temp_0 / -const.temp_h) * (theta_trans - 1) return crossover
[docs] def atmosphereProperties(h, DeltaTemp): """ Calculates atmospheric properties: normalized temperature, pressure, and density ratios based on altitude and temperature deviation from ISA. :param h: Altitude in meters (m). :param DeltaTemp: Deviation from ISA temperature in Kelvin (K). :type h: float :type DeltaTemp: float :returns: Normalized temperature, pressure, and density ratios as a list [-]. """ theta_norm = theta(h=h, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp) delta_norm = delta(h=h, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp) sigma_norm = sigma(theta=theta_norm, delta=delta_norm) return [theta_norm, delta_norm, sigma_norm]
[docs] def convertSpeed(v, speedType, theta, delta, sigma): """ Calculates Mach, true airspeed (TAS), and calibrated airspeed (CAS) based on input speed and its type. :param v: Airspeed value, depending on the type provided (M, CAS, TAS) [-, kt, kt]. :param speedType: Type of input speed, which can be one of "M" (Mach), "CAS", or "TAS". :param theta: Normalized air temperature [-]. :param delta: Normalized air pressure [-]. :param sigma: Normalized air density [-]. :type v: float :type speedType: string :type theta: float :type delta: float :type sigma: float :returns: A list of [Mach number, CAS in m/s, TAS in m/s]. """ if speedType == "TAS": TAS = conv.kt2ms(v) CAS = tas2Cas(tas=TAS, delta=delta, sigma=sigma) M = tas2Mach(v=TAS, theta=theta) elif speedType == "CAS": CAS = conv.kt2ms(v) TAS = cas2Tas(cas=CAS, delta=delta, sigma=sigma) M = tas2Mach(v=TAS, theta=theta) elif speedType == "M": M = v CAS = mach2Cas(Mach=M, theta=theta, delta=delta, sigma=sigma) TAS = cas2Tas(cas=CAS, delta=delta, sigma=sigma) else: raise Exception("Expected TAS, CAS or M, received: " + speedType) return [M, CAS, TAS]