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The returned dbplyr::tbl_dbi() includes segments for scheduled and non-scheduled flights temporally intersecting the right-opened interval [wef, til).

General aviation, State, military and sensitive flight are excluded.


  conn = NULL,
  airspace = "FIR",
  profile = "CTFM"



Database connection or instantiate the default one.


With EFfect date (included) at Zulu time in a format recognized by lubridate::as_datetime()


unTILl date (excluded) at Zulu time in a format recognized by lubridate::as_datetime()


the type of airspace (default: 'FIR'), one of:


the model of the trajectory profile (default: 'CTFM'), one of:

  • 'FTFM', Filed Tactical Flight Model

  • 'RTFM', Regulated Tactical Flight Model

  • 'CTFM', Current Tactical Flight Model

  • 'CPF', Correlated Position reports for a Flight

  • 'DCT', Direct route

  • 'SCR', Shortest Constrained Route

  • 'SRR', Shortest RAD restrictions applied Route

  • 'SUR', Shortest Unconstrained Route


a dbplyr::tbl_dbi() with the following columns

  • ID: the so called SAM ID, used internally by PRISME

  • SEQ_ID: the sequence number of the segment for the relevant airspace profile

  • ENTRY_TIME: the time of entry into the relevant airspace

  • ENTRY_LON: the longitude of entry into the relevant airspace

  • ENTRY_LAT: the latitude of entry into the relevant airspace

  • ENTRY_FL: the flight level of entry into the relevant airspace

  • EXIT_TIME: the time of exit out of the relevant airspace

  • EXIT_LON: the longitude of exit out of the relevant airspace

  • EXIT_LAT: the latitude of exit out of the relevant airspace

  • EXIT_FL: the flight level of exit out of the relevant airspace

  • AIRSPACE_ID: the airspace ID

  • AIRSPACE_TYPE: the airspace type as per airspace input parameter

  • MODEL_TYPE: the trajectory model as per profile input parameter


You need to either provide a connection conn that has access to as noted in airspace_profile_tbl() and flights_tidy() or go with the default which uses PRU_DEV to establish a db_connection().


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ps <- airspace_profiles_tidy(wef = "2023-01-01", til = "2023-04-01")
# IMPORTANT: always close the DB connection when done

# if you re-use DB connections
conn <- eurocontrol::db_connection("PRU_DEV")
ps <- airspace_profiles_tidy(conn = conn)

# ... do something else with conn
# ...
# then manually close the connection to the DB
} # }