Source code for pyBADA.trajectoryPrediction

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Basic calculations for the Trajectory Prediction (TP) using BADA

from pyBADA import atmosphere as atm
from pyBADA import conversions as conv
from math import exp

[docs] class TrajectoryPrediction: """This class implements some basic calculations required for the trajectory prediction (TP).""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def getInitialMass( AC, distance, altitude, M, payload=60, fuelReserve=3600, flightPlanInitialMass=None, ): """Calculates the estimated initial aircraft mass using the Breguet Leduc formula. :param AC: Aircraft object (BADA3/4/H/E). :param distance: Distance to be flown in meters. :param altitude: Cruising altitude in meters. :param M: Mach number at cruising altitude. :param payload: Percentage of the maximum payload mass (default is 60%). :param fuelReserve: Fuel reserve in seconds (default is 3600s, or 1 hour). :param flightPlanInitialMass: Optional initial mass from a flight plan, in kg. :type AC: {Bada3Aircraft, Bada4Aircraft, BadaEAircraft, BadaHAircraft}. :type distance: float :type altitude: float :type M: float :type payload: float :type fuelReserve: float :type flightPlanInitialMass: float, optional :returns: Estimated initial aircraft mass in kg. :rtype: float """ def initialMassCalculation( AC, distance, altitude, M, payload, fuelReserve, flightPlanInitialMass, ): """Helper function to calculate the initial mass based on aircraft type and flight conditions.""" DeltaTemp = 0 [theta, delta, sigma] = atm.atmosphereProperties( h=altitude, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) TAS = atm.mach2Tas(Mach=M, theta=theta) config = "CR" flightPhase = "Cruise" mass = AC.MREF if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3: # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(tas=TAS, sigma=sigma, mass=mass) # compute drag coefficient CD = AC.CD(CL=CL, config=config) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(tas=TAS, sigma=sigma, CD=CD) # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR = Drag fuelFlow = AC.ff( h=altitude, v=TAS, T=THR, config=config, flightPhase=flightPhase, ) elif AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: # compute lift coefficient CL = AC.CL(M=M, delta=delta, mass=mass) # compute drag coefficient [HLid, LG] = AC.flightEnvelope.getAeroConfig(config=config) CD = AC.CD(M=M, CL=CL, HLid=HLid, LG=LG) # compute drag force Drag = AC.D(M=M, delta=delta, CD=CD) # compute thrust force and fuel flow THR = Drag CT = AC.CT(Thrust=THR, delta=delta) fuelFlow = AC.ff( CT=CT, delta=delta, theta=theta, M=M, DeltaTemp=DeltaTemp ) # [kg/s] elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: # compute Power required for level flight Preq = AC.Preq(sigma=sigma, tas=TAS, mass=mass, phi=0) Peng_i = Preq # Pav_i = AC.Pav(rating="MCNT", theta=theta, delta=delta) # assume MCNT rating as the limit # if Pav_i < Preq: # warnings.warn("Power Available is lower than Power Required",UserWarning) # compute fuel flow for level flight CP = AC.CP(Peng=Preq) fuelFlow = AC.ff(delta=delta, CP=CP) # [kg/s] fuelReserveMass = fuelReserve * fuelFlow if AC.MPL is not None: maximumPayload = AC.MPL else: maximumPayload = AC.MTOW - AC.OEW - AC.MFL payloadMass = (payload / 100) * maximumPayload minimumLandingMass = AC.OEW + payloadMass + fuelReserveMass # in case of no wind, the ground speed is the same as true airspeed GS = TAS initialMass = minimumLandingMass * exp( (fuelFlow * distance) / (AC.MREF * GS) ) # set Initial Mass from FPL check if flightPlanInitialMass is not None: initialMass = flightPlanInitialMass # envelope check initialMass = min(max(initialMass, AC.OEW), AC.MTOW) return initialMass if AC.BADAFamily.BADA3 or AC.BADAFamily.BADA4: if (AC.MMO is not None and AC.MMO >= 1.0) or ( AC.VMO is not None and AC.VMO >= 400 ): # identified as fighter jet initialMass = AC.MREF else: initialMass = initialMassCalculation( AC=AC, distance=distance, altitude=altitude, M=M, payload=payload, fuelReserve=fuelReserve, flightPlanInitialMass=flightPlanInitialMass, ) elif AC.BADAFamily.BADAH: if AC.vne is not None and AC.vne >= 400: # identified as fighter initialMass = AC.MREF else: initialMass = initialMassCalculation( AC=AC, distance=distance, altitude=altitude, M=M, payload=payload, fuelReserve=fuelReserve, flightPlanInitialMass=flightPlanInitialMass, ) return initialMass