Extract NM point profile trajectories from PRISME database. When a bbox is defined, we return only the (full) point profiles for the flights flying thru the region.
conn = NULL,
til = lubridate::today(tzone = "UTC"),
profile = "CTFM",
bbox = NULL
- conn
Database connection or instantiate the default one.
- wef
With EFfect date (included) at Zulu time in a format recognized by
- til
unTILl date (excluded) at Zulu time in a format recognized by
- profile
the model of the trajectory profile (default: 'CTFM'), one of:
'FTFM', Filed Tactical Flight Model
'RTFM', Regulated Tactical Flight Model
'CTFM', Current Tactical Flight Model
'CPF', Correlated Position reports for a Flight
'DCT', Direct route
'SCR', Shortest Constrained Route
'SRR', Shortest RAD restrictions applied Route
'SUR', Shortest Unconstrained Route
- bbox
(Optional) axis aligned bounding box (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
a dataframe representing a flight trajectory with the following columns:
FLIGHT_ID: a unique identifier for the flight
TIME_OVER: the time over llon/lat
LONGITUDE: the longitude
LATITUDE: the latitude
FLIGHT_LEVEL: the flight level
POINT_ID: the published point ID ('NO_POINT' otherwise)
AIR_ROUTE: the air rout name ('DCT' otherwise)
LOBT: the last off-block time
SEQ_ID: the progressive sequence number in the trajectory points
CALLSIGN: the callsign of the flight
REGISTRATION: the aircraft registration
MODEL_TYPE: the trajectory model as per
input parameterAIRCRAFT_TYPE: the ICAO aircraft type
AIRCRAFT_OPERATOR: the flight operator
ICAO24: the ICAO 24-bit address of the aircraft
ADEP: the Aerodrom of Departure
ADES: the aerodrome of Destination
You need to either provide a connection conn
that has access to as noted in
and flights_tidy()
or go with the default which uses
PRU_DEV to establish a db_connection()
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# export 1 day of NM (planned) trajectories
pf1 <- point_profiles_tidy(wef = "2019-07-14",
til = "2019-07-15",
profile = "FTFM")
# export 2 hours of NM (flown) trajectories
pf2 <- point_profiles_tidy(wef = "2019-07-14 22:00",
til = "2019-07-15")
# export 1 day of NM (flown) trajectories
pf3 <- point_profiles_tidy(wef = "2019-07-14",
til = "2019-07-15",
profile = "CTFM")
# export all CTFM trajectories within a bounding box 40 NM around EDDF
bb <- c(xmin = 7.536746, xmax = 9.604390, ymin = 49.36732, ymax = 50.69920)
pf4 <- point_profiles_tidy(wef = "2019-01-01 00:00",
til = "2019-01-02 00:00",
bbox = bb)
# if you re-use DB connections
conn <- eurocontrol::db_connection("PRU_DEV")
pf <- point_profiles_tidy(conn = conn,
wef = "2020-01-01",
til = "2020-01-10")
# ... do something else with conn
# ...
# then manually close the connection to the DB
} # }