Generic airplane/helicopter performance module
- class pyBADA.aircraft.Airplane[source]
This is a generic airplane class based on a three-degrees-of-freedom point mass model (where all the forces are applied at the center of gravity).
- static esf(**kwargs)[source]
Computes the energy share factor based on flight conditions.
- Parameters:
h (float) – Altitude in meters.
DeltaTemp (float) – Temperature deviation with respect to ISA in Kelvin.
flightEvolution (str) – Type of flight evolution [constM/constCAS/acc/dec].
phase (str) – Phase of flight [cl/des].
v (float) – Constant speed (Mach number).
- Returns:
Energy share factor (dimensionless).
- Return type:
- class pyBADA.aircraft.Bada[source]
This class implements the mechanisms applicable across all BADA families.
- static GS(tas, gamma, Ws)[source]
Computes the ground speed based on true airspeed (TAS), flight path angle, and wind speed.
- Parameters:
tas (float) – True airspeed (TAS) in meters per second (m/s).
gamma (float) – Flight path angle in degrees.
Ws (float) – Longitudinal wind speed in meters per second (m/s).
- Returns:
Ground speed in meters per second (m/s).
- Return type:
- static bankAngle(rateOfTurn, v)[source]
Computes the bank angle based on true airspeed (TAS) and rate of turn.
- Parameters:
v (float) – True airspeed (TAS) in meters per second (m/s).
rateOfTurn (float) – Rate of turn in degrees per second (deg/s).
- Returns:
Bank angle in degrees.
- Return type:
- static getBADAParameters(df, acName, parameters)[source]
Retrieves specified parameters for a given aircraft name from a DataFrame.
- Parameters:
df (pd.DataFrame) – DataFrame containing BADA aircraft data.
acName (list or str) – Name of the aircraft or list of aircraft names to search for.
parameters (list or str) – List of column names (or a single column name) to retrieve.
- Returns:
A DataFrame containing the specified parameters for the given aircraft.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If any of the specified columns or aircraft names are not found.
- static loadFactor(fi)[source]
Computes the load factor from a given bank angle.
The load factor is calculated based on the cosine of the bank angle, which is expressed in degrees. A small rounding operation is applied to avoid precision issues with small decimal places.
- Parameters:
fi (float) – Bank angle in degrees.
- Returns:
The load factor (dimensionless).
- Return type:
- static rateOfTurn(v, nz=1.0)[source]
Computes the rate of turn based on true airspeed (TAS) and load factor.
- Parameters:
v (float) – True airspeed (TAS) in meters per second (m/s).
nz (float) – Load factor (default is 1.0), dimensionless.
- Returns:
Rate of turn in degrees per second (deg/s).
- Return type:
- static rateOfTurn_bankAngle(TAS, bankAngle)[source]
Computes the rate of turn based on true airspeed (TAS) and bank angle.
- Parameters:
TAS (float) – True airspeed (TAS) in meters per second (m/s).
bankAngle (float) – Bank angle in degrees.
- Returns:
Rate of turn in degrees per second (deg/s).
- Return type:
- class pyBADA.aircraft.BadaFamily(BADA3=False, BADA4=False, BADAH=False, BADAE=False)[source]
This class sets the token for the respected BADA Family.
- class pyBADA.aircraft.Helicopter[source]
This is a generic helicopter class based on a Total-Energy Model (TEM)
- static esf(**kwargs)[source]
Computes the energy share factor based on flight conditions.
- Parameters:
h (float) – Altitude in meters.
DeltaTemp (float) – Temperature deviation with respect to ISA in Kelvin.
flightEvolution (str) – Type of flight evolution [constTAS/constCAS/acc/dec].
phase (str) – Phase of flight [Climb/Descent].
v (float) – Constant speed (Mach number).
- Returns:
Energy share factor (dimensionless).
- Return type: