Source code for pyBADA.aircraft

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Generic airplane/helicopter performance module

import abc
from math import sqrt, pow, cos, radians, atan, tan, degrees

from pyBADA import constants as const
from pyBADA import conversions as conv
from pyBADA import atmosphere as atm

[docs] def checkArgument(argument, **kwargs): if kwargs.get(argument) is not None: return kwargs.get(argument) else: raise TypeError("Missing " + argument + " argument")
[docs] class Bada(object): """This class implements the mechanisms applicable across all BADA families.""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def getBADAParameters(df, acName, parameters): """ Retrieves specified parameters for a given aircraft name from a DataFrame. :param df: DataFrame containing BADA aircraft data. :param acName: Name of the aircraft or list of aircraft names to search for. :param parameters: List of column names (or a single column name) to retrieve. :type df: pd.DataFrame :type acName: list or str :type parameters: list or str :returns: A DataFrame containing the specified parameters for the given aircraft. :rtype: pd.DataFrame :raises ValueError: If any of the specified columns or aircraft names are not found. """ # Ensure parameters is a list if isinstance(parameters, str): parameters = [parameters] # Ensure acName is a list if isinstance(acName, str): acName = [acName] # Ensure all requested parameters exist in the DataFrame missing_cols = [col for col in parameters if col not in df.columns] if missing_cols: raise ValueError( f"The following parameters are not in the DataFrame columns: {missing_cols}" ) # Filter rows where 'acName' matches any of the specified aircraft names filtered_df = df[df["acName"].isin(acName)] # Check if any rows were found if filtered_df.empty: raise ValueError(f"No entries found for aircraft(s): {acName}.") else: # Select the required columns result_df = filtered_df[["acName"] + parameters].reset_index( drop=True ) return result_df
[docs] @staticmethod def loadFactor(fi): """ Computes the load factor from a given bank angle. The load factor is calculated based on the cosine of the bank angle, which is expressed in degrees. A small rounding operation is applied to avoid precision issues with small decimal places. :param fi: Bank angle in degrees. :type fi: float :returns: The load factor (dimensionless). :rtype: float """ return 1 / round(cos(radians(fi)), 10)
[docs] @staticmethod def bankAngle(rateOfTurn, v): """ Computes the bank angle based on true airspeed (TAS) and rate of turn. :param v: True airspeed (TAS) in meters per second (m/s). :param rateOfTurn: Rate of turn in degrees per second (deg/s). :type v: float :type rateOfTurn: float :returns: Bank angle in degrees. :rtype: float """ ROT = conv.deg2rad(rateOfTurn) BA = atan((ROT * v) / const.g) return conv.rad2deg(BA)
[docs] @staticmethod def rateOfTurn(v, nz=1.0): """ Computes the rate of turn based on true airspeed (TAS) and load factor. :param v: True airspeed (TAS) in meters per second (m/s). :param nz: Load factor (default is 1.0), dimensionless. :type v: float :type nz: float :returns: Rate of turn in degrees per second (deg/s). :rtype: float """ return degrees((const.g / v) * sqrt(nz * nz - 1))
[docs] @staticmethod def rateOfTurn_bankAngle(TAS, bankAngle): """ Computes the rate of turn based on true airspeed (TAS) and bank angle. :param TAS: True airspeed (TAS) in meters per second (m/s). :param bankAngle: Bank angle in degrees. :type TAS: float :type bankAngle: float :returns: Rate of turn in degrees per second (deg/s). :rtype: float """ ROT = tan(radians(bankAngle)) * const.g / TAS return degrees(ROT)
[docs] @staticmethod def turnRadius(v, nz=1.0): """ Computes the turn radius based on true airspeed (TAS) and load factor. :param v: True airspeed (TAS) in meters per second (m/s). :param nz: Load factor (default is 1.0), dimensionless. :type v: float :type nz: float :returns: Turn radius in meters. :rtype: float """ return (v * v / const.g) * (1 / sqrt(nz * nz - 1))
[docs] @staticmethod def turnRadius_bankAngle(v, ba): """ Computes the turn radius based on true airspeed (TAS) and bank angle. :param v: True airspeed (TAS) in meters per second (m/s). :param ba: Bank angle in degrees. :type v: float :type ba: float :returns: Turn radius in meters. :rtype: float """ return (v * v / const.g) * (1 / tan(conv.deg2rad(ba)))
[docs] @staticmethod def GS(tas, gamma, Ws): """ Computes the ground speed based on true airspeed (TAS), flight path angle, and wind speed. :param tas: True airspeed (TAS) in meters per second (m/s). :param gamma: Flight path angle in degrees. :param Ws: Longitudinal wind speed in meters per second (m/s). :type tas: float :type gamma: float :type Ws: float :returns: Ground speed in meters per second (m/s). :rtype: float """ return tas * cos(radians(gamma)) + Ws
[docs] class BadaFamily(object): """This class sets the token for the respected BADA Family.""" def __init__(self, BADA3=False, BADA4=False, BADAH=False, BADAE=False): self.BADA3 = BADA3 self.BADA4 = BADA4 self.BADAH = BADAH self.BADAE = BADAE
[docs] class Airplane(object): """This is a generic airplane class based on a three-degrees-of-freedom point mass model (where all the forces are applied at the center of gravity). .. note::this generic class only implements basic aircraft dynamics calculations, aircraft performance and optimisation can be obtained from its inherited classes """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def esf(**kwargs): """ Computes the energy share factor based on flight conditions. :param h: Altitude in meters. :param DeltaTemp: Temperature deviation with respect to ISA in Kelvin. :param flightEvolution: Type of flight evolution [constM/constCAS/acc/dec]. :param phase: Phase of flight [cl/des]. :param v: Constant speed (Mach number). :type h: float :type DeltaTemp: float :type flightEvolution: str :type phase: str :type v: float :returns: Energy share factor (dimensionless). :rtype: float """ flightEvolution = checkArgument("flightEvolution", **kwargs) if flightEvolution == "acc" or flightEvolution == "dec": phase = checkArgument("phase", **kwargs) # acceleration in climb or deceleration in descent if (flightEvolution == "acc" and phase == "cl") or ( flightEvolution == "dec" and phase == "des" ): ESF = 0.3 # deceleration in climb or acceleration in descent elif (flightEvolution == "dec" and phase == "cl") or ( flightEvolution == "acc" and phase == "des" ): ESF = 1.7 else: ESF = float("Nan") else: h = checkArgument("h", **kwargs) # constant M above tropopause if flightEvolution == "constM" and h > const.h_11: ESF = 1 # constant M below or at tropopause elif flightEvolution == "constM" and h <= const.h_11: M = checkArgument("M", **kwargs) DeltaTemp = checkArgument("DeltaTemp", **kwargs) temp = atm.theta(h, DeltaTemp) * const.temp_0 ESF = 1 / ( 1 + ( const.Agamma * const.R * (-const.temp_h) * M * M / (2 * const.g) ) * ((temp - DeltaTemp) / temp) ) # constant CAS below or at tropopause elif flightEvolution == "constCAS" and h <= const.h_11: M = checkArgument("M", **kwargs) DeltaTemp = checkArgument("DeltaTemp", **kwargs) temp = atm.theta(h, DeltaTemp) * const.temp_0 A = ( const.Agamma * const.R * (-const.temp_h) * M * M / (2 * const.g) ) * ((temp - DeltaTemp) / temp) B = pow( 1 + (const.Agamma - 1) * M * M / 2, -1 / (const.Agamma - 1) ) C = pow(1 + (const.Agamma - 1) * M * M / 2, 1 / const.Amu) - 1 ESF = 1 / (1 + A + B * C) # constant CAS above tropopause elif flightEvolution == "constCAS" and h > const.h_11: M = checkArgument("M", **kwargs) ESF = 1 / ( 1 + ( pow( 1 + (const.Agamma - 1) * M * M / 2, -1 / (const.Agamma - 1), ) ) * ( pow(1 + (const.Agamma - 1) * M * M / 2, 1 / const.Amu) - 1 ) ) # contant TAS elif flightEvolution == "constTAS": ESF = 1 else: ESF = float("Nan") return ESF
[docs] class Helicopter(object): """This is a generic helicopter class based on a Total-Energy Model (TEM) .. note::this generic class only implements basic aircraft dynamics calculations, aircraft performance and optimisation can be obtained from its inherited classes """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def esf(**kwargs): """ Computes the energy share factor based on flight conditions. :param h: Altitude in meters. :param DeltaTemp: Temperature deviation with respect to ISA in Kelvin. :param flightEvolution: Type of flight evolution [constTAS/constCAS/acc/dec]. :param phase: Phase of flight [Climb/Descent]. :param v: Constant speed (Mach number). :type h: float :type DeltaTemp: float :type flightEvolution: str :type phase: str :type v: float :returns: Energy share factor (dimensionless). :rtype: float """ flightEvolution = checkArgument("flightEvolution", **kwargs) if flightEvolution == "acc" or flightEvolution == "dec": phase = checkArgument("phase", **kwargs) # acceleration in climb or deceleration in descent if (flightEvolution == "acc" and phase == "Climb") or ( flightEvolution == "dec" and phase == "Descent" ): ESF = 0.3 # deceleration in climb or acceleration in descent elif (flightEvolution == "dec" and phase == "Climb") or ( flightEvolution == "acc" and phase == "Descent" ): ESF = 1.7 else: ESF = float("Nan") else: # contant CAS if flightEvolution == "constCAS": h = checkArgument("h", **kwargs) M = checkArgument("M", **kwargs) DeltaTemp = checkArgument("DeltaTemp", **kwargs) theta = atm.theta(h, DeltaTemp) temp = theta * const.temp_0 A = ( const.Agamma * const.R * (-const.temp_h) * M * M / (2 * const.g) ) * ((temp - DeltaTemp) / temp) B = pow( 1 + (const.Agamma - 1) * M * M / 2, -1 / (const.Agamma - 1) ) C = pow(1 + (const.Agamma - 1) * M * M / 2, 1 / const.Amu) - 1 ESF = 1 / (1 + A + B * C) # contant TAS elif flightEvolution == "constTAS": ESF = 1 else: ESF = float("Nan") return ESF